Thursday, August 3, 2006

Warning : Free Stuff Offers!!!


I just wanna share and warn you abt free stuff offers from internet.

I am attempted to sign up some free stuff from Mary, our bartender.She signed up for free magazine ( Life & Style,People ect ) and she's never been charged.She's got free magazines for years.

Of course,when I heard that,I'd like to have free stuff too,who don't want ?

So, I joint one website and check the offers.I have signed up some stuff for free like Old Spice,Shania Twains  parfume ( Actually I have one bottle from Mirna before),Hollywood magazine ect.

Yesterday,I was online from office. I got one link offers the free celebrity magazine.I was so excited.I read some comments from the users.I thought I was aware,cos the other users told us that it took lots of surveys till you are approved to have free magazine for 1 year.

Well,I signed up. I put my names,my add and my phone no.The next step was asking abt my job and education background. I got confused.The link changed into Colorado University.

I filled the forms and then another page showed up,giving me options to get more free magazines.I skipped it and closed the page.I thought it would be taking long time and it's complicated.

At the same time,I was chatting with my new friend,Dharmawan ( he is here with his wife and sick daughter for a couple months ).As I was chatting,the internet connection was cut,and the phone rang.

Me : " hello ?"

There : " Yes, Can I speak with Mei - Mei,pls ?"

Me : " This is she.Who is this ?"

There :" Yes,this is from Colorado Univ.I'd like to get some information abt you."

Me : " ( got confused ).Yes."

There :" May I know  what's your education,pls?"

Me : " Bla bla bla "

There :",you are graduated from other country then."

Me : " Yes "

There : " Well, I will transfer you to Intl department,they'll get some information from you."

Me : " Hang on.This is getting complicated.I just would like to get free magazine.Why suddenly I am asked abt my background ect?"

There : "You'll have them,Maam.But we need your  information before you have them."


There : " I'll transfer you to the intl dept."

Me : " Ok "

I hung the phone!!!

I continued chatting with my friend. 

Around 4 pm,when I was taking a nap in the back bar,the phone rang. I thought from customers or dealers.

There :" With Mei - Mei,pls ?"

Me : " She's not here.She's gone."

There : " May I know when she'll be back ? "

Me : " Dunno.Btw, who is this ?"

There : " This is from Colorado Univ."

Me : " Ok then."

There : " Thank you."


Mom picked me home around  6pm. I was overslept in the couch.Then around 7pm,Ronnie and I went back to the bar. I told Ronnie I signed up to get free magazine and they called me. Ronnie was mad. He was mind I gave the add and the phone no. He said," baby, what they wanna do is to get your  add and phone no.You'll never give those to them.They will keep offering and calling you,hun.Pls don't do that."

Duhhhhhh I am so naive. I thought it's safe. Ronnie didn't know that I have signed up many stuff!!!! I even wrote down the bar and home addresses.  The phone rang again around  8pm. I didn't want to answer that.Ronnie teased me," Come on,hun.Answer the phone,it maybe for you."

I thought I'd to surprise Ronnie by having free stuff in front of our door,but I am wrong.

Give up!!!! No more,before the situation is getting worse.

I just would like to remind you all not to be excited  for stuff called " Free Stuff ", unless you really know abt the deals and instructions.

Hopefully next time there's none be like me.


  1. hihihi elo tuh Mei... :-) Iya gw pernah brapa kali dapet imel free stuff gitu, pas mo nngeredeem busyeeet banyaaak banget mesti ngisi form dari sponsor BT deh hehehe sejak itu gak pernah lagi...
    Tapi gw kok gak pernah ditelpon ya? apa karna gw ngasih telponnya asal2an kale ye..? kikikik

  2. yah ampun Mei.. emang harus hati2 sama yg beginian. untung aja dari University...
    tapi lucu juga ceritamu.. hehe....

  3. Habis gimana donk, excited banget dpt majalah gratisan.Isinya gossip celeb lage.Hehehhehehe.

    Daku kan orgnya jujur,bow.Diisi selengkap2nya.Tapi tgl lahir aja yg diubah,takut ntar kena track plus last namenya juga diganti.

  4. Double hati2 dah lain kali.Mending beli majalahnya aja.Cepat,ringkas gak neko2 pake acara isi form segala.Mending sign up setahun berlangganan, kena 54 bucks doank.*Menghibur diri sendiri*

  5. wahhhh.....serrem juga...

    thnx for sharing, say!

  6. i know out..karena mereka steal your identity for some reason..
    take care yah..

  7. Iya say... gue percaya nothing for free here... gue pernah beli bola & DVD core secret eh malah di tawarin majalah...

  8. nah itu dia Mei, kadang laki gw suka wanti wanti jangan kasih nomer telp, add sama nama kita, otherwise, mereka pasti ngejar2 kita terus deh..
    soalnya gw juga kepengen tuh kadang dapet gitu2, cuman ya takut kena resikonya...

  9. iya,da.Anehnya,kalo dulu di Indo,semangat banget buat isi formnya.Gak taunya nyampe sini,gudang thieves semua.

  10. kapok dahhhhhhhhhhhhh.Tapi hari ini mrk gak ada telp tuh. hehehehehe.

  11. masa sih say?? ada juga ya yg kyk gt di sana? walaahh....kirain di indo aja disini jg kdg ada sih yg begituan, gw males isi2nya krn tulisan dewa smua hahhaaa...puyeng boo

  12. Iya,banyak yg kyk gitu di sini,da.Btw pagi ini dpt paket dari Walmart,free sample Tide Simple Pleasures Laundry Detergent,Lavender n vanila scent.Lumayan,dpt gratis.^___^.
