Sunday, January 21, 2007

Jan 21th- THICK SNOW ( Lovely Moments )

Wow!!!!!!!!!!! It's snowy!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that. This morning when we're ready to take a shower,I was really surprise seeing everything was white. It's the snow!!!!!

Ronnie said," Oh yes, it's snowing this morning." Wuihh...

We took a shower. Ronnie brought me sandwich bfast and drink..I turned on the cd player.We enjoyed the tub and listening to music. ha ha ha ha. We're relaxing almost 3 hours.

Ronnie got ready to pick up Tony at Delhi.He stayed overnite at Alex's house.

Mom was shovelling the snow.It's reallyyyyyyyyyyyy cold. Ronnie got ready to leave.He threw me a snow ball.'s coldddddddddddd. Ha ha ha ha.

Thank God I didn't stay over nite at Marce's house last nite.It's snowy,people don't wanna go out if isn't necessary.

I had nice lunch, the spicy- sweetened pork and rice. Yummyyyyyyyyy


  1. nice picturess!!
    stay warm & have a nice day!!

  2. We had a mild winter here, snownya belon setebal itu Mei, so far baru 2x snow itupun tipis2 banget hehehe

  3. wekksss sedih gw ga bisa foto2x di snow...kamera gw rusak hiks hiks

  4. Dingin sekali,Dwi. Malah Ronnie main lempar2 snow segala. ha ha ha

  5. Menggigil kalo salju udh turun.Semalam di bar lagi pasang sign,malah berdua main lempar2an salju,tangan sampe gemetaran serasa kena setrum listrik. ha ha ha ha.Have a blessed day, Yul!!! GBU!!

  6. Hari ini blm liat lagi saljunya setebal mana.Semalam kerja,rada2 lambat nyetirnya,takuttttttt. Banyak sekolah yg didelay jam masuknya.Baca berita,malah ada polisi nabrak org sampe mati.. aduhhhhhhhh.

  7. Ronnie tuh,tepat sekali kena di bagian leher.Mei2 gantian balas wkt dia pasang sign,kena bbrp kali. ha ha ha .Untung kamera gak apa2.

  8. Sini ko,ntar dipinjamin kameranya. he he he.Apa kabar, bu ?

  9. Ini bbrp hari malah turun lagi, lumayan lebat.

  10. gak peduli salju ah kalo makan ini hehe

  11. Endang,kyk barusan tadi masak kerang lagi,makan panas2 pake kerupuk. he he he.
