Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Love You...But.........................^______^

Yesterday we went to Sam's Club.Ronnie applied the member card for me.As I got my card,we walked around. We passed the jewelry section.

I said to Ronnie,"Ughhhh baby!!! baby!!!!!!! Look at these.Buy me one,pls."
Ronnie said,",look at the prices."

I said," Well..I see that."
He said," I love you,baby...But,my wallet don't love you."


Once he said that,I laughed out loudly.Oh my goshhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I punched his back and he laughed.Bikin maluuuuuuuuuuu.

He walked and kept teasing me. I said," Well,what would you do then?"

He said," Nothing." Hi hi hi.

Sial deh!!!!!!!!!

I bought a nice shirt.I paid  Ronnie back some money for the shirt.I said,'Should I pay it to you,babe?"
He said,'You just did."

Ahhhhh..tau gitu gak usah dibayar balik.




  1. bahhhhhh.Dikadalin sama laki,wi. Gak dibeliin perhiasan. hiks..hiks..hiks... ha ha ha.

  2. wakakakakaka.... luthu banget ceritana.... :hehehe

  3. Duhhhh tertawa di atas penderitaan orang lain lu ya,Cov.

  4. Duh..diketawain. he he he. Br plg dari rumkit,periksa kaki.Ntar Mei2 turun lagi.

  5. Mei Keluarin ilmu rayuan dong ♥

  6. mei, gimana kakinya udah mendingan?
    kalian berdua tuh lucu dah, terutama ronnie waktu bilang I love you,baby...But,my wallet don't love you."

  7. Msh sakit juga.Udh ke dokter tadi.Mo periksa lagi ke tmpt lain.

  8. Cepat sembuh Yee kakinya ,ntar kalo udah baik , hati hati kalo naik tangga yaa

  9. mei, kan biasanya ke family dokter trus dianjurin ke spesialis.
