Sunday, September 25, 2005

Ronnie & The Noddles....Hard to Make a Deal

What I've said before??? Fall is coming!!!!!! Doofus .It's really chilly.Goshh.....I've been wearing double jackets,gloves and shoes around the house.The AC is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adohhh makkkkkkkkk............  Too Cold 

We stayed up late last nite...Me and Ronnie were  Falling Asleep in the  Church .He was nodding off.When the preacher said something and asked a respond ,an agreement, at the same time he nodded his head!!!!!!!!!!! ROTFL .He opened his eyes and Smile .Goshh...I couldn't stop laughing Laughing 1 .

I gave some  Tomato to Louis,my friend in church.She said she would make  Salad Next week,I'm gonna bring some more and give to church.Sonja said they would give some to people who need,and even she wants,too.

We didn't have lunch outside,as usual we do.I offer Ronnie to have Bihun Kuah ( Rice Vermicelli Soup ) for lunch.He said ok. I waited till Mom finished cleaning the kitchen Vacuuming .Within 30 mnts, the lunch is ready.I called Ronnie downstairs and we had lunch with Mom.

Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!! Ronnie was ticklished when he saw the noddles. Roll .He closed his eyes and laughed. He said," Oh baby....what is this ??". Cross Eyed .I told him,that's the noddles he saw in MP before.He said," Oh ok". I know he has a hard time to eat something's strange.The texture he saw was funny. He  Laughing 2 .... Me?.... Ummm .He had a bad experience before.A couple months ago,I bought some noddles like this. I bought the wrong noddles.It's so thick and sticky,transparant colour.He said," Aw...this is like womb!!!!!! White womb!!!!!!!!!! ". He ate a lil,and then stopped eating. I was disappointed with the noddles,too ( maklum,baru di sini,jadi rada2 bego wkt itu). Hehhehehehhe

Now,I know how to choose the right noddles.I convinced him that that one was the right one.It's really hard for him to buy my story Thumbs Down .

I put some pork and half boiled  Eggs 2 .He's surprised and asked,"What is this,babe? "   Duh thought he liked it ( terkaget2 dia malah !).I said," skip it if you don't like it." I saw him eating a lil with funny face. Doofus . I looked at him,and he said," I love you,baby.". yeah...yeah...yeah... I know..... Laughing 2 

Mom,she impressed me!!!!!!!! She liked it!!!!!!!!!! She put fried onion on top of the noddles ( for us,   I added some shrimps ). Wahhh wahhhh wahhhhh Thumbs Up .(Lama2,bawang goreng   aye abis juga neh...) ROTFL .I picked some Chili Pepper from the garden and cut into small and mixed with salt soy sauce.  Yummy .

  Ronnie had some toasts and used the juice as the dipping. Oh problem,babe....

  I ate his noddles and Mom had another portion!!!!Spaz.Ronnie himself doesn't know how   to eat good food.....Laughing 1(gak tau enak nih Ronnie ).

    I was really Sleepyand went to bed to take some napPillow.I just woke up abt 8.30 pm. Mom took a nap,too.It rained this evening. Ronnie just told me none had dinner yet.We're still full.Ronnie asked me what I wanted to eat for dinner.. Hm... I think I'll eat   the rest of the noddles.Brows.

He wrote me a lil note this evening ....I Love You.I replied back.   We sat next to one each other,and he put the note on my desk. In Love.I replied him back....Love Letter ( duh.... kyk long distance aja nehhhh ).Throwing Hearts...Sooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!



  1. hihihi Wait until winter is really here!!! .....

  2. hihihi amen-nya pasti sambil ngangguk merem2 gitu ya Mei, kesannya lagi menikmati banget firman Tuhan-nya ;-))

  3. I don't like Fall n Winter... Dingin sekaleee soalnya............Ini aja udh menggigil!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. senyam senyum jadinya. Ketawa2 kecil,habis kita duduk rada di dpn sih.Pasti org lain pada tau. Hahhahahhaha...Lucunya,satu kali Ronnie tiba2 kaget gitu,krn ngantuk berat,gak sadar kepalanya udh tunduk ke bwh,sampe megang tangan Mei2 kuat2!!!!

  5. Mei itu ACnya dimatiin dong ganti sama heater kalau perlu...
    romantis nih ye..saling tulis ILU hehehe...

  6. winter keren deh Mei, gw paling suka apalagi kalo bersalju serasa di negri dongeng...kalo bersalju malah gak begitu dingin dibanding beautiful clear sunny day on the winter, brrrrrrrrr malah itu yg dingin banget!

  7. Tadi udh dinaikin si Mom suhunya...Aduh di sini mah mrk malah kepanasan!!!!!!!!! Aneh......... Basement kan emang dingin sekali, jadi double deh dinginnya.
    Hehehhehehe.. sudah biasa itu,say... pake tulisan2 ILU segala. Mo tidur or pergi aja kadang nulis2 begitu.Dimasukin ke game boynya, ntar dia mo main game, kebaca.suit...suit.....


    yuh, Clod...1st winter thn lalu.... Serasa kyk main telenovela korea, Winter Sonata...

  9. lu tu yeh udah tau gak tahan dingin msh pake AC.

  10. thnks,Le.....

    Btw, mana neh tomatnya ? Hahhahahhaa

  11. aduh say... gak mungkin donk kita matiin AC,sementaraorg rumah kepanasan. Kita ngalah donk... hehehhehehehe

  12. Untung nggak pake ngigo..! Bisa lebih kenceng suaranya daripada Bpk. pendeta....hihihiii

  13. dia ketawa ( malu juga sih ). Pas banget wkt diblg,"Amen?" Dia "ngangguk"...

  14. Ssst... berdasarkan perjanjian kan manggilnya Leo... bukan le... *tolong diinget yach* Kalo lupa hukumannya dirotan nih ---> musti kejam!! *terpaksa* biar disiplin.

    Itu mei, udah gw ganti headshootnya , tomat fresh lsg moto di pasar.. (kayaknya kalah menarik ama tomato nya dari kebun si mei-mei nih..- apa boleh baut, adanya itu doang)

  15. sudah berkunjung ke sana tadi, Leo.. Aduhhh gemes banget ngeliat foto modelnya,"Ms.Tomatoes". Demi diriku,dikau bersusah payah ke pasar utk foto doank.Hahahhaha... Tengkiu ya,Leooooooooo...auo.........

  16. di atas 21.9 C. Kalo di basement,bisa lbh rendah lagi. Ini masih dingin juga nih....

  17. Tak apalah, demi menunjukan ketulusan hatiku bahwa daku tidak tega dikau ileran melihat mango, pulang" dijewer ama misua - bukannya dibeli tomatnya, malah difoto doank.
    U're welcome mei.... ada tarzan lewat nih!

  18. . Jadi ke pasar cuma mo foto doank? Gak heranlah dijewer sama lau kong.. Hahahhahahhaa

    Macam mana nak makan mango?Org2 kat sini jarang dah makan mango... Nanti sakit perut pula org kat rumah..Kita pening kepala...Sebab suatu kali kita makan duren,dia org sampe nak muntah2!!!!! ( logat Malay )

  19. Eh, Leo...( udah bener neh manggilnya ? takut dirotan.) Gua juga barusan ke MP kamu. Itu tomat bulet2 cantik..bisa dijodohin ame tomatnya si MeiMei...bwahaha..Tomat MeiMei kan ganteng2. Jadi cocok ! Hiuhihiiii..Ponakan lo si Clayton luccuuuuuu...!

    ** MeiMei , numpang nimbrung neh ya daku..

  20. weleh, ibu Lurah mampir lagi.. Heran,baca postingan BuLur,"ponakan lo si Clayton...."..Perasaan gak punya ponakan nama Clayton..

    ternyata utk Leo.....

    Btw, udh di DL blm, Mei??

  21. Udah, Bu Cam. Tengkiyu banyak banget yaaa..

  22. yupeee..... ai khun... cap ji tiam liau....zai zian......!!!!! GBU

  23. Khi khun liau laaah..Huat bang pelem Bombay...

  24. Epi, MeiMei nggak survive kalo disuruh tinggal di Canada...! Dengeeeen...!!hueheheheee...

  25. hehehehe iya iya. pas 2 hr yg lalu sempet 1 derajat. hasilnya gw pake jaket double, pake kupluk, pake kaos kaki double pake boots hahahaha sumprit diungin makkkk

  26. Duuh...gimana kalo winter ? Pada pake carrot nose dong...jadi snowman semoaaa..!

  27. Gak lah.. ada beli sayuran jg .. (kalo gak, bisa" mukanya laokong gw jadi bengis total )

    Wah... ternyata awak pandai cakap melayu juga!! *terperonjak saat aku baca itu kalimat"*
    Aku juga banyak suka makan duren.

  28. Udah bener (yg penting jgn le or leono --> banyak milih nih gwnya hehehe *nyengir*)
    Bener jg nih, lsg dikawinin aja tomat nya, biar anaknya tomat blasteran, species baru -- Meleo tomato.
    Thank you yah udah mampir ke kedai gw... Jadi kangen jg ama si ponakan...

  29. gantian donk di sini hawana panas bener..huh bete heehe

  30. apaan film Bombay?Emang bu Lurah demen nonton juga?

  31. Bahh... berchatting ria rupanya kalian di sini... Hahahhahahhaa.. Wahhh ,say.. kalo sempat - 1 C kyk winter dulu..ampun dah..

  32. Terakhir nonton pelem Bombay waktu masih cilek banget,...kali kelas lima SD. Waktu itu di kampung gua ada misbar theater ( asli gerimis bubar punya)...judulnya "Sathi Mere Sathi "ape gitu, nggak gitu inget. Yg pasti gua inget penonton pada nangis, ikut sedih. Soundtracknya sempet ngetop waktu itu...selalu diputerin di warung2 kopi...hehehee...serius! Inget kampung nih jadinya.

  33. pake boots-nya dobel juga ya vie... kikik :-)

  34. hehehehe gimana cara pake boots double?

  35. wahh blm tau ya, Mak... Winter kmrn kita sampe dibalut selimut double + electric blanket,,,pake gloves n hat kalo tidur...

  36. ha? takkan lah awak tau tau kita dari Medan.. Org medan pun cakap Malay,tau....Kita dahulu pun kerja kat org Malay...2 thn lebih dah...Itu pasal lah kita org cakap Malay lancar.....

  37. duhhh ada fansnya kita nehh di sini..sampe mo ngawinin tomatnya.. Kalo yg lain mo jodohin anak2nya, malah Leo mo jodohin tomatnya

  38. panasnya brp C, Mir??Ganti musim aja deh... hehehhehe..Gak kuat nihh

  39. wahhh itu film lama kan ya???

    Kyknya pernah nonton juga. Turun ujan,bubar semua penonton..

  40. elu tuh ye gw nanya malah balik nanya? heheheh udah beres lon blajar nyetirnya?

  41. sama2 nanya donk,biar cpt dibalas sama Bu ErTe...hahahhahah..

    Belajar nyetirnya OK!!!!!!!! Rada2 kagok juga tadi.. Hahhahahhaa...

  42. huahahahaha tapi nyetir sebelah kanan kyk di indo bs khan?

  43. gak,bow.. Blm pernah nyetir kita sblmnya. Untung tadi ini anteng2 aja,walau rada repot putar setirnya sana sini..Hahahhahah

  44. hua hahahah kejadian kayak gw pertama kali disini pas nyebrang jalan gw sempet ngeliat ke arah yg salah. dan pas mau dianterin balik gw duduk di depan mobil gw ampir lupa duduk di bagian setir. dsr kalo di indo bagian setir khan bagian tempat duduk penumpang.

  45. Kalo pegi mandi itu electric blanket kudu dilepas bow!...Ntar kesetrum kalo nggak !!! Hueheheee...

  46. wahhh ini mirip2 Mei2 nih.Wkt mula2 nyampe,Ronnie jemput di airport.Kita enak jalan ke pintu mobil sblh kiri.Katanya,"babe... mo nyetir ya?" Ha?? baru deh ngeh kalo setirnya di kiri.Hahhahaha

  47. ohh itu harus, Mak.. Kan diletakin di bawah seprei...

    Kalo kita mah, gak summer,fall n winter, yg namanya mandi jalan terus!!!!!! Berendam sampe 1 jam..hahahhaha.Keluar2 dari tub,sutralah..jadi patung es....

  48. gak tau deh brp derajat..gak pake temperatur hehehe,...

  49. diukur.. biar tau.. Ternyata kita udh masuk Fall bbrp hari lalu..Pantesannnnnnnnnnn dinginnya sudah terasa sekali

  50. hehehehe telat ya Bu taunya. heheheh disini tetep aja dingin. summernya aja dingin kadang (bagi kita org indo)

  51. Betul!!!!!!!!!!!. Itu juga taunya wkt si Instructor blg...wehhhhhhhhhhhh....
    Kalo Summer ya kadang dingin juga...Pertama kali nyampe dulu masih Summer... Masih juga bbrrrrrrrrrr............
