Wednesday, January 19, 2011

God Is Good

Yes, God is good!

I just called a billing dept for Ronnie's medical expense today.The lady, Pam, said, if I would like to pay full amount, she would give me 20% off from the FULL FEE. I said," Yes."

So, as I paid, we got good amount of discount. God is so good!!!!!

Another " amazing work " He has done to us.


  1. Itu bbrp thn lalu, periksa kolestrol, ended up "nginap" di RS. Pas Mei2 plg krj,cari2 laptop, gak ada. Gak taunya kata si Mom, Ronnie plg ke rmh, ambil pakaian, bawa laptop ke RS.hahahahha.Dasar tuh laki.
