Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wintry Blast..Still :(

This noon I went to the bar,the snow is still bad. I drove and opened up the window,took some pics. Ha ha ha. Look, one pic was taken when I was in the middle of the 2 lanes. :P

I was done at 1pm when an agent called me. I had to go back to the bar ( from Walgreens ). Geee... the snow fell down.It's getting thicker and thicker. Goshhhhhhhh.. I hate it!!!

I stopped by at the bar for less than 5 mnts and drove back to Walgreens,took some money and paid my fine at the library. Borrowing some dvds and went home.

Still icy... :(


  1. brrrr dingin mei...paling enak dirumah aja sambil nonton tv dan minum hot choco

  2. foto-fotonya amazing...freezing rain cool.

  3. Pake kamera baru,hasilnya jauh lbh bagus.Sayang,sizenya gede abis, melebihi ukuran layar computer.

  4. Taking picture nya mantaaaaaab kak..seeeep...gambar 0537 agak miring ... :D:D..
    ....buseed dah dingin amad disana yak.. sampe kerasa disini...*plus lagi ngidupin AC...hihiheiheihi*

  5. Hallo Mei, salam kenal dari aku yah. Di tempat kami, musim salju sampe detik ini cuma sehari turun saljunya. Tapi sorenya udah hilang,cepat mencair dan jalanan menjadi becek basah. Met menikmati salju yah hehheeee dinginnn brrrrr

  6. ice storm don't like it, bisa bisa electricity off , no electricity no heater, gelap and dingin, been there on 2004 no more ahhhh

  7. Telat balasnya di sini.Udh PM2an malah ya. he he he. Di sini udh mulai mencair tuh es yg di atap2.Makin runcing2 n banyak.

  8. Nobody likes it.Sampe skrg ini kabel di dpn bar blm ada yg angkat.Bbrp daerah kmrn mati lampu malah.
