Thursday, February 8, 2007

Feb 6th - The Thickest Snow Ever!!!

Duhhhhhhhhh.. Tuesday morning the snow fell like crazy. I woke up at noon, made some beverages orders and was ready for Wednesday for the delivery.Mom said," Mei, snow is really thick out there. I don't think you wanna go to work tomorrow."

Ha ??? Snow ??? I went to the kitchen and peeped from the window. Alamak!!!!! It's crazy!!!!!! It's just like a thick rain.

I called the agents and moved the delivery on Thursday.

Goodness... all the street were covered by snow.The news said thickness gonna be around 6-7 inches. Wuih!!!!!!!

Tuesday nite,we went to the bar. Ronnie shovelled the snow around the parking lot.We didn't expect many people would come.Alecia,the karaoke lady called off.

The phone rang.It's the tuesday customer, they wanted to come to the bar. Good!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally one by one showed up.They played some cds and sang on the stage. Thank God we had around 12 people at that nite ( they still wanted to come eventhough the snow was really bad out there ).


  1. wiihh syerem saljunya banyak ya ciii

  2. Bsknya,skul2 pada tutup, banyak org yg gak kerja.Lah,ini malah Ronnie kerja. He he he

  3. Ha?? Yg bener,Mbak Es?? Ini malah kita pengen kena matahari.Udh gak sabaran nunggu Summer. Tadi nyetir hati2 sekali,takut tergelincir.

  4. Luar biasa dalamnya.Plg kerja semalam , mo naik ke driveway,gak bisa. Sampe bbrp kali mundur dulu.Liciiiinnnnnnn

  5. Wahhhh daleman di Cinci ya Mei snownya..di Columbus cuma 3.5 inch aja..tapi ya karena turun snownya dari jam 3 sore nonstop ampe malem..yg ada laki gw sampe rumah dari kantor 2 jam bo! Maceeetttt..banyak mobil mogok dijalan

  6. wah jatoh .... cakit pantatnya ia hehehe..

  7. lagi bersih2 apa mo gaya lo mpok ;))

  8. wawww saljunya banyak banget.kirim dong ke sini. di tempatku besok pasti dech udah bersih tdk ada salju lagi.

  9. Yey,,,,di NY juga akhirnya bersalju juga lho Mei...setelah ditunggu tunggu...cuaca semakin aneh ...

  10. Sktr 7 inches tuh kata org2.Yg pasti Rabu jalanan sepi, kita gak keluar siang.Takuttttttttttt.Selasa malam wkt lagi kenceng2nya salju,Ronnie sampe susah banget nyetir.Kita ketakutan.Ha ha ha.

  11. Still,walau benci salju,tapi msh ttp aja suka golek2 di salju.Ha ha ha. Udah itu,nendang2 salju n tulis " I hate snow". Gokil ya. ^___^

  12. Di sana udh mulai bersih ya ? Duh,Fero... pindah ke sini aja kalo nggak. ^__^.Gantian Mei2 pindah ke Eropa.

  13. Kmrn nonton berita,NY malah parah banget saljunya.Mencapai 7 feet itu di mana ya ?
