Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday Oct 22nd : The Ries' Wonderful Bdays Party!!!!!!

The Ries’ Birthdays Party

Wonderful!!! Fantastic!!!! What a blessing!!!

We celebrated our family bdays party yesterday on Sunday.Steve and Pam came with an idea 2 weeks ago abt throwing the birthdays party all together this year.

Oct is the most bdays we have in the family.Big Ron ( my belated father in law ), Matt ( the eldest bro in law ) and his daughter,Danae,Ronnie and I ( we have the same date bday!!! ), Tony ( Steve’s son ), Christie and Shawn ( Steve’s stepdaughter and stepgrandson ) plus Joyce on Nov ( we combined it,cos it’s closer date ).

It’s amazing!!! I invited my friends from other States.^___^

Lilie called me from North Carolina and said they’d come ( they came 1 day earlier to make it work ).Thank you so much!!!! Lilie brought me some cookies and dessert.

Rini from Union,KY, brought Cabbage Roll with chopped meat . Yummy!!!! Untung dpt 1 suap, soalnya laris manissssssssss. She and David brought their newborn baby, Arjuna!!! So cuteeeeeee

Nia,Dennis,Asia and Ashley from Batavia. Nia brought her pride noddles, Mie Goreng 2 pans. Mantap!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cindy & Mike from Beechmont brought fruits.

Sybelle and her daughters came ( They’re Pinoy ).

Dece cs came later. Eda Genta and her kids,Cie Lusy,and new friends Ian, West Chester and Atik from Emilia,OH. Ian brought 4 bags of chips.Dece brought Ohio State cake,Eda Genta brought Fruit Cake. Thank youuuuuuuuuu

I myself cooked Rendang,Sambal Goreng Ati,Gado2,Kerupuk Udang,Cap Chai. I marinated Sate Sapi and Ayam,but didn’t have much time to grill them. Plus the filling of Egg Spring Roll ( couldn’t fry them ). Maybe next time.

Mom herself cooked Homemade Chicken Wings,Pasta Salad,Bday Cakes ( 2 cakes, I helped her decorate them ).

Pam brought other food ( Pizza ect ) and 2 Bday Cakes.

Joyce brought some snacks, Devilled Eggs,Salami ect.

Guess what??? We had more than enough for the guests yesterday.

Steve was bartending at the back bar.The rest playing pool and watching Football.

Dave and Joyce were bartending at the front bar.

Dave Clemons played Accoustic Music to entertain the guests.

We have plenty Bday Cakes. Pam brought all the cakes to the stage and had us all cut them. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!

Mom provided some Ice Cream ( Chocolate and Neopolitan )


This is what we’re waiting for. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Christie got some presents, Tony and Shawn,too.

It’s time for us ( Me & Ronnie )…..

Wow… I have plenty of gifts.I am so speechless.
Sybelle,Dece,Lilie,Eda Genda,Rini,Cie Lusi,Cindy & Mike,Nia & Dennis gave us presents.
You’ll see later what we have.They’re wonderful!!!!
Ronnie got something special from them,too. He’s so very happy. Thank you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning ( Monday ), I saw there’s a package for me.It’s from Chikorina.She sent us a present from Colombus.

Goodness!!! I was quite for a while.She gave Ronnie a watch and a beautiful necklace for me. Wahhh… God bless your heart!!!!
Ronnie was so excited he said,"Goodness...why did they spend so much money to buy these presents ?" I said, " Cos they love us." ^___^.

Ronnie thanks everyone!!!

Thank you for other friends who had sent us the bday greeting via emails and phones ( The Lims from Indonesia : Dhar,sorry banget,kmrn ngantuk berat,gak sempat jawab telp,but we did get the greetings.Thanks a lot !!! , Nurul,Chiko,Jenny,Engel,Missy,Ria,Melly,Lisa,my bro Joe,ect. May God bless you!!!

Thank you for Steve and Pam who had made the Wonderful Bdays Party for the family.We are so proud of you!!! God Bless You

Thank you for Mom who had been working hard to make this work,too ( we shopped all day long and cooked for these ).Mom’s really tired cooking all day long.

Thank you for all of our family and friends who had attended the party.Thank you from the deepest of our heart. You brightened our day!!!

Thank you for friends who had come from a far ( Lilie – NC, Rini – KY, Atik – Emilia, Nia & Cindy from Batavia ).


Dece ditodong suruh beli chips,malah suruh anak buahnya,Ian.ha ha ha ha.

Lilie, she thought the marinated Beef Kebab was cooked.Thank God I stopped her from eating the raw one.Mom sih, dia sajikan di meja,mentah2 begitu.Ha ha ha. Sorry,Lie.

Beef Kebab couldn’t be grilled yesterday.I asked my friends to put them in skewers,but seemed they’re full already. Ha ha ha ha. Gak rejeki donkkkkk.

Dennis gave me Tissue Rose. Nia said,”When we’re dating, he always gave me this one.But now,he stopped doing that.” I said,”Gimme me the money interest.” Nia said,”I’ve got it already.” Ha ha ha ha.

Duhh…. Seem I haven’t said enough to say THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU … We’re so blessed!!!! You really made our days!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you soooooo much. May God bless youuuuuuuuuuuu.

Note : Pls save one day next month. Gonna have another party !!!

See yaaaaaaaaa

Let’s see all the pics.
Thnks to Rini who had sent me some pics.

Selamat Ulang Tahun!
Happy Birthday!
qu ni sheng er kuai le!
Joyeux Anniversaire!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Masadya gid nga adlaw sa imo pagkatawo!
Feliz Cumpleaño!


  1. so glaad........ you had a lots of fun, a lots of friends, a lots of presents, a lots of food n cakes as well as love from the family and people surround you. GBU....

  2. enak niaaaan........... dpt kadonya banyaaaak..............

  3. indeed mei........ really beautiful....... you are so lucky........

  4. nambah lagi koleksi parfumnya.......... haaaa..........seneng benerrrrrrrrr.........

  5. hhmmmmmmmm.....makanannya bowwwww....menggiurkan......

  6. met ultah buat the Ries.... God bless.....

  7. Yes,we had fun yesterday.Friends and family were there to celebrate the bdays.Sayang,elu gak dtg.

  8. Met ultah buat pasangan yang bahagia The Ries. Partynya ramai dan blast, fun...juga makanannya amboiii....

  9. cantik ya ? I am so blessed.Chiko knows what I like.ha ha ha

  10. Nambah lagi nambah lagi.Ada gift certificate juga nih 2 biji.Blm tau mo dibeliin apa.

  11. Itu juga msh kurang ,da.Lumpia, Sate dan Ikan Bakar diskip,gak cukup wkt buat masaknya kmrn.

  12. Thank you.Baru kali ini pesta besar.Sayang gak ikutan ya,Mbak.Hehehehe.Makanannya amblassssssssss.Sangkin sibuknya malah gak sempat nyicipin ini itu :(

  13. met ultah ya Mei, panjang umur, sehat selalu dan murah rejeki ( yg ini mah udah yaa
    *wink*) kadonya banyak bener...asyikk..
    met ultah juga buat ronnie.

  14. Thnks,Jen.Moga2 panjang umur.Doa yg penting.Hadiah nyusul aja.Ha ha ha. Ronnie lagi seneng2nya tuh.

  15. aduh seneng deh kl suka..berarti gw milihnya pas

  16. sempet bingung milihin but Ronnie..sukanya yg model gimana..ternyata jam lamanya typenya mirip sama yg gw pilihin...aduh untung deh :p

  17. Suka banget malah!!! Thnks a lot, Ko!!! Tuhan berkati ^___^

  18. Ente tau bener ekke suka jewelry.^_____________^

  19. Ronnie simpan katanya ntar kalo ada acara2 baru dipake.Dia gak mau jamnya rusak.Ha ha ha.Duhhh sayang barang nih yeeeeeee.Langsung disimpan rapi sama dia.Kotaknya dia suka tuh,katanya "unik!!!!"

  20. Kita yg punya sign sih.He he he he.Mumpung ada kesempatan,siapa tau bsk lusa gak bisa lagi. ^___^

  21. Kalo kita mah, sensornya udh rusak.Hahahahahahaha

  22. Thnks,da.Ini udh tumbang,kecapekan,kepala nyut2an.Bsk sambung lagi pestanya di bar. Kamis yg puncaknya,blm tau mo ngapain Kamis nanti.Pengennya sih nonton film. ^__^

  23. Oct bulan yg plg banyak ultah di kel kita.Jadi disatuin semuanya.Kalo Mei2 dan Ronnie,emang tgl ultahnya barengan, Oct 26th.^__^

  24. Enakkkkkk,tapi gak kesampean cicipin semuanya,sangkin sibuknya ngobrol sana sini

  25. duhhh....mesra nya....jd iri nih gue!

  26. Met Ultahnya buat Mei2 dan Ronnie
    Semoga Tuhan Allah senantiasa memberikan kalian berdua kesehatan, umur yang panjang, rejeki, cpt dapat momongan, usahanya sukses dan selalu bersama dalam suka dan duka (always happy)

  27. dari fani kadonya doa aja ya ... he he he he he *amen*

  28. Kadonya banyak. Bagi satu dunk,ha..ha..ha j/k:-p

  29. Jadi pengen makan cap chai ni kk Vin,he..he..he:-p

  30. happy big brithday to the Ries fam.. many happy returns all the best & good luck to all of you there !! GBU

  31. Wah seru nyaaa!!!
    Anyhow..Happy Birthday dari kita berdua disini. Sayang nggak bisa datang...hiks.

  32. Ahh,elu juga mesra tuh sama si Mike,nonton film berdua. ^___^

  33. Aminnnnnnnnnnnnn.Yg di sana juga baru ultah kan ? ^__^

  34. Amin. Kadonya doa itu luar biasa sekali.Btw,isi doanya apa ? he he he

  35. Chiko tau selera Mei2, dptnya yg passsssssssss banget. ^__^

  36. Thank you, Khe.Many blessings for sure.^_^. GBU,too

  37. Tuh kan,sayang gak dtg kmrn.Bln dpn ya ???

  38. Happy B'day Kak Mei dan Ronnie, wish all the best for both of you.

  39. Thnks,say.Wish the best for you n Travis,too. ^__^
