Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bad Day ....Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Fall is here.. Brrrrrrrrrrr.colddddddddd....

On Tuesday I had beer delivery. I called Kevin,and set the time to meet him in the bar.Alas, I missed my bus 10.36am ( I wasn't fast enough to reach the street ).It's cold.......

I was thinking,I thought I could walk to the bar.It's not that far,I guess.So..while waiting for the bus,keep turning back my head to see another bus came ( which was impossible,cos the next bus would come around 11.30am ).

Keep thinking,my feet just walked and walked.I was wondering what I would do.Finally I decided to walk.

Wheather was cold,I had my jacket on and the gloves,too.I had my Russian Hat,but I didn't put it on.. I reach Kipling Ave.I thought I'd be at the bar soon. I called Kevin and said,"I'll be there within 10-15 mnts."

But,goodness!!!!!!!! I forgot that it's hilly!!! The more I walked,the further it was.Aduhhh gawat!!!! It's so hilly,I was so tired, I felt like I was climbing on the spot,didn't move at all.I wanted to give up and let myself fall down.I encouraged myself to walk more.My knee muscles were streched.Untung gak kram.

I saw the bar from a far.Aghhh I'd be there very soon.Thank God, I arrived there.I felt so hot in the Fall. Sweat around. I  checked my watch, it took 30 mnts walking instead of having bus less than 5 mnts.

The beer delivery came,then I went to dentist.I stopped at one street and walked ( again ) abt 200 feet to catch another bus. Ighhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Waiting for the bus abt 10-15 mnts.

I stopped and tried to cross the street.The trafic was really messy.The lights were off.I arrived at the Dentist office and opened the door.The lady said," Sorry,Mom.The power is off.We can't do anything rite now."

WHATTTTTT???? I just arrived, haven't taken a deep breath yet,I had been surprised by another news. Duhhh!!! I should have called them before!!!! I went to the bathroom( I had bad stomachache before I came there).

They asked me to leave my phn no and they'll reschedule. Ihhhh sebelllllll!!!!!!

I walked out and waited for the bus. I checked the schedule,the bus would come abt 10 mnts more. Aghhh I couldn't wait. I saw UDF,thinking to buy ice cream. Daaaa...dingin2 begini makan es krim.

I felt it's my Bad Day. Even the girls in UDF looked at me weirdly.

I walked again ( unplanned ) to go home.Well,the ice cream didn't taste good .I though Rainbow ice cream was good.It's sour, they put key lime there.

Finally I reached home. I was soooo exhausted.I was sooooo sleepy, I was soooooooooo hungry.I walked too much

That's why I cooked Mackarel fish and Sambel Terasi yesterday.Balas dendam.

I really wanna have driving test.I can't stand catch a bus in Fall,moreover Winter will come soon. I don't wanna be a WALKING- SNOW STATUE at that time.


  1. enak kan mei makan ikan tuna pake sambel plus nasi ngepul and kecap manis mertua lewat lupa dehk he..he.he.. istirahat deh mei .. biar besok bisa ngga cape lagi.. cheers

  2. Sabar ya Mei... iya bener tuh istirahat yang enak, tidur pake selimut yang tebal... dan bantal yang empuk...

  3. I wish I wish I wish. Ini msh di kantor.Bntr lagi plg. Kapok banget jalan kaki ke bar sampe 30 mnt,mana dingin lagi. Bsk mo di rmh aja ah ( tadi ada mekanik blg mo dtg lagi bsk ). Tidakkkkkkkk... disuruh dtg minggu dpn instead of tomorrow.He he he

  4. soon,Mbak.Jam 2.17pm bus melintas di dpn bar.Siap2 mo plg ini,makan sisa sambel terasi,trus tiduran deh sampe bsk pagi.Soalnya ntar malam off. Asyikkkkk

  5. Lah...kan tempo hari udah belajar nyetir ? Ayo dong nyetir, Mei. Biar merdeka bisa ke mana2 nggak pake nunggu bus. BTW, pas jalan naek tanjakan elo nyanyi nggak ? " Naek, naeeek ke puncak gunung , tinggi tinggi sekaleee...."

  6. hari yg berat, fuih gue tahu gimana rasanya..tantangan buat bus rider kalau winter datang..yg penting sekarang elu dah di dalam rumah dan mudah-mudahan hangat ya. enjoy your day off.

  7. Udah,3x gagal test.Dodol banget ya???? Ini Ronnie suruh lagi belajar,tapi blm dpt wkt yg tepat.Dingin begini. Hiks ...hiks..hiks.Itu si Jade lucu banget ^__^

  8. Ayo,barengan belajar nyetir,Jen.^__^.Mei2 baru bangun nih.Plg2 kerja tadi golek2.Ronnie plg kerja,malah ketiduran di kamar sampe jam 8 lwt baru bangun.Ini baru aja dinner.Kyknya ntar malam mo pergi

  9. Tahe...olahraga di musim dingin.ha ha ha. Lucunya,tadi pagi ada org yg lari2 olahraga,pake tank top n shorts doank.Dlm ati," ini dibawa ke Puncak juga gak bakalan pingsan." ha ha ha

  10. sama mei! gue malah udah 5x gagal test trus!

  11. Wahhh masih ada yg ngimbangin kalo gitu.he he he
