Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dec 26th :After Christmas


We had another blast party at the bar on Tuesday,after Christmas.

Before,we spent time bowling and had dinner @Kabuto on Christmas,and continued going to the bar.Ronnie played music.I was the only one spectator who watched him.We closed the bar, so just only me and Ronnie were in the bar. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Tuesday nite,I brought some Christmas cookies ( 3 plates ).They're gone so fast.My customers loved them.

I was bartending,as usual.We had regular customers and new faces.Even Robert showed up and brought some friends.

I was really busy handling the customers (we're so crowded).I had Ronnie help me wash the glasses. Gosh!!!!!!!

We closed the bar around 3.30am.We left home around 4.30am.


  1. So far msh boleh.Nanti June baru berlaku larangan permanent.Skrg ini msh himbauan aja.Minggu dpn kita udh mulai cari2 print out " NO SMOKING" dari Health Dept.
