Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nov 17th : Friday Nite - BUSTED

R-A-M-E BANGET!!!! Friday nite we're busted. We had birthday party at the back bar and regular DJ nite at the front bar.

Kae bartended till 12 pm and then I had her help Jaime at the front bar. I closed the back bar and watched the floor.

What a longggg nite. Thanks God there's no fight at all.Everyone enjoyed the good nite.Everyone dance.Dance floor was fulled!!!!

I took a chance to take some pics. Ronnie said more than 200 people came to the bar at that nite.

After we closed, we went to IHOP!!! Pancake with bluberry syrup. He he he he.


  1. Jam 4 am tuh. Nyampe rumah jam 5am lwt. Paginya jam 10 am udh harus ketemu sama accountant. Gak kebayang ngantuk dan capeknya luar biasa.

  2. Ronnie, bangun-bangun...... kacian.

  3. Banget,Mbak Retni.Tiap malam plgnya di atas jam 2am.Malam ini plg cpt Ronnienya,Mei2 bntr lagi plg diantar sama Kae,bartender.

  4. Ronnie ini bikin org takut.Lagi nyetir,bisa2nya ngantuk, ketiduran bbrp detik.Pernah katanya itu mobil udh lari jalur. takutttttttttt

  5. Nope.I am not a good dancer.Kalo disuruh nyanyi,mending ikutan nyanyi. Ha ha ha
