Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Oct 31st A Blast Halloween Party @Club Evolution

Halloween Party !!!! 2 years ago I dressed up like a Black Witch and scared kids who came to home. HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. A couple of small kids ran away and cried when they heard me imitating a witch's voice . HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI.........

This year, I helped Mom carv the pumpkin and got ready to the Halloween Party at the bar.

Supposedly I dressed up like a cave girl,but I changed my mind.I wore my new gown I bought a month ago. Mom and Ronnie called, " Wild wild west girl ". ^___^

Let's gooooooooooooooo........

Party was started at 10.30pm. Alecia the karaoke lady dressed up scarely.I almost ran away when I saw a creatured walked into the bar with scary face. Hihihihihi.

The rest came, dressed up like from 50's, Pirate, Pirate Girl,School Girl,Clown,A Wounded -Face,Sheriff with Budlite Box - Helmet,Cowgirl, Ozzy Osbourne,ect.

We had great time last nite.Lots of giveaways. The 1st winner had t-shirts ( Ozzy and Pirate Girl ), the rests had hats,pens,lighters, key chains ect.

Awesome party!!!!!!

Ronnie dressed as Zorro. Hahahahhahahahha. Tuinkkkkkkkkkkk


  1. cool, party...wish i were there..ihiksss

  2. Brp jam dari MI ke sini,da? Ayo donk,sekali2 turun ke OH.

  3. Wah rame banget party Halloweennya Mei

  4. Kk Vin sampai tak kenalin. Rupanya kamu ya Mei,he..he..he

  5. MEI.... koq ngak serem sihhh dandannya :D heheheh

  6. Seru,kak.Kita banyak ksh hadiah2 .Satu org malah dpt 3-4 items.

  7. Mumpung lagi Halloween, dandan lain dari yg lain. ha ha ha ha.

  8. Gak ah.Udh banyak yg dandan serem. Hi hi hi.Itu aja Alecia sempat bikin Mei2 lari ketakutan begitu dia masuk ke bar. ha ha ha ha.

  9. wei... Jack sparow kok nyasar di sini ya....

    mirip bangget .....=D
