Thursday, April 20, 2006

Surprise!!!!! Ketemu Cindy & Chiko

Mirna called me yesterday.We chatted chatted on the phn,and she said,”Mei, I have a friend name Cindy.She’s from Medan,too.She’d like to meet you,along with Chiko.” Wahhhhhhhhhhhh I’m thrilled to death to meet them.I talked with Chiko once last year,then we’ve never contacted each other anymore.
Meanwile,Cindy,I’ve met her husband before at Mirna’s house,last summer ( We had barbeque party ).
Oh well,I told Mirna,I didn’t cook anything.I felt so bad.But,I did make Kue Salju ( tadinya buat Mak Benji nih,tapi keburu gak sempat dikirim,dimakan deh jadinya ).Hehehehehhehe.Maafkan dakuuuuuuuuuuu

So,they came around 4.30pm.Mirna called me from driveway and said,”Mei2,we’re here.Cindy’s afraid with dog.Can you keep him inside,pls? I talked to her from the kitchen and said,”Look,I’m in the kitchen.Tadaaaaaaaaaaa” Hahahhahahah

Mirna said,” We’ll get in from the front door,then.” Okkkkkkkkkkk
So, I met Chiko and Ryan,her son, and Cindy.Wahhh!!!!!!!! Meeting Cindy and talked Medan dialec ( and of course Hokkian language!!!! ) Chiko,Mirna and Evy just wondered what we’re talking about.
Cindy, bia kin.Wa lang kong tenang wa aja, I lang beng pek. Hahahahhahahhaha

They left around 5.30pm.They met Mom for awhile ( Mom just stopped by and then went to a doctor ). I took some pics and shared the nail polish Desy gave me.**
Then, I laid down on the grass.Duhh.. suddenly my back itched soooooooo bad. Silly Mei2!!!! Once they left, I asked Evy to pour some talcum powder on my back.^____^

Thnks for coming,girls!! I did enjoy the company.Mirna brought me some grapes.Yummyyyyy . Itung2 jenguk Mei2 yg lagi sakit,katanya.Hahahhahaha
Lain kali ketemuan lagi yaaaaaa.

Love ya!!

God Bless


  1. ternyata di Ohio, banyak juga orang Indo yang tinggal disana ya Mei..

  2. Lumayan,say.Tapi banyakan di sana kyknya ya?

  3. hahaha maksud gw, lo bertiga bajunya item..tapi PKI boleh juga tuh Mei!..hehehe

  4. iya kayaknya ya..disini mah tiap jalan ke mall atau kemana bisa aja denger ada orang Indo lagi ngobrol...

  5. wah Mei kedatangantamu mulu nih, lol

  6. Kedatangan tamu,tandanya bawa berkat.Hahahahaha

  7. Itu tuh,gatal2 kena rumput.Ternyata gak bisa rebahan.Langsung gatal n bengkak deh.Alergi. :(

  8. waduhhh udah bebas jaket nehh, Meiiii....

  9. wadowww yg pake orange sapa tuwww say...cantik ;))

  10. Udh donk..Anginnya segerrrrrrrrrr,bunga di mana2,aduh cantik sekaleee.Tapi ttp aja msh kedinginan.Ada thunderstorm di sini,vy.Ntar malam juga tuh.Sebel deh

  11. Beh...ekke juga pake orange ,bowww...Tapi celananya. Hahahhahahah * duhh*

  12. Aduh kelihatannya loe happy banget MEI

  13. Iya,lagi happy tuh.Soalnya temen2 datang bawa anggur.Hahahhaha

  14. Asik rame2... gaya elo preman banget Mei, kacak pinggang gitu, untung senyum.... :P

  15. mesti pake jaket Mpo, biar rumputnya gak langsung kena ke kulit!

  16. Asyik kalo udh ngumpul.Premannya keliatan emang?Hahahahha.Untung gak bawa pentungan ya.Ntar pada kabur kalo bener2 keluar premannya.Hahhahahaha.

  17. Gatal2,kena rumput sih.Terlalu excited menyambut Spring.

  18. Next time pake jacket deh,biar gak gatal2.Apa kabar, Mpok? Itu paketnya nyusul yao.Msh sibuk...buk..buk..gedebuk..Hahahhahaha

  19. suit ...suuuit cantik2 euy ;-)
