Friday, April 14, 2006

3 am

Last nite I went home around 3am.Evy opened her door and said,"Cicie,where have you been?" I said," from bar."She said,"Ha??? We just passed the bar tonite,we saw the sign was " closed ". Hahahhahahahha. I changed the sign closed at 2am,so people wouldn't come in anymore.

We chitted chatted in her bedroom,sitting on the carpet and she said,"Cicie,I wanna eat Indomie.Let's cook,pls." Wuihh... what a dayyyyyyyyyyyy.. I was really hungry,so I said,"Let's do it!!!!!!!!"  So,we walked quietly to the kitchen.We didn't wanna make Mom and Ronnie wake up.

I took 2 Indomie Goreng and handed to her.She said," I wanna try Ikan Cakalang." Ok...she had one portion of Ikan Cakalang, I had Indomie goreng. I went to the basement and took my cam.Hehehehhehhee.

I said to Evy,"After this,we'll eat durian,ok?" She said," okkkkkkk." But,goshhhhhhhh I was full!!!!!!!!!! I said to her,"Vy, I can't eat anymore.Let's save the durian for tomorrow." Hahahhahahahhaha

We went to bed around 3.30am,and slept well.At least, I woke up around 10am this morning and took a shower,ready to go to work again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday...what a longggggggggg nite it would be for us.



  1. Evy syapa Mei kok manggilnya cie-cie?
    ati2 makan mie malem2..

  2. Temen dari San Jose.Kalo yg lbh muda dari kita kan manggil Cicie ke kita.Heheheheh * sok tua nih si Mei2 * .Kelafaran berat tuh kmrn,Lin.

  3. say cobain indomie goreng rendang dehh, gw suka tuhh... tapi indomie yg ikan cakalang juga suka

  4. gw kira sodara elu Mei...atau sodaranya ronie tapi kok manggilnya cie-cie..

  5. Iya,ada,vy.Indomie Rendang.Kmrn beli di CAM malah bungkusnya yg warna merah,gambar sapi gitu.Beda sama yg di Jungle Jim's, bungkus indomie biasa.Tapi rasanya sama kali,cuma bungkusnya doank yg beda.

  6. Kita kan universal,Lin.Hahahhahaha.Pokoke kalo yg kenal kita,biar lbh akrab,manggil sapaan deh.Kayak mami papi tuh,gak keitung brp anak angkatnya.Temen2 pada manggil Mami Papi semua.Even si Evy kmrn di telp gitu.Hahahhahahha. Ronnie mah blg ke Evy," I am your father." Hahahhahahhaha.

  7. Evy orang indo ya?? rambutnya bule hehehe

  8. enak dong... kalau aku pagi buta lapar, dan "kelotakan" di dapur... bisa di"pecat" jadi istri hehehe

  9. Yup,dari Makasar.Rambut bule kelamaan di Amrik sih soalnya.Hehehehehe

  10. Heheheheh.Dulu Mei2 sama Ronnie sering ke dapur diam2,masak indomie.Biasanya weekend,lagi di basement begadang,ya pasti deh makan indomie di tengah malam.

  11. Same here i went to bed at 3am last night...
    Been a months i don't have indomie goreng, hmmm... that's sound yummy...
    I might eat that if i get hungry while wacthing my movie...

  12. Nonton film apa sampe jam 3am,Na?Mei2 udah gak tahan lagi.Dulu sih demen.

  13. he..he...pagi @ buta makan indomie ingat waktu masa@ kost di indo Mei....):

  14. Long...nite but fun right Mei ????

  15. pindah say di bar sekarang ;)

  16. emang plg enak tuh kalo laper2 makan indomie yak...hehehe ;)

  17. Mei, lembur terus ya, take care ya say.
    indomie emang setia selalu, he..he....

  18. Indomie teman setianya anak kost tuh.Hahahhahaa.

  19. Kinda,Yan.Long nite, really tired,for sure.

  20. Betul.....udh pindah markas begadangnya skrg.

  21. Lembur mulu :( badan rontok.Mo tidur siang dulu,Wi.
