Monday, June 18, 2007

June 17th - Kedatangan Emak dari Toledo :P

When I was cooking for Ronnie’s Father To Be’s Day , Nia called me. She said she called to my cellphone at noon,and left a message.I turned it off all day long,since we're at the church.

She said that Lina Tripp was on the way back to Toledo from TN.She'd like to visit Nia in Batavia.Nia wanted to order some Lumpia ( since Lina's husband likes Lumpia,too ).

The Cantwells attended Our wedding
almost 3 years ago. I am so thrilled to meet them. I called Lina and arranged time to meet us at the bar and picked up the lumpia.

I made sure that they would come to the bar,otherwise it's wasteful to cook the lumpia. I just only cooked the filling. I didn't have much time to fry them.

Lina arrived abt 8 pm. Ronnie greeted them at the bar while I came within 30 mnts. Wow!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy to see them sitting at the bar. Tripp,Lina n Nikyta were there. Lina was so excited. She asked abt my belly. Ha ha ha. She said that I lost weights. Oh yeah, baby.

I ordered Pizza for them since they had a long trip.We chit chat for almost an hour and they left to Batavia. Lina invited Ronnie to Toledo. Yeah... ayo, Roonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. :P

I wish we could spend more time, longer one,cos there're lots of things to share. Ngobrol2 lah yaoo.. Udh lama gak ketemuan. The last time was 2x Christmas ago.

Thanks for coming,Mak,Babe!!! He he he. We'll see you next time !!!!!

Tuhan berkati!!!!


  1. wahhh serunya akhirnya ketemuan temen lama juga ya :) have fun girl :)

  2. mei...your belly udah kelihatan tuhh :)) senengnya :)

  3. Seru... kalo sudah ngumpul,ya elah... cerita gak ada abis2nya. Wkt natalan kmrn,sampe ditahan suruh nginap, tapi Ronnie gak bisa.Kudu kerja bsknya. He he he

  4. Ketawa2 mulu nih semalam . Ngobrol2 seru. ha ha ha

  5. looking good ladies:-)...Mei..yg di belakang tuh mamanya Ronny ya?

  6. Iya,itu si Mom.Mom skrg bantu2 kita di bar,maklum,mantunya bntr lagi mo melahirkan,jadi doi yg take care my job for a while. :P
