Wednesday, June 6, 2007

19 Weeks Pregnancy : Tiny Belly :P


Another month...

Yesterday went to the doctor.Ighh....I was asked to come at 1.45pm,I was called around 3pm,and left alone for another 15 mnts in a room. I was so upset.

Doctor just checked my belly less than 3 mnts!!!!! He asked me to listen to the baby's heart.I wasn't excited. I just said," Ok..I heard it." Then,left the room.

The nurse said I would be called to have 2nd ultrasound. Whatever........

Ronnie said a couple days before that he wanted to go with me to Ultrasound.He wants to know what the baby's gender.He said," I only have off on July,hun.Pls arrange that,so I can be there with you.".

I am entering 19 weeks now.My weight ??  Ho ho ho ho....134.5 lbs.Just only gain 1/2 lb within a month. Last month was 134 lbs.


I chitted chatted with Lidya Scalhamer a couple days before.She's curious to see my belly. Ha ha ha. She asked me to take a pic. Well.. still tiny. Even Mirna,Jaime,other people wonder whether I am pregnant or not. Ha ha ha ha.

Abt a couple weeks before,my customer gave me bunch of diapers.Thank you so much,Jaime!!! She said she got more stuff for me. So sweet.

Novi called me yesterday.I was cooking Mande's food order ( Rendang n Sambal Goreng Ati ).She said she gained weights and can see the big belly now. She has the same question with the others," How many weeks ??? I don't see your big belly.You look like loose some weights,look pale." Of course, been puked 3 months,still puke once in while till now. Same old...same old... still can't smell Mom's cooking ( I skip American dinner in the evening ).

Ok... upon request...I attach my 19 weeks- tiny- belly.


  1. still long way to go Mei .. you look great!!
    take care yaaaaaaaa

  2. Ayo Mei makan lagi yg banyak biar naik bb nya. you look great. take care.

  3. waah congrats ya... moga2 lancar sampai melahirkan ya :)

  4. waw..selamat ya...semoga selalu diberi kesehatan kandunganya ya Mei....

  5. Wah selamat ya mbak. Saya doakan semoga sehat selalu.

  6. Iya mei still tiny belly :) you look beautiful mei !!! and lost some weight also ( coz of puked !! ) we pray for you and baby always. Take care mei GBU

  7. iya Mei ngga keliatan ya. ntar tau tau aja..bangun tidur langsung doubled size hehehe

  8. huahahahaha........ Mei beneran hamil neeh?, lain kali pake baju yg ketat pasti kelihatan hamilnya, biasa degh! pertama-tama engga kelihatan, begitu liwat 5 bulan lgs melendung.... hihihih ♥

  9. Iya...way to go.. Lama benerrrrrrrrr. Pengen cpt2 nih biar keluarnya kyk CJ. Ha ha ha.

  10. Adow...tolong..janganlah.... Ini aja baju2 udh pada gak muat.Semalam pake jeans yg 3/4, aduh sesak ,gak bisa dikancing. Ha ha ha ha.

  11. Thnks,Mas. Btw,kpn nih bisa copy darat ? :D . Seputaran Jkt kan ?

  12. Kikikikiki...... baju2 masih muatlah sebagian ( malah bbrp jeans dan baju2 yg dibeli bbrp tahun lalu msh bisa kepake ). Hemattttttttttt......... How's yours ?? GBU!!!!

  13. Masuk bln ke-5,kata org2 udh mulai " membengkak".Bawa genderang ke mana2. Ha ha ha.

  14. Beneran donk,mi.. Hasil kerjasama nih. Ha ha ha ha. Baju2 yg mulai ketat dikit udah disingkirkan.Gerah rasanya.Ada beli baju2 hamil,tapi msh belum siap.. Lucu rasanya ntar,ditunda dulu sampe bbrp minggu lagi lah. ha ha ha ha.

  15. gapapa Mei..enak kalo naeknya ngga terlalu banyak, nanti abis ngelahirin cepet balik kurusnya. gw juga hamil kedua kemaren cuma naek 20 lbs doang, blm hamil 110 lb, naek sampe 130 lbs, sekarang udah turun lagi sampe 114 lbs...4 lbs to go...tapi segitu aja susah benerrrr

  16. Hi Mei, looking good. 19 minggu lagi enak2 nya tuh. Perut gk gede2 amat cute kelihatannya. Kalau dah diatas 30 minggu baru rasanya mau meledak hahahha. Anyway enjoy your pregnancy yah:)

  17. mei, same here.
    previously, when i did my pregnancy check up always waited for long time time about 1 or 2 hours and when inside the room, doctor only checked less than 5 mins. Some even worst, must waited for the doctor who attending the birthing process. That one can waited for about 3 hours... :)

  18. Mudah2an sehat terus ya Mei hingga lahiran. Jangan lupa istirahat yg cukup. Gbu.

  19. Kelihatan segeran, Mei ...
    Naik nya baru dikit jg yah .... kehalang mabuk pasti nya hehehe...
    Ga' sabar jg pengen tahu hasil USG nya nanti ... :)
