Thursday, August 9, 2007

Joe : Sinusitis & Syphilis ^________^


This is a story abt Joe's goofiness.


A couple days ago,he took Mami to a public hospital.Mami had medical check up.There,they're talking abt Titie ( my youngest sister's problem with nose ).

Joe was in the hospital. Kinda asking questions. He said to Mami," Wah,Mami ... I think Titie's disease can be cured here."

Mami said, " Yeah.. I think so. "
Joe said,' Yeah... her SYPHILIS can be cured soon. We better take her here. "

Then he realized,' Ehhh... I mean  SINUSITIS!!!!!!!!!!! " . Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Later,they went home and told it to Titie. Titie was so upset.

She said,' Since when I have SYPHILIS????????????? You're crazy!!!!!!!!!!!"

We laughed out loudly. Our faces were so red and I couldn't breath coz it's really funny. Titie was still upset.

Joe said,' I am sorry. I mean SINUSITIS,not SYPHILIS '. Ha ha ha ha ha .


Titie said,' You're the one who have SYPHILIS,not me. You think I am a man ?? Guys have it,not girls. ' Ha ha ha ha ha.

Joe kept begging her to forgive. She's still upset. We laughed and laughed. Titie didn't want talk anything. Amoy tried to make it work,but Titie said," Hushhh.. I don't wanna say anything rite now. Stay away from me. "  Ha ha ha ha ha.

Goodness..... that story really made our day in the morning. Joe is a " naughty " boy. Jailnya setengah matiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. He likes teasing people. He said to Titie,' See?? She is taking a physcology,but I think she needs to be learnt,not people." Ha ha ha ha.


Titi put her ugly face.Still mad.. ha ha ha ha ha.

These 2 kids,sometimes they're not like sister and brother.Keep teasing one each other. Titie is a quite girl, Joe is the opposite.

Not only once, we hear them kinda tease one other at nite,just like last nite.We just hear what they're talking and arquing abt from the other room. Ha ha ha ha ha.


I'll write down next time abt this " cat and dog " relationship. Ha ha ha ha ha.




  1. wakakakakakakk gw juga punya sinusitis dulu

  2. dodol nih anak,asal nyablak aja blg2 sipilis. Ha ha ha ha

  3. Duh senang yah, Mei becanda2 ma keluarga nya ....
    Itu ade kamu yg ceweq, mirip banget ... cuma lebih imut hehehe ....

  4. Titie,yg plg kecil,plg imut,plg pendiam. Ha ha ha ha ha. Tiny mini girl.Kompak banget sama Joe.

  5. Jail banget memang.Suka ngerjain org.Btw,kmrn ke Siantar brp hari ?? Kita kok gak ketemuan ya :(

  6. dkt2 sama dia,bisa darah tinggian org dibuatnya. Ha ha ha ha. Kudu punya nyali tebal kalo diajak ngebanyol sama ini anak. Ha ha ha ha ha.Pa kabar,Maitua ????

  7. ehm ehm,,,
    yang punya cerita numpang liwat!!
    udah dapet izin blom neh ceritanya dipublikasikan??
    hayo,, bayar!bayar!bayar!!!

  8. udah lucu, cakep2 lagi,,,
    jarang2 kan?
