Once we arrived there,I checked all the files we needed.Ronnie laughed at me and said," Baby,next time be prepared,pls...You can't do like this.." Yes,baby...yes..... I was nervous...
We sat down,and abt 2 mnts, our name was called.The officer was really nice.She interviewed us,asking abt me and Ronnie.The interview ran well.No pressure at all.We laughed all the time.She asked where we met,how long,whether we had kids or not,our evidence of marriage ect.Oh well...I did enjoy it.Time ran so fast,when she said," Ok,I will approve it.You'll have your green card within 2 weeks.Congratulations!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
We're sooo happy.She said I could change my citizenship after 3 years ( I'm gonna think abt this later ). I met a friend from church who was applying for Green Cards for her kids.I greeted her and then left the office.
Ronnie took me to The Mercantile Library.We were lost!!! He wasn't sure where it was.So, we walked around and around till couple blocks.My feet hurt.So,we asked a guy and he gave us direction.
Bahhhh!!!! We've passed the place!!! I saw the sign on the road,but I didn't read " Mercantile " on the top of the board. dodolz.com lahhhh....
The Mercantile Library is a great library.It's an old library,founded April,18 ,1835. I'll tell later abt this Library.We joint as members.We paid 75 bucks/year.Wish we would visit this library as often as we visit the regular one. We borrowed some Audio Cds and books!!!
We went home abt 3 pm.I drove home ( Ronnie let me..heheheh).We took a shower and took a nap.
.I woke up abt 5.15pm,and got ready to cook for dinner
.Mom came home when I was ready to put beef in the oven.She said,' Don't cook,Mei.I would like to take you out for dinner."
.I got ready,and woke Ronnie up.Bahhh..Ronnie's still
. I went upstairs and woke him up again.So,we left.Mom said she would like to go to Dynasti Buffet...
Dynasti Buffet is our fave Buffet.
Wahh... I met my friend again,Juan,the cook,there.But,the manager and the waiter & waitress were not there anymore.... New management...Gosh...we're sooooooooo full!!!!!!!! We got fortune cookies. Wow!!!! Wise words !!!!!!!!!!!
Ronnie's : Commitments is what turns a promise into reality -Learn chinese :Younger bro - Didi
Mei - Mei's : Be an optimist.There does not seem too much use being anything else (Weks...got me! ) Learn Chinese : April - si -yue ( Weks..I almost forgot Mandarin )
Mom's : You will soon discover how truly fortunate you really are. ( no Chinese words ...tumben )
I didn't eat the cookie. Ronnie said,"Ha? You want the fortune,but not the cookie?"
Ohh well..... Congratz to Mei - Mei & Ronnie!!!!!!! Praise the Lord for making this work for us....
congrats Mei.....It's good to hear that news
ReplyDeleteHey..congrats Edda.....
ReplyDeleteai bagak ma kulit ni MP mon...ajari ma jo lo a hu beha do cara na..ala nga bosan ahu do hot warna ku i...mauliate daa..???
ReplyDeletemauliate , inang...
ReplyDeletebackground MP on? Mamake code.. warna aha ma naeng diganti hon?
ReplyDeleteMei! selamat ya!! lega deh...loh koq gue yang lega?! * garuk2 pala*
ReplyDeleteanyway selamat ya!! mikir2 mo jadi US citizen gak nantinya?
thnks,Jen... blm tau nih mo ganti apa nggak.Masih jauhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... hehehehe
ReplyDeleteCongratulation yah Eda Mei...
ReplyDeleteselamat ya mei, akhirnya dpt GC nya hehe.
ReplyDeletekalo indo ntar menyetujui dual citizenship, ganti aja heehe
masih jauh itu.say.Skrg lagi menggebu2 pengen pulang kampung.Gak sabarrrrrrrr ..hehehehhe
ReplyDeleteBah..boasa dang adong orang di restaurant nya Mey..?
ReplyDeletegodang,alani dang di ruangan on. Molo nami di ruangan Smoking (simatua ku marisap ).Gak godang halang na marisap.
ReplyDeleteAdong billyard di samping kanan.Dang sempat nami marsodok2 nattuari i..hehehehhehe
Congratulations.... gw tau gimana rasanya nyiapin surat2 yg bejibun banyak dan susahnya buat interview udah gitu pas dibawa gak di toleh sedikitpun ama mereka....
ReplyDeletehey ,Meidia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thnks,say.Iya nih,banyak file yg kita bw kmrn.Thank God,semuanya lengkap,jadi dia cuma liat joint account sama akte kelahiran yg asli serta passport.God did make it work!!! Sooooo smoothhhhh... We had lots of fun there!!!
ReplyDeleteWaktu gw malah gak diliat sama skali disuruh bawa pulnag lagi padhl buat ngumpulin itu surat2 butuh perjuangan darah dan daging hehehe udah gitu ditanyain ketemu dimana? trus disuruh pulang.. hehehe kesel juga senneg juga sih gak ribet2...
ReplyDeletewahhh .... singkat juga ya, Clod??
ReplyDeleteKita juga ditanya ketemu di mana.Asli... kita aja sempat stress malamnya siapin berkas ini itu.Sampe ada bbrp berkas yg ketinggalan lah.Begitu cari2 di amplop,bingung gak tau dibuat di mana (krn terlalu banyak file dan amplop2 ).hehehehe
untung udah beres, kalo inegt2 itu gw suka stress hehehe kartu ijonya/pr card-nya keren lho Mei hehehe...
ReplyDeleteoh ya?? Wahhh dijadikan koleksi donk ntar ..hahahhahahha.. Sudah rada lega dikit.Tinggal cari kerja n pulkam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLebih tepat lagi cari anak dan pulkam. Bawa hasil :-p
ReplyDeleteAnak? Hehehehhehe... Blm teng waktunya.. hehehhehe.
ReplyDeleteSelamat yah, Mei .... ikutan Happy jg ... :pompom:
ReplyDeletekapan traktir kita nih .... hihihi ..... :D
thnks..Ayo,ntar kalo jadi gathering di Loveland tmpt Mirna,kita traktirin makan gado2 n sate..
ReplyDeleteWaah...selamat ja Mei!!
ReplyDeletePantes deh...dirimu dan keluarga makan2 diluar untuk ngerayain niihh..Mei ??
kok cuma sampe 3 minggu...Mei ???
Apa peraturannya begitu ja..Mei ??
trus ntar perpanjang lagi gitu ???
thnks,Zus. Dpt 2 thn ,say,baru thn ke-3 bisa ganti WN.
ReplyDeleteIni lagi malas masak,pesan pizza.Barusan tiba... mo makan dulu,mumpung masih panas.. hehehheheh
Mei....selamat ya...
selamet ya ci!!!! Puji Tuhan deh!! Gbu.
ReplyDeletethnks,kak....aduuhh baru bangun ini ,dingin sekali.brrrrrrrrrrr