Ronnie and I just came back from dinner..We're supposed to have dinner on last weekend.But,we didn't have the chance to do that.Ronnie spent his whole weekend doing the tar on the driveway.He took me to Jade Buffet .It's been a long time we've never been there.All you can eat, babe!!!!!!!!!!!
.Yuhuuuuu...finally I had chance to eat seafood
,cheese mussel,clawn ect.Ronnie did enjoy his chicken.
.But,seems Ronnie enjoys more Dynasti Buffet than Jade one.
I was really full,Ronnie was,too.He looked at his and said,"Oh,baby...we won't make it."
I didn't know what he's talking abt. I asked,"What is it,hun?"He replied,"We won't go to stores tonite.The store will be closed once we go there."
still couldn't get what he meant.He said," I'd like to take you to Cincinnati Mills,where we can get the thermal underwear for you,but the Mall is closed at 9 pm.It's 8.45 pm already.I am doubt we can be there before 9 pm."
Goodness!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that!!!!!! Ronnie just didn't tell where he took me.I said" Hun,let's go to the other stores then,like Walmart or Target.They have thermal underwears,too." He said," No,we gotta buy a very good quality,in Bass Pro, in Cincinnati Mills.I want you to have a very good thermal underwear that you will feel comfortable." I said," But,they will be expensive in Bass Pro."He replied," I don't care.I just want you be warm with it.Of course we must buy the good one."
Agh...I myself I don't wanna buy the expensive one.I would be happy with the cheap one.But Ronnie concerns abt the quality,the materials ect.Ok lah, honey bunny... Whatever makes me feel comfortable......
Tomorrow I'm going to have my driving test.... Gee... I am not ready yet...I'm still scared..I almost made an accident on Sunday.I drove the car zig zag in the highway.Missunderstood.Ronnie asked me to merge on the left.I thought I had.I turned on the left signal,and thought maybe Ronnie wanted me to move to the other lane.Once I wanted to change the lane,he screamed loudly.I was so panicked,pushed the gas accidentally instead of break.I drove back to the previous lane quickly.Goodness...I was really .My hands were really cold...I was
.I did apologize to Ronnie...I bet every car which passed us had a look at me...
Vicky,the lady from driving school called me this morning.She reminded me abt the test tomorrow.I told her I wasn't ready yet,but I must go ahead.Ronnie even suggest me the same thing.I can have another test next time if I fail.He just wants me to experience the test.
Were I given a choice,I'd like to choose not to drive...I'd rather to be a passenger than a driver.
walahhhhh Mei2 gue juga belum beli themal underwear huahahahahahaha bbbrrrrrr
ReplyDeleteayo,barengan beli nanti..hahhahaha
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel about driving..It was not easy for me eaither. Good luck,MeiMei. Heh, kok ada Jade buffet ? Kapan anak gua buka warung ?? Buffet lageee....
ReplyDeleteClawn itu yg pegimane seh ??
ReplyDeletetrauma ahhh kalo dengar highway...Aduh ,mau gak mau harus maju hari ini..Jade Buffet kurang banyak menunya.Dynasti jauh lbh bnyk.Tapi cheese musselnya enak banget,bow...Udangnya lagi...
ReplyDeleteclawn(sepintas ngeliat tulisannya begitu),kerang gede gitu,dlmnya kyk warna mutiara.Di isi sama potongan scallop,sayuran2 lain,cheese dll.Kurang suka.Enakan yg cheese mussels.
ReplyDeletedi indo banyak resto pake nama "jade" & rata2 sih besar. btw, sapa tau jade ntar punya bisnis resto ~_^, ya gak :p.
ReplyDeleteamien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yg namanya Jade selalu bawa hoki..
ReplyDeleteMei, pas kamu duduk berdua ama Ronnie, kok mukanya lama-lama jadi kayak kembaran gitu sih? (chuckle....).....
ReplyDeletemirip ya?? Jodoh,Ser. Ultahnya aja udh sama... Hahahahhaha...
ReplyDeleteKirain badut. Hehehehe...
ReplyDeleteKirain badut. Hehehehe...
ReplyDeleteSemoga. Biar emaknya makan gratis..hehehehe...
ReplyDeletehahhahahhahaha... maunya.............
ReplyDeleteikutan juga ahhhhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeletenanti kalo udh buka resto,klepon kita2 ya....
ReplyDeleteOoo...pasti diklepon. Kan harus tanya billing addressnya...
ReplyDeleteOoo..pasti diklepon. Kan harus ditanya billing addressnyaa...hihiiihi
ReplyDeletelahhh yg kalimat belakangnya gak enak..hahhahahhaa
ReplyDeleteMareee....! All you can eat...
ReplyDeletepesan seafood ya............
ReplyDeleteTapi makanannya enak...huahahaha. Iyalah..gratisan buat MeiMei & company !! Ini baru tahap ngebayangin aja udah sok jadi cukong ni emaknya Jade...huahahaha...
ReplyDeleteNtar gua pegi mancing dolo...!
ReplyDeletepesan deh utk minggu dpn... itung2 utk makanan ultah
ReplyDeletemancingnya di Danau Toba saja
ReplyDeleteMinggu depan Jade masih belon buka restoran, nek ! Gimana kalo 25 taon kemudian ?? Sanggup nunggu nggak ? huahahaha...
ReplyDelete25 thn kemudian? Boleh tuh nanti dijodohin sama Ronnie Jr
ReplyDeleteHayoh bikin PR ! Biar cepetan nongolnya. Udah telat dua taon nih dari Jade ....Pasti ganteng punya eeeuuyyy !!
ReplyDeleteblm.... yg Giant Baby nya masih pengen sendirian dulu,blm mau punya temen dia