Ronnie didn't work yesterday.We stayed home all day long.We listened to the Book Audio " Men from Mars,Women from Venus".
Goodness!!! We did enjoy listening it. It's true!! What the narrator says is true.Sometimes wives think they understand their husbands,and the same with husbands to wives.But,when it's explored,there're many things don't work out..
They come from different worlds...
.He gave one sample that we just did it 2 days ago.The sample: A couple are going to a party,but they're lost.The wife wants the husband stops and asks someone abt the directions
.The wife starts fussy," Why don't you just ask someone??We're lost here." In the husband's ears it means "You!!!! You are untrusted. You can't get the direction?? Ohh come on!!! " The husband of course offended.But,indeed,for woman,she just wants to have the quickest way.The husband doesn't need any lectures,he needs the supports when he can't do something like that.
Oo!!!!!!!! I paused the CD,and we looked one each other We just did it 2 days ago!!! This is wht I said to him :
Me ; "Babe,where are we now? "
Ronnie : " I dunno know,baby.I'm trying to find the add of the Library"
Me :" Ohh...We've been walking for more than 15 mnts."
Ronnie : " I know,baby"
Me:"Aduhhh...let's stop somewhere and ask the people around here."
Ronnie :"Relax,baby......"
Me;"Ahh...My feet hurt.Just stop,hun....we've been around and around."
Ronnie :"Baby,relax.."
Me :" Ughhhh....Ayo lah..Berhenti kek,nanya kek..Capek nihhh"
Ronnie:"Honey,will you stop,pls ?"
Me :" Oo.....I can't stop yacking.My feet hurt..."
So,we kept walking.Gee...I didn't understand why we just stopped and asked someone.Finally,we stopped.He asked a guy and he gave us directions. Weleh!!!!!!!!!!!! We've passed the building before!!!!!!!!!! I just didn't read the sign on the top board ( there's a board put in the middle of the street,there're many companies in the list,but I didn't read the name of " Mercantile " on the top of the board ). Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Tuh kan...dari tadi!!!!!!!
The same case,rite??? I looked at Ronnie and said," Ohh baby...I'm so sorry.I didn't realize that you did need supports when we're lost at that time." .I continued," I' m so sorry,baby..I shouldn't have acted like that.You needed supports.I'll say next time,"Oh....are we lost baby??It's fine...Let's keep looking for the add till the end of the day."
. He
.I said," Come,baby....You worth for a hug."
Another case,when women have problems,they just need someone to listen to,not to ask her do something ( sometimes husbands act as Mr.Fixed ).Everytime the wives say something (in this case they just need to be listened to,but everytime husbands come with solutions ).
Sample :
Wife : Gee.. I have a hard day today.I'm so tired from work.
Husband:Why don't you quit from your job?Find another job.
See??? A solution! He doesn't know that that's the opening way from the wife to attract husband pays attentions more to her,not to fix the problem.
He's supposed to say like this : Ohh honey,I'm sorry to hear that.What did you do today?
So,the Book Audio really works to us.We spent almost 2 hours ( 2 cds ) listening it in the basement. Ronnie grabbed me from behind and held me,and we and said,"Ha..that's you!!! It's you!! " everytime we find similar things explained in the CD.
From that moment,we both learn. Not to dictate,not to command...And last nite,Ronnie said to me," Hey,baby.....Thank you very much for taking care of me.Would you mind doing the Quicken in this week,pls ? " ..Dohh ujung2nya gak enak,bow... I said," Ohh yes,baby..I'll do that,if I feel I wanna do it."
. Just kidding,babe!!!
kalo banci dr planet mana ya Mei? hihihi j/k
ReplyDeleteWeks....Dari Planet Hollywood kaleeeee
ReplyDeletenamanya juga perempuan ama laki punya pola pikir beda....
ReplyDeletekalo banci sama ama yg mana yah?
adoww... blm ada pakar yg bahas ttg bences,nak....
ReplyDeleteKalau "banci" itu dari planet Saturnus lagi...
ReplyDeleteThat's what marriage supposed to,is to understand the different about each other,
ReplyDeletewahhh thnks ,Da... .But,beneran gitu dari Saturnus???
ReplyDeleteAmien!!!!!!!!! Wish long life ever after..
ReplyDeletelucu2..mei..hehehe....mang laki tuh keras kepala...
ReplyDeletejust relax2x sementara kaki udah ledes...hahaha...
begitulah adanya...Laki2 gengsi nanya,takut gak berwibawa... ,sementara bini ,kakinya udh lecet2...
ReplyDeleteMei, sorry nih gak perhatiin komen kite ke Quote sama original msg dijurnalmu...jadi super panjang deh, penuh2in tempat...sorry ya, baru nyadar skrg ^_^
ReplyDeletekirain dari planet Pluto hehehe
ReplyDeletesetuju, amin!! =)
ReplyDeletegpp lagi,say...Itung2 ada perhatian sampe ngequote semua ...hahahhahahha
ReplyDeletePlanet Pluto kyknya si Micky & Minnie Mouse deh..Hehehhehe (kan juragan si Pluto Mr. Mouse )
ReplyDeleteAmien juga!!!!! Semuanya long life, diberkati anak cucu,tidak kekurangan...