Not many couples have the same birthdays like us.. Heheheh..But,I'm so grateful for having him as my husband,friend and lover.Many people don't believe when knowing we have the same birthdays (even we're the 3rd child in each fam ).What a coinsidence!!! We always say one each other,"Hey,twins...
I was really tired last nite,had a long day...So now,I wrote the "journal"...Hehehhe.I only have 17 pics left !!!
Yesterday noon I baked 2 Devil's cakes.I designed them (as good as I could ).Ronnie went home so late last nite ( thought we wouldn't go out dinner ).He and Mom,went home abt 6 pm. I wondered where they've been going.I had dressed well
I had cleaned the kitchen and the living room.I put the cakes in the dining room.When I was in the basement,I heard someone's walking around in the kitchen.Heyy!!! That's my baby!!!!!
I ran n hugged him
PS : Thnks a lot to all of you who has paid attentions to us.Thnks for the greetings and the notices in your own MP.We do appriciate them... May God bless you all,and had a long life, happy family, many blessings....I love you all
huahahahah si Ronnie bisa juga centil ......
ReplyDeletehappy bday for both of you (utk kedua kalinya gue ngucapin)
Senyum mengembang... Hahahhaha
ReplyDeleteThnks a lot,honey....
my fav.... french fries with gravy nyam nyam
ReplyDeletepedes ini,kali mrk pake Frank's hot sauce itu. Chicken wingsnya yg keasinan.Jadi illfeel,gak mau makan lagi..hahahaha
ReplyDeletegue sekarang lebih demen french fries pake gravy...
wahhhh gue sempet ilfeel ama KFC disini busetttt itu ayam asin dan terlalu berminyak
wahhh kita kejadian juga sekali di KFC. Kotor... pelayannya asal, talamnya masih basah gitu,bekas2 dari makanan.Baru 1 gigit,Ronnie sudah cabut,jijik katanya.Sayang deh itu makanan....
ReplyDeleteKalo gua ada disitu udah gua colek itu kue bahenol !!
ReplyDeleteDuh...napsu makan!
ReplyDeleteDuh ! Si MeiMei...making wishnya yg kenceeeeng banget...biar terkabul. Semoga terkabul !!
ReplyDeleteBener2 jodoh !! Selamat ulang taon deh sekali lagi.
ReplyDeleteAyo ke siniiiiiiiiiii.. Kue bahenol... ngebuatnya juga yg bahenol.. Hahahhaha.. Sampe 1 jam nih cuma design gitu doank.Tangan belepotan semua. Walau gak mantaffff kyk di bakery...tapi Ok lah utk konsumsi sendiri... hahhahaha
ReplyDeletebuka mata wkt make a wish.. Doanya gini," Thank you Lord for giving us one more year,thnks for the lovely hubby,wish we had a happy family forever and ever.He wish that we would have another car,and he just let somebody hit my old car,so we would have another one."
ReplyDeleteDia blg,'ehhh doanya yg terakhirrrrrrrrrrr............. "
Jodohhhhhhhhhh... Amien..... Thnks a lot, Mei!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewah...happy birthday nihhhhhh....!!
ReplyDeleteDoooo...romantis sekaleee deh...anyway, itu kue nya coba diperjelas..dizzzoooommm Mei. Kadonya juga.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Mei and Ronnie, May god bless you...
ReplyDeletethnks ,ko..... Gmn ,Freya sehat? Salam buat anak2... Ada hantu di mana sehh?? Hahhahahhaa
ReplyDeleteThnks,Ser...Wah udh nyampe ya kuenya?? Enjoy deh.. Itu Devil's cake,tinggal beli cake mix doank di Kroger. Hehehehhe.. Cakenya Ronnie tinggal setengah nih,dicomot2 terus dari tadi pagi.Sementara cakenya Mei2 masih utuh,bowwwww. Kadonya? Dpt webcam.. tapi dicoba tadi blurrrrr.. tau nih knp
ReplyDeletebeautiful pics...
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing them...
take care...
thnks,da... GBU ,too!!! Lagi makan cake di sini.. Cakenya Ronnie bentar lagi ludessssssssssssssss .hahahhahha
ReplyDeletethnks,Jason.. Glad you enjoy them . GBU
ReplyDeletesemua sehat2 saja.
ReplyDeleteHantu? di rumah kosong, deket sini...hiiiiyyy..
oalahhhhhh .. Suruh tim PNP aja lacak ke sana.Siapa tau koko jadi narasumber... Hahahhahhaha
ReplyDeleteWow amazing couples having the same b'day!!! Happy B'day Mei and Ronnie, wishing both of you are happy, healthy and wealthy (yang terakhir bagi-bagi yak) :)))
ReplyDeleteHappy B'day buat kalian bedua ya....wish you guys lots of happiness, be blessed every single day, and keep that craziness in you too....wuakaka..
ReplyDeletehahahhaha... emang geblek deh ah !!!...
ReplyDeleteRonnie en Mei2... happy b'day once again yah... be happy... be strong.. keep the faith.. en keep praying ! luv you both - GBU both - rick an dola-
ckckck Mpo... kalo soal gaya emang jagoaaan! Happy BIrthday again dah! cakeeep!! apa gak kedinginan itu jempol pake sepatu open kap gitooo mpo?
ReplyDeleteHi Ronnie, Happy Bday from gw..*sksdsab ------> sok kenal sok deket so akrab banget* huekhuekhuek
ReplyDeleteHappy Bday to both of you, Tuhan memberkati dengan anak yang berlaksa laksa...! huahuhau
ReplyDeleteOi....., sama pulalah Kalian ULANG TAHUNNYA yah.....!!!!
aloww... thnks a lot,Mbak....Healthy selalu...wealthy-nya nanti dibagi2 kalo dpt lotere 1 M. Hahahhahahaha
ReplyDeleteamien...weleh..craziness is our trademark,Zus...Hahahhahahha
ReplyDeleteBe blessed everyday,as our MP's motto
Hehehehehe...Udh bisa camnya,say...Saya aja yg dodolz gak kepikiran mutar itu focus ring. Hahahha..Keep praying for us!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you both,too
demi gaya (maklum ini sepatu wkt married ).... gak taunya begitu keluar...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....hahhahahahha
Thnks,kata Ronnie.Dia tersenyum simpul.
ReplyDeleteGpp sksd...nanti juga makin akrab banget..hahhahaha
This prayers I love so much...Tiap kali ada kata "berkat " The same wish to you,siz...
ReplyDeletecongratulation ya Mei...
ReplyDeleteHope both of you happily ever after..
mauliate godang da.... Sama2..... GBU!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHoi Twins..:))
ReplyDeleteHappy B-day se x lagi ja!!!
lucuuuuuuuuuu deeehhh......bisa samaan, moga2 nanti "junior Ries" juga saman tglnya lagi..*sambil senyum2 neeehh*
Panjang Umur, Hidup bahagia langgeng selamanya!!
Tuhan Memberkati Selalu!!
dari Kita ber2 disini...
alow ZUs & Jan,thnks a lot... Iya,nanti diset juga nih Ronnie Jr Ries nya samaan tglnya.Lucunya,ada sepupu yg anaknya lahir tgl 26 juga,plus temen gereja baru kmrn nikah tgl 26 Oct juga.Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!! Bener2 what a coinsidence dehh!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHugs from us,too
Hey Mei..
ReplyDeleteHappy belated b-day for both of U!! Sorry ngilang.. maklum pegawe negeri haahaa.. Hope all ur wish come true, especially yang terakhir itu (^-^)
keren kau disini Mei...kalian emang pasangan romantiiiis =)
ReplyDeleteikut ngucapin happy b'day for both of u!!! sorry telat Mei, kemaren2 kita absent dari MP baru hari ini di malam buta masuk kantor lagi hehehe kantor apaan ya yg bukanya malam menjelang pagi waktu setempat?hehe
ReplyDeleteok deh whatever it's, wish u all the best!!! GBU circle always!!!!
waduh kuenya cantiiiiix sekale...kembaran kuenya dan kompakan HUTnya ya =)
ReplyDeleteweleh desyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... Kirain siapa... Hhahahhahaha...
ReplyDeleteKe mana aja ini menghilang???Mo telp kmrn2,des,tapi sibuk.Ntar siangan ya... Hehhehe
thnks a lot, honey...
kerennnnnnnnn... Hahahhahha.... Dpt award dari Mak Benji nih.. Most entertaining couple of the year... hahhahahhaa
ReplyDeletekantor pribadi ya,Ren? Kita juga punya kantor bukanya 24/7 ..Hahahhaha.Gak ada liburnya.. Hihihihi..
ReplyDeleteThnks a lot..thanks a lot..Tuhan berkati juga .
kompakan kuenya. ultahnya juga..hahahhah..Kuenya cantik?Aduh thnks,say..Kue ala kadarnya itu.. Hehehhehe
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday for both of you. God Bless You.
ReplyDeletewaduh... ke mana aja,say? lama gak muncul.. Thnks a lot. Mo diupdate gak MP nya ? Hahahhahahhaa GBU,too!!!
ReplyDeleteApdet-in dong Mei :-D
ReplyDeletepasswordnya hahhahahha
ReplyDeleteMEIMEIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! ..... HAPPY B'DAY!!!! Dohh, sorry Mei, telat bgt oii! Baru aja mampir neh! Cup cup...mmuuachh! Happy B'day utk si Bapak juga!! Cup cup ... mmmmmuach! Moga sehat panjang umur panjang rezeki ...
ReplyDeleteMEIMEIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! ..... HAPPY B'DAY!!!! Dohh, sorry Mei, telat bgt oii! Baru aja mampir neh! Cup cup...mmuuachh! Happy B'day utk si Bapak juga!! Cup cup ... mmmmmuach! Moga sehat panjang umur panjang rezeki ...
ReplyDeleteke mana aja,say?Telat seminggu neh..hahhaahha
ReplyDeletethnks a lot,dear.Si Bapak? Ntar ketawa dia ...
Sama2...panjang umur murah rejeki buat Leo.
Si Leo semangat pisan,sampe double posting. hahahhaha
Akhir" ini sibuk maen game ampe jarang mampir heihihi...
ReplyDeleteya amplop!!!!!!!!!!!!!Main gitu? hehehehhehe
ReplyDeletebagi donk kuenya hehehe itu kue bikin sendiri ya mei?
ReplyDeletesekali lg happy b'day to both of u ok :)
Lahh udh abis,bu....Udh seminggu tepatnya berlalu itu ultah. .Beli bahan yg cake mix,tinggal tambah telur,minyak dan air doank.Selanjutnya...Oven!!!! 30 mnt..ting!!!!!!!!!! Jadi deh cakenya...tinggal dekorasi sana sini..
ReplyDeleteThnks a lot...GBU!!!
happy birthday eda meimei dan ronny.God bless ur married!
ReplyDeleteMauliate godang,inang........Salam buat si kecil.GBU!!!