Duhhhhhhhhh...I wore out totally today. I was really exhausted .This morning I woke up at 6.30 am,and prepared Ronnie's lunch ( he loves the sandwiches I make for him ). Actually,I decided to go back to bed
,but I was attempted to call my parents.I got an email from Danny White
( thnks for the email, Danny ),and later at noon as I came back home from
lesson, I got email from his wife,Sera White .
This noon, my instructor made me drive to Highway, with the 60 miles speed/hour. Mama mia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .But, I did it!!!!!!!!! I did some more exercise of maneuvereability again.David,my instructor ( at last I know his name) said I could save my last class to do my skill test. So, I gotta call the BMV and make the appointment.
I stopped by in Kroger and picked my perscriptions .David accompanied me in. I hadn't got any lunch yet,so I grabbed 2
.It's been a long time I hadn't had them
As soon as I arrived at home,I prepared to cook for Bu Lurah's orders..Desy called me she couldn't come today ( but,she would come tomorrow ). I invited her to have lunch with me .She'd like to see I cook ( bet she wants to learn how to cook ). Hahhahaha.
Ronnie called me as usual, saying," ,babe. I'll be home ".
He's home... I told him I was really exhausted..I did a lil mistake in my driving lesson.I didn't concentrate,I kept yawning and gee.... I just didn't feel good today.
He asked me to go upstairs.He laid in bed with me. He said I must have been tired.I said," ." I felt miserable.Ronnie didn't let me say any words,and said "
.just sleep,baby."
.Both of us were sleeping....
Suddenly,Mom yelled, " time!!!!! Let's eat!! "...Wahhhhhh.... Ronnie woke up and asked me to go down.I was stilllllllllll tired and sleepy... But, Mom called me again and said," Mei, come down,have some to eat.."
ok,,, ok...
We had beef . Once we finished eating, me and Mom drove to library.We attended a
class. We made
and syals/scarves. I brought home lots of material...
I wanna continue doing them at home. I feel much better now after taking a nap.
Mirna called me....Geee... they just came back from Anniversary celebration.Been missing her so much..........Thank God finally we could talk on the phone.
Ok... I wanna continue my knitting... So...gotta stop writing here.
loh..kok mertu tinggal bareng ama kalian..???
ReplyDeletekebalik..... hahhahah
ReplyDeleteoh.....hhaaaa....haaa.....mangallang saksang do Ibana...????
ReplyDeletedang...alani podas nian... marhosa2 annon.....
ReplyDeleteDa,naeng modom jo.. Loja au sadarion...
Mauliate da...
Duh ! Baca jurnalnya MeiMei jadi ikut cape...banyak ahmad kegiatannya !! Tambahin punya anak tiga, Mei....Refooot !!
ReplyDeletemodom ma..molo au dang do pe...dakdanak martangisan...ala bapaknya dang di jabu...talk to U soon...
ReplyDeleteiya,repot say....Blm punya anak udh begini refotnya..gmn ntar ada anak ya?Hari ini juga padat nih kegiatan..Laundry,masak,urus kebun,bersihin rumah ( ntar siang ada temen mo datang ).
ReplyDeletekapan pulang Amang Bawa i?
ReplyDeletehari Kamis...........nungga he bereng resep bikin saksangna..boi do hu contoh..da..???
ReplyDeleteDuh yg sibuk & capek...pa kabar sekarang? hehehe
ReplyDeletesuka deh lihat gayamu difoto kok jadi mirip penyanyi rap hehehe
Duh yg sibuk sibuk capek...pa kabar sekarang? hehehe
ReplyDeletesuka deh lihat gayamu difoto kok jadi mirip penyanyi rap hehehe
invite gw juga dong buat lunch sekalian dinner...
ReplyDeletebah..dang boi hamu mamasak saksang ?Molo Halak batak 100% jago do i... hehehhehehe
ReplyDeletepenyanyi rap tak jadi.. jadinya nge-repettttttt mulu ( murmuring )..hahahhahahah
ReplyDeleteayo!!!!! jam 2 nanti ya... Ini mo siap2in bahan nih.. hehehhe.> Jgn telat !!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletemana nih undangan sama tiket pp-nya gak timbul ampe sekarang :-(( Gak niat nih judulnya!
ReplyDeletelahhh blm nyampe?? Berarti blm dikrm kalo gitu
ReplyDeletetul kan gw bilang emang gak niat ini ngundangnya!
ReplyDeletebeneran nih mau?? Naik sepeda brp hari ya?
ReplyDeleteNaek sepeda? Boleh!
ReplyDeleteBoleh mampus!!! hehehe .....
nah lo...skrg ini yg gak niat..
ReplyDeletekalo pesawat gw niat!
ReplyDeletebyr dulu deh tiketnya..nanti ditagih di sini..
ReplyDeleteBtw, brp jam sih jalan darat? baru liat map kmrn .hehehhehehe...Ternyata gak jauh2 amat ..
brapa jau...?
ReplyDeletenanya juga. Kalo temen kmrn dari NYC nyampe ke KY, mrk blg sktr 10 jam an gitu, kalo KY tetanggaan sama kita....sktr 1 jam an..
ReplyDeleteeh,Clod... dkt tuh.. barusan ngechek lagi... Kyk dari sini ke TN... sktr 4-5 jam doank!!!! PA itu di antara OH dan NJ lagi..Ayo..singgah ke sini kapan2..
ReplyDelete11 jam? bisa tua and berakar di mobil gw mah Mei....
ReplyDelete4-5 jam lumayan bisa ber-lalar dijalan hihihi, eh gw senengg tuh travel pale mobil, Daniel yg emoh perjalanan jauh diatas 3 jam...
ReplyDeleteiya...ayo,sekali2 main ke sini.Nanti masak banyak2...puas2in makan makanan Indo... .Ronnie juga gitu, maunya jalan sktr 1 jam -an.. hahahhahaha.Suka gak betah,takut nanti jadi grumpy, traffic lah bla bla bla...