Monday, October 31, 2005

Autumn...Autumn...Autumn... sad..I don't have any space to attach pics here. Sobbing Gotta wait till tomorrow?  Maybe (New month, new space..... Smile ).

Still cold.............sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sleepy .


Sunday morning went to  Church ,had b'fast from BK.We had lunch in Wendy's.Ronnie drove home ( I was really tired of driving ).He kept asking me,but I refused!!  No baby....It's been 2 days I've been driving Laughing 1 .Gee... I know how the real feeling of the daily drivers then..Capek ternyata ya??????????

We went back to Micro Centre Mall, Ronnie was thinking to buy the  Printer  he had seen before.He thinks The Thinker much this time. He's  disappointed Annoyed And Disappointed cos the sales guy couldn't explain to him completely abt the printer he asked( Ronnie compares a couple printers ).


Oh well...we went to the other place and Ronnie's tired.Driving back home,we arrived abt 5 pm.i took some pics from the car.Colorful trees here and there. So beautiful!!!   Fall Colors 

We spent timeEmail a lil bit   in the basement,and went upstairs.

We took a nap. Sleeping Mom called to have dinner.But,I kept sleeping. Smile .I didn't wake up till morning.


  1. langitnya cerah yah mei

    disini mendung mulu booo

  2. yup...di sini cerah.Kmrn juga.. Hari ini kyknya juga iya.. (di basement,jadi ngeliatnya dari kaca doank ).hehehhee

  3. Duh...gua juga neh! Padahal banyak poto2 anak2 yg mo dipajang buat Opa & Grandma. Begini nasib kita kalo gratisan * lagu dangdut* hehehehe...

  4. aneh lho..Padahal kmrn registernya tgl 16 an gitu.Kirain tiap tgl 16 udh otomatis ada space.Gak taunya...hiks...hiks...hiks.... Sutralah..makan bihun kuah panas2 aja...biar ilang sedihnya....

  5. heheh kayak orang terkurung doong :P

    sana gih keluar jalan2 :D menghirup udara segeeeer

  6. dingin..... malas keluar...enakan ngorok or makan yg panas2..Barusan petik daun bwg pre di kebun.. Hahahhahahha

  7. Gw senang kalau Fall udah datang karena daun daun semuanya berubah warna...

  8. cantik ya ..tapi kalo udh daunnya berguguran ...aduhh capeknya nyapu sana sini..hahhahahha

  9. ngomong2 makan yang panas2 gue lagi bikin bihun kuah sapi nih,
    enak ya anget2 :D

  10. akhirnya ada yg ngikut juga... Thnks,Jen!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tinggal nunggu giliran Mak Benji..AUO!!!!!!!!!!!! AUO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Si Jenny udh buat tuh.... giliran elu, Mak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    enak kan ,Jen??Enak kan???Dingin2 gini...makan yg anget2

  11. wahh bagus ya langitnya...
    jadi pengen...

    jadi inget kalo udah bulan November hari ini... udah lama ngak upload foto... wahh yg bulan oct ngak upload... jadi kebuang sia2 dehh space nya :D

  12. Biasanya kalo baru belajar sukaannya di setir mulu tuh... :-))

  13. Nih gw masih punya banyak jatah bulan ini sekitar 75-an. Hayooooo lelang! Gratis!!! siapa mauuuuuu... :-p

  14. iya...langit cerah,hati juga ceria...

    Lahhh ini ada space,malah gak dipake...Bagi kita donk,Jen.. hehehhee

  15. Iya nih.. jadi pengen balik disetirin aja ah... Gak mau nyetirrrrrrr

  16. cie bsackground baru nih mei..itu pemandangannya bagus bener yak :)

  17. iya,say...ganti background..Biar mata segerrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Pemandangan kalo lagi Autumn emang OK banget..cuma dinginnya aja yg gak tahan...Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  18. Mei, those pics are sssooo pretty, but at the same time I hate it. Snow will come soon! I hate snow. Oh well. We got to go to Clev. I will miss my class today...hoorreeee (lo kok?).

  19. Lahhh pantesan tadi chatting sama Dan.. Hahahaha...Gak ding,cuma dia blg "Sera di IM yg lain "..
    Baru bangun kita,say.Ngantuk sekali... hehehhehe

    Ih..I don't like snow either (bikin badan menggigil kedinginan ,kyk patung es berjalan ).Hahhaaha

  20. dingin2 kan enak mei..biar bisa kelonan terus hahaha

  21. dingin2 enaknya makan yg hangat2... hahahahha BIHUN KUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. hi hi hi....patung jalan kayak apaanya? nanti dipanggil I robot nggak? ada-ada aja kamu....

  23. lahhh ol ternyata,Ser???? Kirain gakkkkkkkkkkkk.........

    I Robot keren juga ya.... tapi mrk kedinginan gak tuh?Hahahaha
