Listenin' to music here ...
.It's hot this noon,but now it's cold!!!!!!!!!!!! I called the BMV this morning and asked to have a driving test appointment.Ufhhh... the date was given wasn't the right time for my instructor,so I gotta match the schedule for next week.
I called my parents.They're doing OK! Mami said abt the gas rates in Indonesia.Everyone complains....She said, she went to public market one day, and she waited for a
.None's coming! She had to walk for abt 20 mnts and went to a phone booth,called my sister to pick her home by
.At noon,one by one bus appeared.Now,in the city, all the buses drivers complain by not running the bus. So,the trucks from police departments load the students,workers instead of the buses.
.. Indonesia is getting worse
.Everything is getting more expensive.Seems everytime we change President,everything is more and more expensive.
I was when I was talking to Mami.She heard something boiling and said," What are you doing there,Mei?" I said, " I'm cooking rice, Mom..I am making omellet,too." She laughed. I told her that I had some more orders ( Lidya ordered 2 portions of pork this noon ). Another friend orders Onion Crispy for Ramadhan.....
Tony came again.Ronnie made him cut the grass and take out all the trash,cos tonite is the Trash Nite!! I told Ronnie I'd like to borrow some cones from the Driving Course,so I could practise some more of maneuvereability.Ronnie said,"Ok..".I went down to the basement picked my IDs and I saw him playing .It's been a long time he didn't touch the organ.I took his pics when he's playing
.I copied his music by murmuring....
.Then,we left...
He let me drive again... Oo....I was still a lil bit ,moreover when I saw him was
.Once,he asked me to turn right.I said," It's red,babe..I can't." I missunderstood.He meant to pull the car to the right curb.I almost passed the line.
.I told him," Ok, drive back home. I'm scared to death seeing you so panic like that." He said, " No,babe.You're doing good..You can do it.. You're doing better day by day..."
.Ooooookkkkk....We brought home 5 cones and 5 sticks.
We arrived home safely. My fingers were still cold... .He laughed and said," Hey,Mei? " I replied,"Yes,Hun? ".He said,"
.. Gosh...soooo sweet.....
Wah Ronnie jago maen organ juga ya...? Elo jago maen apaan Mei? kikik
ReplyDeletekita? dulunya organ juga,skrg malah lbh seneng !!! Kita biasanya main di studio, kmr atas.Tapi udh bbrp bulan ini gak pernah main musik lagi.Malas........heheehhehe
ReplyDeletebisa maen organ juga elo ya, kirain maen sepak bola doang kikik...
ReplyDeleteMeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, tiap cerita elu pasti ada foto makanan ampyuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn hehehehehehe
ReplyDeleteitu dulu...wkt kuliah..Ikutan team sepakbola mini wanita..Juara 1 ,bow!!!
ReplyDeletedaku tidak bisa jauh dari makanan,say...
ReplyDeletewaualah anggota kesebelasan ya? Sampe skrg jago maen bola dirumah juga.. kikik
ReplyDeleteOrgan musik ato organ tubuh ? hihihiii...
ReplyDeleteskrg temennya paling cuma Lucky...tendang bola sana sini,dia yg kejar...
ReplyDeletedua2nya, Mak..Gak mo rugi
ReplyDeleteHaaa maen bola ama Lucky? weeekzzz, Ronnie gak mati berdiri itu? hihuahihauhauhau
ReplyDeletekalo sama Ronnie pasti organ tubuh... kriuk kriuk kriuk!
ReplyDeleteRonnie sama Putty Cat!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletekriukk kriukk tengah malam.. soalnya pasang kipas kenceng2...
ReplyDeleteWah... byk orderan neh! Mei, lagu se sang ce you mama hao nya lagi dicariin ama temen" sekantor --> gile nih, elo bikin heboh kite2... tp gak janji dpt yaa...
ReplyDeletejalan ini usaha ..hehehhehe
ReplyDeleteBtw, lagunya nanti2 juga gpp,Leo.. heheheheh...Harus dapat!!!!!!!!!!!! Leonora ntar ngamuk lagi lo panggil Leo...Doi udah bawa2 rantang tuh. ( ngamuk kok bawa2 rantang ???)
ReplyDeleteUdah bener kok mei (emak jade).. jgn "le" aja (takut nyasar ntar manggilnya) ekeke...
ReplyDeleteMaksa neh judulnya. Syukur.. untung dpt lagunya.. ada di site gw tuh!
ReplyDelete*Mama hao song ----> dedicated to all mommas/mummies/nyak/emak/mama/bunda/laen" yg artinya "emak" in this world... cieee uhui!!
Mo ajak makan bareng... ngamuk yg lagi baek
ReplyDeleteWahh udh bener nih,Mak. Ntar balik manggil Le kena cambuk lagi kita...
ReplyDeletekalo gak gitu ,gak dpt donk..tuh buktinya udh dpt.. Xie xie say.....Nanti meluncur ke sana
ReplyDeletewah jago main organ ya? asik donk hehehe...
ReplyDeletemei dah ketmu blum lagu mama haonya? susah2 bae..mampir aja ke mp anak gue..dia tuh theme songnya lagu mama hao...:) dl aja :)
Ronnie bisa,Mei2 yg udh gak mahir lagi. Si Leo ada lagunya. btw, ada juga di MPnya Wen2?? Ok deh...segera ke sana ntaran.. thnks ya.. GBU!!!
ReplyDeleteiya ada di mpnya daku :) mampir donk auntie ehhehe
asal jangan kayak supir bis....