Weks....I just only have 53 pics available for this month.Duhh.... gotta be wiser next time.
. I'm using Ronnie's compt (ughhh he has no smiley central here ).He ain't let me install it.
I failed...yes, failed on my driving test.I knocked down the cones,twice!!!..Yeahh Preman Siantar,sehhh!!!!
Disappointed?Of course! But, I didn't let myself be so depressed.Ha ha ha ha...I came back home,and Mark was coming from his back door.He gave me a big plastic of peppers!!!!!!!!!.COOL!!!!!! This time,many kinds of peppers!!! Habanero,Green pepper,yellow ones,even brown ones and small ones (cabe rawit merah,bow!).
Wow!!! I was really pleased and brought them home.I put in the freezer.Last nite,I went to Francis store,bought some ingredients.I bought soymilk and lime stone paste (ternyata ada di sin,Mak Benji ,tumben mrk jual).Pina orders some SAKSANG for big portion this time (she said the 1st one tasted really good,and she wanted to eat more and more ).
This week I'll make Kue Bawang ( Nia & Mak Benji's orders). Tomorrow me and Ronnie will go to Downtown.We have ian nterview from INS.Wish I would get my permanent residence and green card.
I made banana chips today.A lot!! But I had eaten a lot,too.Ronnie came home and we laid down on the carpet in the living room.I was cold.He made me hug him while he's reading newspapers on the carpet. Ihh yg bener aja lage...
Finally,I took his jacket and laid down.I slept.....I bet I snored!!! Lucky came in and almost licked my face..I knew Mom's home.I was still sleepy and Ronnie asked me to go to bed.
He tucked me in bed,and I slept again. I woke up abt 7.30 pm,and saw Ronnie was having his last spoon. Mom said,"Mei...next time pls warn me." I got confused..What is that? Ronnie said," Mom ate the pepper.Mark gave to you..She's hot!! Her tounge burns".. HUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHA.. OMG!!!!! We laughed!! Mom said," Yes,I ate it.What is that? I thought that's the regular pepper." She grabbed a plastic with a pepper inside.She showed me. I said," That's HABANERO, Mom!! "
....Ronnie laughed loudly.. Mom said,"What??? Aw... so hot!!! " hahahahhahahaha.
I give up.Once I had it,and said to Mark," No..it's not hot." I kept eating the habanero and suddenly...AWWWWWWWWWWW.HELP ME!!!!!!!! My tounge burnt!!! I couldn't breath,my eyes're red.I felt my face was swollen..Duh... I ran to the kitchen,put my mouth under the faucet and let the water ran for long time!! Kapok dahh....
I felt sorry abt Mom. Oh well,next time she gotta be careful.
I offered Mom to drink soymilk.She had it,and said,"Hmm..taste sweet and creamy." Oh yes... I had 2 cups since yesterday..I do love it.Thank God it's sold here.
Well...... wanna prepare all the documents for tomorrow.
Itu peppers cute banget...fadahal kejaaaam bow, pedes !!! Duh, ...jatah poto gua bulan ini juga tinggal 59...boros neh gua ! BTW, titipan elo udah gua beli ~ kemaren jadi belanja dadakan. Besok kirim daaah....
ReplyDeletepedes2...kapok dahhhh
ReplyDeletetinggal 59??boros juga ternyata.. Thnks a lot ya,Mei.. Udh gak sabaran neh... hehehhehe
karpet jadi saksi... saksi ngorok maksudnya huehauheuae
ReplyDeleteKalo elo kecewa gw udah tau obatnya apaan? PEPPER!!! huehehue, tinggal disogok pepper doang pasti MeiMei hidup lagi kikik
ReplyDeleteWhat is it? :-?
ReplyDeletewhat is it? :-?
ReplyDeletewah sesama Mei saling mencintai... gitooo dong... tob! gw mo ganti nama Mei juga aaah...
ReplyDeleteoii Clod...kangen daku padamu
ReplyDeleteBelakangan ini suka ngantuk....... hehehheheh>Jadi di mana saja dan kapan saja,bawaannya mo tidurrrrrrrr terus.
jangan ah... Bener2 kapok..Luar biasa pedesnya...
ReplyDeleteHabanero,pepper yg plg pedes kata org. Itu ,yg warnanya hijau dan merah,rada gedean dikit.
ReplyDeleteBerani mencoba??Nanti kita kirim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
buruan....ganti nama.Biar jadi kembar 3.hehehehhe
ReplyDeleteMo tidur dulu... Nite! GBU!!!
ReplyDeleteha..ha..Lucu gw baca story loe Mey...Preman Siantar kalah juga ama Habanero rupanya hi..hi..Lagian berani amat kamu makan Habanero...
ReplyDeleteHo-oh! Jadi Mei-dia....kikikii...Kan dulu gua dinamain Mei karena lahir bulan 5. Nah si MeiMei lahir bulan 10 jadi 5 + 5 = MeiMei...Kan gitoo teori matematikanya. * ngarang *
ReplyDeletewadoh juga nih... heheehehe.Malu ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteUdh pernah coba habanero,blm?Siapa yg mau nanti dikirimin..hahahhaaha.Maklum,di kampung kami gak ada yg namanya Habanero.Plg pedes cuma cabe rawit dan andaliman tok. Hahahahhaha
ReplyDeletetoho do i,Inang..Cocok sekali itungan MTK nya..hahahhahaha
ReplyDeleteberani! berani... bukan Claudia namanya kalo gak bisa makan pedes... *woooooooo* mana itu habanero??? *sambil gulung lengan baju*
ReplyDeletehaaaa? *sambil bingun* udah pake calculator tetep hasilnya jao... hehehe Ya udah gw ganti nama *gw lahir bulan July* MEIDIA instead of dua diperkeren jadi dia, matematikanya: 5 + 2 =7... cucoooo man! ini baru aseli...
ReplyDeletegak ganti nama kita juga saling mencintai ya gak? hehehe biarlah cinta kasih kita tidak akan pernah pudar oleh asap dan api hihihihi
ReplyDeleteSaya bu...! *sambil ngacungin tangan gak tau malu* :-p
ReplyDeleteminta alamatnya. ( Gulung lengan baju,ambil cangkol,mo bertani ) ..hahahhahha
ReplyDeleteMeidia Tra La La Tri Li Li
ReplyDeleteTeletubbies.... Berpelukannnnnnnnnnnn ( untung gak ada asap hari ini.. yg ada tadi petir subuh2... heheheh )
ReplyDeletesilahkan tulis alamat lengkap.....
ReplyDeletetuh kan pas ganti nama langsung mo dikirimin habanero... hehehe entar mo disahkan dulu deh nama baru ini...
ReplyDeleteada yg terharu... nama sendiri kurang cakep ya? :-P <.font>
ReplyDeletenama bawa berkat tuh
ReplyDeletesimpan nama sendiri,pake nama baru skrg...
ReplyDeleteoi Mei selamat diinterview ya, pasti sukses deh...
ReplyDeletethnks, Jen.... sukses,bow!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOlala ... Mei2 ... makasih banyak dah nyempetin bikin kue bawang nya .... lumayan buat lebaran ... :clap:
ReplyDeleteyuhu,say..Sabar ya...minggu dpn sudah meluncur ke sana.. hehehhehe..Alamatnya sekali lagi donk.. krm ke email.Salam buat si kecil2 nan mungil dan cantik.