Duhhh...so sad..I don't have any space to attach pics here. Gotta wait till tomorrow?
(New month, new space.....
Still cold.............sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .
Sunday morning went to ,had b'fast from BK.We had lunch in Wendy's.Ronnie drove home ( I was really tired of driving ).He kept asking me,but I refused!!
baby....It's been 2 days I've been driving
.Gee... I know how the real feeling of the daily drivers then..Capek ternyata ya??????????
We went back to Micro Centre Mall, Ronnie was thinking to buy the he had seen before.He thinks
much this time. He's disappointed
cos the sales guy couldn't explain to him completely abt the printer he asked( Ronnie compares a couple printers ).
Oh well...we went to the other place and Ronnie's tired.Driving back home,we arrived abt 5 pm.i took some pics from the car.Colorful trees here and there. So beautiful!!!
We spent time a lil bit in the basement,and went upstairs.
We took a nap. Mom called to have dinner.But,I kept sleeping.
.I didn't wake up till morning.