I just wanna share, no intentions to offend one's feeling.
This morning as I have told in the previous journal, I went shopping.I caught a bus,there're few people inside ( abt 6 people).The driver women greeted me.I asked her whether the passed Kroger. She said yes. Then, I had a seat behind her ( actually the seats are for handicap or elder people ). There's a lady with a baby sat next to me ( actually she put her bag in the middle seat ).
I had a thought to ask one more time abt the bus schedule,since I have waited for almost 1 hour.So, I decided to talk to her, showed my map and asked," Excuse me, is this the bus..." She said, " Oo..I don't know , I don't know. I am a new comer bla bla bla". She pulled her bag away and didn't look at me. She didn't give me any face,avoiding to see me at all.
I was I couldn't believe her reaction was like that. I thought I had talked to her politely.She,as if she didn't wanna talk to me, felt disgusting and avoided me. And,there's another lady in front of me said, " Don't ask me, I don't know either. I was lost couple times bla bla bla ". I just smiled, pusillanimous indeed,for sure. I said," Thank you ".
I was quite and a couple minutes later, they got off. I didn't believe they're new comers.They are the local people.I thought," maybe they didn't wanna talk to me,didn't want to talk to strangers ".
Agh...I tried to forget it. I got off in Kroger.I walked in and pushed my .Suddenly,I heard someone greated me saying," Hello ".I realized when he was passing me behind and I turned my back saying,"Hello,too" . I smiled to him,and he smiled back. I knew it's too late to reply,but I didn't notice it.My mind was not there.I looked at him.He's a black man. See???!!!! I treated him nicely.But,why those 2 black ladies couldn't do that? I am not a rasist,not at all.It's just hurt when someone treats you unnicely.
Yesterday evening,before we went over Dave's home,we stopped in Francis Intl Market.I bought some tapioca,chips and bihun.Ronnie was waiting for me in the car. He said," 5 minutes,babe." I spent more than 5 mnts there. When I was done, I went to the cashier's table.There's a big black man's standing there.I couldn't put all my stuffs, since he was standing there and the cashier was there too( they're on outside of the table ). The cashier was holding a broom and talking on the phone,and the guy was next to her. I was standing beetween them abt 1 foot. I said to the guy," Excuse me.." He turned his head and said," What ??!! ". I was surprised!!! I said," I wanna put all my stuffs on the table ". He didn't move.He looked at me and turned back. Oho.......Suddenly,he moved and he helped me put the tapioca.Wah..he's so nice, I thought.I said," Thank you...thank you..I do appriciate that ". The cashier moved back to her table and I stood next to him.Then,
he said:" Maam, Can I have 50 cents pls?I wanna buy the card. It's bla bla bla ".
me :( I thought he collected some money for he had helped me )
I checked my bag and gave him 50 cents.
He : " Can I have some more 50 cents? It cost 1 buck.Bla bla bla "
Me : "I am not sure,let's see. "
I looked at Ronnie from a far,cos he parked his just right in front of the entrance door.I wish he would looked at me.
I checked again,and I gave him maybe 25 cents ,I wasn't quite sure,cos I've been illfeel already. He looked around and gave the coins he had to the cashier. The cashier's face was different.I said to the cashier," I am done. How much do they cost ? ". The man left, I heard he said " goodbye and have a nice one ",but I was busy with myself.She said," Did he ask you some money ? " I said,"Yes. I thought he charged me cos he had helped me." She said," huhhh.....always like that! ". She didn't like,she said. Oh well, it happened. She reminded me to be careful.
I told Ronnie, he was quite and said," Baby,there's a time when you must be straight. Don't talk to strangers. You don't know what they want.Be careful with people,especially when they ask you some money."
One other day, when I was waiting for a bus, or walking, there're some guys "calling ,yelling" me from their cars.I thought I knew them,but they just wanted to disturb me, to make me surprised,by driving their car just right on the side walk and yelled suddenly to me. Goshh....I was surprised and scared to death
One day,he told me that I was sooooooo friendly to people, outgoing person,talked to people wherever and whenever we go,without knowing who they're. Bah... I said," that's Asian,mostly Indonesian.We're known as the friendly people, hospitality is well known by world." But,he told me," Yes, I know.But,hun.... this is not Indonesia. Here, people do aware and don't wanna get into trouble.We don't talk to strangers."
Huh... no wonder,when I met new people,I greeted them,Ronnie just looked at me and smiled,said," Babe..."
I just wanna greet them,just wanna be nice without making them feel uncomfortable. But,alas... not all kindness are accepted.
Hm.....this case reminds me abt the westerns who visit Asian,mostly Indonesian. When I was there, I saw some local people treated the westerns unnicely,too.I didn't say all of them,but there're some people just don't like westerns. I said to myself," Oh Mei.. now you can feel it."
Ah...it's not nice!!!! I know know how they feel when the local people treat them unfriendly.
I told Ronnie abt my experience in the bus,and he said,"Hun, there're many reasons why they didn't want to talk to you. Maybe they didn't comfortable to talk to strangers,or they just comfortable to talk with their own people." I said," I didn't scare them, I just asked politely.But,it's so hurt,their treatment to me.As if I was a dirty person,a disgusting one."
He replied,"Babe, I am sorry to say,I didn't mean to be a mean.They hate us,they don't like other people." I said," I'm offended.I am so very sad."
I'd like to ask why ??What happens to them ?
hehe.. jangankan disono. disini aja, temenku heran2 liat aku bisa ngobrol ama stranger buat tanya harga barang. apalagi di oz, say hello aja bisa bikin mereka ngibrit. haha, mereka bener2 takut ama strangersss... hohoho. dan kalo pegang baby orang, bisa kena amuk bapaknya :p. tapi di perancis, orangnya lebih ramah deh ( sadar kalo kotanya kota wisata ). kita itu sapa sana sini, senyum sana sini kan kebiasaan indo. buat orang luar indo, itu semacam "ancaman" kali ya ? yeah, lain ladang lain belalang :). jangan sedih, ok ?
ReplyDeletebegitu ya ternyata. Selama ini anggap semuanya ramah2 sih ( duhh tuh kan,naif lagi pemikiran ).
ReplyDeleteApa org Indonya yg terlalu ramah ? Hehehhhe
Thnks ya,Ren.....
wah gw rasa org amrik parno-an abis. soalnya gw justru nemuin disini org2nya lebih ramah dari indo. soalnya kejadian gw panik dan gw sampai nanya dua kali ke org yg sama dan org itu ngejelasin dgn sabar banget.
ReplyDeleteiya Mei...bener kata Evi krn kita tinggalnya deketan gitu...disini semua org ramah2...kita bisa ngobrol2 sama strangers...apalagi suami gw...ntar udahannya pasti gini "oh..i know that guy..." gitu deh..hehehe..tapi tetep elu mesti kudu ati2 jg kok say :)
ReplyDeleteDi sana kan rame org Indo ? Di sini jarang banget ketemu,bisa diitung dgn jari.
ReplyDeleteEmang kejadian apa,Vi?
Barusan plg dari store lagi nih,ketemu org2 baru, disapa abis sepanjang jalan. Hahhahahah
Enaknya yang tinggal deket2an. Hiks..hiks..hiks...pengen pindah kalo gitu.
ReplyDeleteKita jadi paranoid nih kadang kalo ketemu org.
Iya deh, harus hati2,jangan terlalu ramah. Hehehehe
mei, winnipeg itu kota yg populasi philipinanya plg banyak di canada. gw aja sering dikira philipina. kalo yg banyak org indo-nya itu toronto dan sktrnya ama vancouver. ceritanya gw baru beli kartu telp terus gw mau pake buat telp. dasar gw gak baca dulu tata caranya jadi gak bisa dipake buat telp, terus gw nanya ama org disekitar gw. dia ngejelasin dan lsg nebak pasti masih baru di canada. hehehe dasar norak jadi ketauan deh.
ReplyDeletebtw berapa derajat celcius disana kok kepanasan?
ohhh masih enak begitu,ada yg bantuin. Ini, kita dicuekin,bow....
ReplyDeleteKepanasan krn baru plg dari store.hehehhhe.Lumayan jauh poolnya dari rumah, harus keluar kompleks dulu jalan kaki sktr 5-10 mnt. Di sini kyknya 20-24 gitu deh . Malah skrg kedinginan nih,lagi di basement soalnya
iya pindah yok ke sini..gw tinggalnya di Regina, Saskatchewan..kotanya tuh kecil bgt makanya org2nya ramah en semua helpful...kalo Evi di Manitoba kira2 5-6 jam ya Vi kalo dr tempat gw? hehe....biar kalo si Mei2 pindah kesini gw mo numpang makan di tempatnya....*ngimpi aja deh* huakaka
ReplyDeletedingin gak di sana? Kita gak tahan dingin soalnya. Siang begini aja pake jacket di rumah . Hahahahhaha..
ReplyDeleteNanti kalo pindah ke sana, keseringan arisan donk,sayyyy.....
Winnipeg sekarang suhunya sekitar 19 derajat. hehehehe canada gak dingin kayaknya ngimpi aja. musim panas aja masih sering dibawah 20 derajat. tapi pernah sih beberapa kali gue ngerasa panas banget tapi panasnya kering jadi kerasa makin terik
ReplyDeleteitu hampir 1 bln lalu.Luar biasa humidnya..Sampe susah nafas. Gila banget emang.. Anyway,home sweet home yg plg OK ujung2nya..
ReplyDeletePengen pulangggggggggggggg hiks..hiks..hiks...
Weh..bukannya amrik itu negara paling demokrasi? kok bisa ya zaman ginian masih treat ppl like tat ya, ahh..emang dimana-mana sama aja, ada aja org yg nyebelin . hati-hati kalo keluar, gimana juga pepatah indo yg bilang " Dimana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung" , bener kan.
ReplyDeleteomong-omong, site kamu makin bagus aja, ajarin gmn donkk!! punya gue jelek amat
hikk hikk
aduh yin,kirain lu udh nikah sibuk urus suami.hahahhaha.. Iya,neng,bakalan hati2 lagi.
ReplyDeletePeribahasanya ngena banget tuh. hohohoho
Lu aja yg jarang ol,gmn mo ngajarin,bu?
ckckck too bad Mei, disini tempat gw org-nya kok bae2, malah gw yg kadang kena tegor Daniel, "ramah dikit kek ke org" hehehe...
ReplyDeletedon't feel hurt Mei, or rejected... they are just not a nice person...!!!!
Hello Evi salam kenal yah :)
ReplyDeletehuehehe aku juga di Canada nih. tapi di Quebec (Mei sorry numpang lewat)
wah Evi mah beruntung kalo gitu. Emang orang di Canada banyak yang ramah tapi aku dah pernah tuh kena racism di bis yah emang sih yang ganggu waktu itu orang mabuk tapi dia calling me black bitch gitu :) lucunya
dia duduk paling depan
aku duduk paling belakang
dan yang lebih lucu lagi tuh bis ada beberapa orang Asia dan juga Black
tapi nih orang kulit putih malah datangin aku yang di pojok belakang sambil marah2 huehehehe
dan disini tuh di Quebec side, French Canadiannya lebih introvert dan agak gimana gitu. Kirain karena mereka dont speak English much. But most English speaking Canadians that I met always bilang jangan sakit hati yah kalo ketemu yang French Canadian, mereka mah orang2 sombong rata2 huehehe
but I like it here in Quebec side tho my French suck big time :D
salam kenal juga. itu yang sering aku denger dari orang2 sini kalo orang2 quebec lebih sombong dan mereka paling anti ama org canada yg gak bs bhs perancis. beruntung aku gak di quebec, maklum gak bs bhs perancis. kalo di winnipeg mau racism bs kosong kota ini, wong org india ama phil buanyak banget