Ihhhhhhhhhh... kesel deh ah.. Lagi enak2 ngetik journal,begitu disave & publish,malah Proxy error!!!!!!!!!
I overslept last nite,from 6pm-12 pm.I didn't feel good, felt so tired,back hurted,so sleepy...complete!!!!!!!!!!! Ronnie sent me to
and spent time with me before he mowing the lawn
I woke up at 12 pm and saw Ronnie wasn't in yet.I went down to the basement and asked him to go to bed. He walked upstairs.I had been turning on the
before . I was watching TBN Channel,it's about President George W Bush's spiritual life , titled "Faith in the White House ". Wahhh interesting!!!!!!!!!!! His fam is a Christian family who read bible regularly.His life changed when his family invited Billy Graham and he asked Bush Jr ," Do you live in light ?" He said, " No, I don't, but someday I will". Since that, his life changed.He becomes the sample ( there're few Presidents who had spiritual life strongly with God ). I'm so impressed. Ronnie watched it ,too.He laid his head down on my belly.Aduhh Babe, berat!!! Susah nafas nehh...
We had daily reading and
. I couldn't sleep after that. He
like a
. I tried to use an old trick
.It worked!!!
Suddenly it rained. Agh... and
,so loud !!! I was so
I saw them from the window,behind the trees.
I tried to sleep again,and woke up at 6 am.
Today,Ronnie called me, just wanted to say, " ".
I just fried Tapioca ... ( pengen ngunyah2 lagi soalnya ).
I called my parent this morning,they're doing good. Thank GOD!!!! Mami's birthday will come soon.
I chatted with my sister n bro Dodol!!! Their voice sounded like elf
sounded so funny
.We used microphones .Anyway, love ya all!!!
*pinjemin Mei bantal*
ReplyDeletekali bisa bobo anteng :P
By what? By his faith....or by his competency as a president ? Curious ajah...
ReplyDeletehihihihi. Mana.. mana.. mau donkkkkkk
ReplyDeleteSleeping problem...? banyak minum aer putih, kurangi makan yg berminyak, banyak olah raga...!!!! :-)))))))))
ReplyDeleteMei2 kok bisa got sleeping problem?
ReplyDeletekrn proxynya error atau krn suara petir yg keceng ? =)
Moga2 malem ini tidurnya yg nyenyak ya... zzzZZZzzz
yups right. wanna know nih?
ReplyDeleteiya,Mak, by his faith, biar kata dia gak religius2 amat...Boleh donk. hihihihi
ReplyDeleteLah,barusan goreng kripik.hahahhaha.Ini kita malah ketiduran selesai dinner.Baru juga bangun. hahahahah.Skrg ini emang udh banyak minum air putih,kadang 2-3 botol sehari.Olahraga?Duh ini yg jarang banget...
ReplyDeletekrn udh took a nap sebelumnya,jadi susah tidur lagi. heheheheh... Mudah2an malam ini bisa tidur nyenyak,walau baru bangun juga. Hahahahaha...thnks...GBU!!!
ReplyDeleteTau juga,Vi?
ReplyDeleteitu ngunyah keripiknya bari diresapi ya..:D
ReplyDeleteOooo...begicu. Ya sutralah...kiii.kii..kiiiii....MeiMei, gua udah motoin rendang gua dua lusin, kok potonya ga ada yg bagus.... Ntar deh, gua pasangin.
ReplyDeletetidurnya di ayun2 kali biar cepet bobo hahahahhaha asal.com
ReplyDeletewelcome to multiply say.. .hihihihi.. emang error melulu deh akhir2 ini .. sebelllllll :((
ReplyDeletediresapi,bener...sampe akhirnya gak terasa bunyi krutuk krutuk mulu..hahahhaha.Kata Ronnie ubinya bau..lahhh heran....
ReplyDeletemana? udh? nanti diliat ya di sana. Kita mo pergi dulu . Hahahhaha, gila lu,Mei,sampe 2 lusin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mau donk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fotonya pake yg scene indoor atau yg auto ( matiin flashnya ,biar gak silau )
ReplyDeletegak ada ayunan, say..Pengennya sih begitu.Malah badannya Ronnie dijadiin bantal guling. Hahahahhaha
ReplyDeletewelcome to the annoying world.hahahhaha... Iya,suka error nih.. Payahhhh