Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Remodelling The Office!!

     Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!Yes.Finally we've remodelled the office in the basement.PhewIt took abt 5 hours!!! Now,I have my own table ,a very big and loonnnnnnnngggg oneComputing .I can put anything I want here. Meanwhile he moves his 2 compts to his own table.I got back my   comptDancing.

   This morning I woke up sooo late! Alarm Clock 3 Ronnie called and asked me a favour to do the Quicken today.It's been a couple months I haven't updated the statements yet.I spent time in the bedroom,typing all the statements.Gosh,I spent couple hours doing that.Sometimes   I made mistakes typing the amount,and rechecked again.Wow

  I didn't know Ronnie would remodel the office. I was surprised,but kept helping him moving the   stuffs.Sometimes I watched TV 3.He said," Come on, me"Smile.

  Finally,we did a good job.He's so very happy with the spot rite now.He's able to play with his 2   compts in the same time.

I thought Ronnie would work tomorrow.I wonder cos it's midnite already.He said," No, babe. I am having an off day. Got an appointment with doctor tomorrow".
Duh I forgot!! I thought he would leave his work earlier,but he wouldn't. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SpazI can stay up late till morning with my baby tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way Too Happy  (  Let's see if I won't fall Falling Asleephere. hihihihihi...



  1. Congrats for the new office... :-)) Keep it clean k? No food allowed..

  2. thnks,Buret...Justru kemaren udh maem2..potato chips... hahahhahaha...I loveeeeeeeeee the new office!! Bebas merdeka pake meja sendiri, gak ada lagi 2 compt di 1 meja. Hore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. MeiMei...pindahin aja komputernya sekalian ke dapur nape ?? Biar deket ame makanan.

  4. walah ternyata gak sadar nge-quote tulisan sendiri... >..hehehehhe...
    Ha? Jangan donk..nanti meja kursi pada dimakanin semua...Hihihihihi

  5. Cem botullllllllll saja!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha

  6. Hahahahahaaaa.....
    * *ikut ketawa aja dah...abis ga ngerti cem botul artinya apa**

  7. lah,itu bahasa Medan, Mak... Macam betul aja pun...... githo lho......

    Cem mananya Mamak satu ini....Hahahhaha

  8. Bah!!! Aku pikir kau pakai bahasa Manado pulak. Kalok 'cem botul' yg anak Medan aku tau lah! Madek dek mangambiri...! ( lho jadi lagu daerah ?! )

  9. hahahhaha.... Si gule2.... Hahahhaah kok jadi nyanyi ya..

    Ssst...panen tomat di foto sebelah,Mei..Hahahhaha

  10. Iya pegi liat ke sebelah. Mohon doa restu semoga perjalanan ini tidak terasa sangat menyedihkan....kayak lagu Ebiet. ( Mo ke sebelah aja kayak mo kemaneee...)

  11. Welehh...Pake sungkeman segala!!!! Hahahhaha..hati2 di perjalanan, nak.Kalo kesenggol telor ,pecah,bayar sendiri ya..hahahahhaha
