Ihhhhhhhhhhhhh it's really in the last few days.I think
is coming. Duhhh I don't think I'll like it
.I took a nap abt 11 am
. .....
I called the Driving School and made appointment.Vicky,the lady said the instructor will pick me on Monday.
I made myself busy today. A few days ago I bought Galunggong Fish ( I bet in Indonesian it's called Kelotok ( anak Medan pasti tau nih ....rada2 mirip sama ikan gembung ). Hot Spicy Fried Fish... ,and Stir Fry Chayote and a plate of rice.
Once I finished cooking, I walked to the front porch. I peeped from the front door. Hey!!!!!!!!!!! There's a !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet that's from Bu Lurah!!!!! Thnks yao..... I got dried taufo skin, Hun Kwee Flour,Slacked Lime,and Sators ( Pete,bow!!! ). This one last stuffs gotta be kept away from everyone,cos they smell stingy..
.Thanks ya, Mei!!!!!!
I made myself busy... Thinking abt making Bolu Pandan .... . While chatting with Lilie ( wave to Lielie ), I baked the caked.
.Abrakadabra... Jadi!!
I put some in a small plate,and Mom said, " Are those all for me ,Mei ? " .I and Mom ate a lot.Now it's a half pan left. Ronnie ate a lil.He doesn't get used to with those kind of cake ( kacian deh daku ).
Tonite, Mom cleaned some .We had
..Wahhh it's been the 4th time for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just took some pics with Ronnie. He made me .His expressions in all pics are so funny!!!!!!!! I may use his words, " Gila Ronnie ".
I chatted with Jenny just now.She made me laugh.She thought the guy in my headshot was Ronnie's bro. ( I don't wanna exchange my hubby to any other person ).She said so cos Ronnie's hair was different with other pics.
Oh well, I got some pics of him now. Can't wait to attach. When I was chatting with her, I giggled a lot. He asked," What are you giggling,babe? " He looked at my compt,and said, " Ohh no....don't tell me........" .He knew that!!!!!!!!!!!! Perdona, mi amor...
Harus dirayakan nih Food Day. Gua ngerayaain tiap hari.. Mana neh poto si Ronnie lagi gokil ? Mo ke sebelah pegi liat..kali udah dipasang..
ReplyDeletelah ,itu ..foto pertama ,say...
ReplyDeleteeh is that panang cake? padang cake? err..i give up
ReplyDeletePandan Cake...it's made from the pandanus leaves extract.You can visit the recipe link,I've attached the pic there.
ReplyDeleteHah? Kirain sealbum.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahah.. Nope.. Jatah udh mo abis..*gak sabar nunggu ratusan space gratis lagi ). Hehehehehhe
ReplyDeleteweleh, separuh loyang yang makan cuman mei2 ama mom, hebat heheehhe, doyan pa doyan itu meiii..
ReplyDeleteeh slacked lime itu apaan sih?
tepung hungkwe rencana mau dibuat apaan mei?
aiya fotonya ronny gokil habisssss hahaha
berdua yg makan..Itu juga kudu diselamatin,bisa bisa tahan sampe besok.Hahahhahaha.
ReplyDeleteSlacked lime itu kapur sirih,bu.
Tepung hun kwee blm tau mo dibuat apa.Kali mo buat cendol.hahhahahhaa.
Ronnie tumben tuh gokilnya kumat kmrn.
Lah...dipake buat motoin tomat mulu. Pas giliran motoin laki jatah udh ga kebagian. hahahaa...
ReplyDeletefoto2 yg lain sih ada... Tapi not for public....
ReplyDeleteHmmm...jadi mikir yg enggak enggak neh...! huahahaaa..!
ReplyDeletetell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehi.. mampir nich tadi... saw youe site and liked it. berteman yuch.. boleh engga..?? salam dari california
ReplyDeleteHi,tee tee ( Namanya sama dgn nama adik Mei2 ) ^__^ . Berteman yuk...siapa takutttttt :) Salam kenal juga dari OH.Nambah lagi nih temen dari CA.
ReplyDeletethanks for the long distance friendship. You can never have too many friends in this short life of ours..