Tonite we had spaghetti for
1 lbs ground beef
half pack of thin spaghetti ( I use Mueller's brand )
garlic powder
seasoned pepper
Pasta Sauce ( I use Prego Three Cheese )
1 tbs oil
shredded cheese ( you can skip it,since the sauce is made as Three Cheese already )
Boil the thin spaghetti and some butter in a big pan ,drain,and rinse.
In the other stove,pour a lil oil and fry the ground beef in a big skillet.
Add the seasoned pepper,garlic powder,salt and pepper.Stir well
Add the Prego ( half bottle ),stir.
Add a lil water if you want a lil bit watery
Add the parsley and basil
Add the salt
Taste if it is tasty enough
Put some spaghetti in a plate,pour some sauce,pepper and shredded cheese on top.( I skip it,for sure,I forgot to put the cheese..Mom put some for me at the last spoon
Ini mah nggak heran..! Saingan ame gua kalo soal makan...
ReplyDeleteBetewe, seasonned pepper itu apaan seh..?
Itu apaan seh..?
ReplyDeleteada temen kalo gitu.. Kalo lomba makan,bakalan menang nih...
ReplyDeleteLho...pertanyaan gua nggak dijawab ??
ReplyDeletegak keliatan tadi,Mak.Hahahhaha..Tadi kursornya sampe di iconnya doank.
ReplyDeleteItu,pake seasoning merk Kroger yg botolan. Itu nama2 seasoningsnya. Garlic powder,seasoned pepper.
bisa juga tambah Zesty Blend ,salt free. All Natural Garlic & Herb Seasoning, merk Kroger juga ( tutup warna ijo ).
ReplyDeletewen2 suka bgt ama spaghetti..dia mah segala jenis bakmi ya suka :)
ReplyDeletemau.. mau.. mau... kirim.. kirim.. kirim...!!!
ReplyDeletewahhh kita jaman udh gede baru tau spaghetti itu apa...
ReplyDeleteanak2 skrg udh banyak tau ya...
tuh...resepnya udh di depan mata....
ReplyDeletekata orang ... beda tangan beda rasa... nah kirim yg udah jadi dong... jadi pas tuh sama judulnya... ala mei mei... hihihihi... :))
ReplyDeletebeda tempat beda rasa no?
ReplyDeletehahahha... so bisa ngana balogat toch :))
ReplyDeleteajaran siapa dulu ne?
ReplyDeleteehheh eiya nih anak skrg cepet byk taunya ya :)
ReplyDeleteups...ini siapa ya????
ReplyDeletepasti kloningan Mira...
eda mei...tabo ma nian spagetti mi...mantafff nai eda meii.. eh eda meii...ada andaliman nya yah..sini lahh eda meii ku beli..dikit ajapun jadi..:)
ReplyDeletebahas saksang kok di sini ?hehehehe ....