Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Nano -Nano Stories


I didn't have any class of driving lesson.I woke up late ( it's cold, mannnnnn!!). Alarm Clock 2 Putty was sleeping on my feet.I called my fam.Wondering for it's been almost a week I couldn't get them.It was connected and none answered sometimes,but many times they didn't work.So,I called my sisters in Medan instead On The Phone .Wahhhh missing them so much!!!!!!!! They gave me Mami's cellphone no. I called to that no.It worked!!! Mami said the lightning Lightning Strike  was so big a couple days ago.It broke the phone connection.Now,she's waiting for the technician to fix it.

  Ching2's is doing great !! She talked to me on the phone," Iie Mei2, thnks for the   shoes.Ching2 has blue and pink pairs now,with Dora pictures."  Clapping Hands .I asked her to take pic Snappy and send me. She must be bigger and taller now and ..Beautiful

When we wanted to close the conversationOn The Phone ,we kept waiting for one each other.

Ching2 ;"Ok, Ie Mei2...Bye ..."

  Me :"Ok,honey...Bye.How's your Mommy?"

Ching2 :"Mommy's fine."

  Me : " Say hi to Mommy.Can I talk to her?"

Ching2 :"Mommy's in bed already,Ie..."

Me :" Oh ok then.. Bye, Ching2..."

Ching2 :"Bye,Ie...."

Me :" Say hi to Bu Ani,too."

Ching2 :"Yes muachhhhhh...  Blowing A Kiss "

Me :Blowing A Kiss,too"

Ching2 :"  Bye  .Mike will come here tomorrow with Mama Vivie n Papa Cendy."

Me :"Really??"

Ching2 :Yes.Call tomorrow,ok?"

Me :" Cool!!! I will...."

  Ching2:" Bye ,Ie..."

Me :" Bye .How is Opa ?He is doing good ?"

Ching2 : " Yes. Opa is sleeping now. Bye"

Me : " Ok.. Where is Oma?Does Oma want to say anything else?"

She talked to my Mom and asked. Mami said no .

  Ching2 :"Oma says no....Ok.Ie....bye...  Morning ... I Love You .."

Me : Bounce Love you,too..Ching2..."

Ching2 : " Muachhhhhhhh..Bye. ..."

Me : "  Bye 


   FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ROTFL 


THIS NOON.....Happy Anniversary,Babe!!!!

  I made fried rice for my Lunch.At the same time, I was doing someLaundry.This time,I did pay attention for the colorful clothes. Don't wanna make any mistakes like before...   NEVER EVER!!!!No

I took a  Shower and prepared food for  Dinner .So,ICooking Dinner . Ronnie called me.I told   him what we'd have for  Dinner .He came home,and saw my cook. I made BAK KIEN ( it's chopped pork covered with dried taufu skin ). He suddenlyAfraidand   Burst Laughing .... Me??  I'm Confused I asked him," What's up, babe???" Very Confused .He kept Burst Laughing and said," Babe....they look so funny!!!!!!!!!!! Goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are they????" Burst Laughing...Hmm.I explained to him....he said," oh ok... I've never seen like that before....I didn't say I won't eat it.I'll try,babe...Browsok ?"  ... OK!!!! Bounce .

Ronnie has a big problem with strange food.He's a picky one, he must know what the ingredients otherwise he won't eat.. Phew 

A couple minutes before Mom came home, I fried them.Once Mom's at home, dinner was   ready.Mom does like the Bak Kien....Ronnie? Hm....he ate a lil.... Laughing 1 ( Lagi2 gak tau enak nih Ronnie ).

   I did  Washing Dishes ,meanwhile Ronnie's watching cartoon and Mom's enjoying her Coffee 2

in the kitchen.

I told Ronnie I'd like to go back to Francis Intl Store. I asked what time it was.Ronnie  Hug me from behind and said," it's 6 pm... Happy Anniversary ,babe".On The Cheek ..AduhhhhhhhhhDuh.I remembered it!!! But I was too busy to say happy anniversary to him!!!!!!!! He said, "

 Gotcha .I said it 1st !!! " Laughing 2 ..Yeah...it's been a couple times he surprises me.....Am I loosing my memories??? Smile 



We went to library.I returned some DVD's and borrowed some more new.I registered Mom's   name to attend a class of  Knitting  for next week.

Then,Ronnie filled the gas Gas Pump  and bought a pack of  Soda 2 .Finally we drove to the store.I bought some Cai Sim ( Yu Choi/ Sawi ) and chilies, Sator, fenel seeds, squil and raw bananas ( wanna make banana crispy again ). Ups.......I have lots of stuffs tonite.

  Ronnie's waiting for me in the car,reading a comic and playing his game boy. Gee... he said I shopped abt 1 hour!!!!!!!! Woman.....Laughing 2.Kyk gak tau aja.....

Well... next time I wanna cook something special.... Brows .I got complete ingredients now... Hooray


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Bakiennya keliatan enak, itu sausnya apa sih mei? yg kotak2 itu salad ya?

  2. ,Jen.. Saosnya sih biasanya pake sambal cabe yg kyk di resto chinese itu lho ( cuma tadi Mei2 pake ABC aja ). Foto sebelah itu salad....yg kotak2 itu croutan ( bener gak nulisnya ya? )... kyk breading gitu.

  3. btw,thnks Jen.Ceknya udh nyampe tadi siang.Tuhan berkati ya....

  4. MeiMei & Ronnie !! Semoga cinta kalian terus tumbuh subur kayak taneman tomat di kebon elo nyang nggak berenti2 berbuah.

  5. Itu apaan sih, MeiMei ? Eh, MeiMei..berarti itu jenis kulit tahunya udah bener dong buat bikin bak kien....Dipajang nggak resepnya, say...?

  6. Mei itu emang bentuknya aneh dikit hihihi sorry, tapi gw yakin rasanya pasti indah! *duh bahasa gw kacau balau*

  7. ini cuma 10th month lho..bukan 1st year....Cinta tomat....tiap hari panen...

  8. Happy Anniversary Mei and Ronnie. Tambah mesra dan selalu langgeng.

  9. itu biji2an,yg rasanya agak2 pedes gitu.Biasanya org India suka pake..Kalo pernah makan kue Murku,nah biji2an itu yg dicampur.
    Kulit tahunya iya( barusan telp si Mami,blg kalo di Siantar dijual per lembar gitu ).

    Resepnya kalo sempat ntar malam deh.Bentar lagi mo dijemput,belajar nyetir lagi. Mana blm sarapan.. mo masak lagi,ada pesanan teman masak Saksang...Dia udh "tarhirim " pengen makan katanya.

  10. besok2 pesan lagi..... Kita sama jadinya ,Jen.Pagi2 udh itu duluan yg dimakan, pake nasi 2 porsi kadang...

  11. ohh iya.. bentuk boleh beda,rasanya............ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tiada dua!!! .Si Mom sampe tambah2...Sayang stock foto cuma 3 doank di journal.Padahal kita ada fotonya yg nunjukin isi Bak Kien nya.

    Oh iya, mana si Evi?Dia kan pernah masukin foto di reply beginian. Mo tanya dulu,biar bisa diposting juga di sini picnya.

  12. thnks.Mbak.. Ke mana aja neh? Jarang keliatan.......
