Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Busy Cooking -Late Lunch

Hurry up...Hurry up... Gotta use this compt,before Ronnie sabotage it tonite Laughing 1 
He has reminded me since a few weeks ago that he would fix the other compt,and he needs the compt I am using now.But, I always say' Hang on,babe.One more day,pls".  
Winky 2 .It worked! But,last nite he said,"Ok hun, no more " One more day". Waiting 

I went to post office by  Bike Riding this noon.I sent packages of Peanut Sauce. Gosh... I didn't water Flower  my garden for 2 days!! Thnk God they didn't dead.I have plenty of  Tomato . Spaz Everywhere is tomato,even my green peppers are bigger now.

I pulled the long hose  Sprinkler and put it on the garden while I was frying Banana Chips!!!!!
Sometimes I went down to the basement and checked my MP.Wahhhhhhhhhh my 2nd frying turned brown!!!!!!!!!! Duhhhh kebanyakan ngobrol sama Ibu2 PKK nih tadi . Hahahhahahhaha

I had late lunch.I ate noddles, cake and kerupuk udang, bow..... Later,I'll  Munching  Banana Chips.Gotta save it in the basement,otherwise Ronnie will not let me eat 'em.


Hey!! My baby's home!!! I just massaged him... Hehehehhe.He just reminded abt the compt. Huhhhh  Phew 



  1. mukanya lucu wakut lagi makan kerupuk :D

  2. Ekspresimu itu naaaak....! Seruuuu...!! Mangkanya gua rajin nyantronin MPnya si MeiMei...

  3. your husband is sure one lucky man!!
    except for the laundry part... ;p ;p ;p

  4. duh tampang dikau kaya org kelaparan 2 minggu hihihi
    Mei jurnal loe pasti ada foto lagi makan, hati2 Mei bengkak...!!! :-))

  5. tomato, tomato everywhere... i want u next to my teddy bear
    tomato, tomato everywhere... i want u pair by pair
    tomato, tomato everywhere... even in my underwear...
    *poem >>> title: Tomato everywhere* kikikik

  6. hi, jen.hehehehehe..Perhatiin gak, itu foto lagi makan cake, ada nempel sisa cake di bibir...Haahahahhahahah

  7. ternyata................... gara2 makanan ya? Hahahahha

  8. OMG!!!! My hubby just read your comment. He laughed out of loud!!!!!!!!!!!! Stt....I'm still soaking the only one towel which has some yellowish around.

  9. Bener, Clod.I was really hungry today.Sibuk masak sana sini jadi lupa makan ( pastinya sibuk balas comment2 Anda dari tadi pagi -siang ).Hahahahahaha.

    You'll see the next journal with food as the topics

  10. ehh itu Poem? Kirain lagu. Kalo itu tadi lagu,minta dicariin MP3 nya ..Hihihihihi

  11. bisa juga jadi lagu kalo mau...cari di claudia.com hihihi

  12. duuh mak makanan lagi, mesti bawa bib nih kalo maen kesini kaya mak BenJade, btw, tadi bilang ronny mo pake compie...?? :-P

  13. selalu error nih..susah.. udh byr blm ?biar bisa diakses,gethoooooo

  14. apa itu bib?? Ini Ronnie lagi pake compt.Kita malah pindah ke comptnya dia...Heheheheh..Mana mau kita ngelewatin waktu tanpa sentuh compt.. Udh addicted to,bow....

  15. waah anda belum beruntung, silahkan coba lagi tahun depan! ^____^

  16. bib itu yg dipake baby2 biar gak ileran, duuuh masih jauh nih.. gpp, blajar dari sekarang Mei biar kalo babynya udah ada gak bego..hihihi

  17. ohhh Anda belum beruntung toh? Coba lagi kalo gitu !!! Hahahahahaha

  18. kain lap!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha. Kalo dikasih ke Ronnie bisa gak ya? He's my giant baby soalnya. Hahhahaha

  19. suami pulang...suami pulang... bubaaaaaar graaaaaaaaaak!!!
    have a good nite y'all! c u 2mrw... muuuach!!!

  20. ok dang!!!!!!! compt udh bener kyknya. Mo pindah ah...Thnks ya,Clod...GBU!!!!!!!!!! *bubarrrrrrrrrrrrr nungging!!!!!!!! *

  21. Bah!..Pasti itu! ( Pake alasan ekspresi si MeiMei...supaya ga kentara rakusnya. Tapi ketauan jugeng.)

  22. gw mau nanya udah berapa banya foto di komputer elo Mei? tiap hari take some pics hehehehe

  23. Bahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!sama2 rakus nihhh...Hahahahhaha

  24. Gak keitung,Vi.Syukur2 gak diban gara2 hampir tiap hari posting foto.Hehehehehhehe .Yg pasti Anda2 akan puas lah ngeliat foto artis.hahahaha

  25. amin... amin... kalo udah tenar jgn lupakan kita2 dunk!!!

  26. yeee skrg khan malem jadi ada Ronny, jadi lupa deh . Kalo siang dia khan kerja, jadi inget ama kita lagi

  27. itu baru betul jawabnya!!!..Duh,say..mo tidur dulu. Udh mo jam 12.

    Mana tuh bu Lurah? Keliling ke rumah org tadi dia.Siskamling..Hahahahha.Udh ngorok duluan kyknya tuh.Nite,Vi!!!

  28. iya.. kalo loe ngak bilang, gue ngak tau tuhhh.. tadi gue perhatiin sampe deket banget ke monitor hahahhahah baru dehh keliatan ada cakenya :D

  29. weleh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahhahaa... Sampe segitunyaaaaaaaa??

    Ada2 aja lu, Jen.. Kita yg jadi malu neh....
