for a couple days....There're many things I wanna write here
( Long Time No Type ). I have taken lots of pics
,but once I wanted to save them in compie or started to write down, I was getting
Till I got PM from Bu Erte
( I got warning from her to back writing in MP )
Many things ...yes, many things....
1. Got Voucher from Mariott 3/2 days
A couple days ago,we went to Smart Travel Agency.Before,we had a phn call from the travel. A guy said that we won a voucher to stay in Mariott for 3/2 days. .We even have forgotten which coupon we had filled.He said the Doorprize to win a big car in Tri County Mall a couple weeks ago.Aghhhh we remembered that!!! We went to Tri County Mall to have
.Then,we walked around the Mall,and stopped in front of an exhibision car.Ronnie made me fill the coupon,write down our names,address and phone no.Then,we left.
One nite,he called us and told abt the coupon,the Doorprize was postponed till Feb '06.We won the voucher. He asked us to come to his office to get the voucher.
We didn't have time to go there (cos we're really busy last couple weeks ).Again,on Monday,I had another phn call.A lady said they still kept the voucher for us.Hm....wonder why they kept calling us.She said there's another presentation in her office till Thursday.So,she wanted us to attend it and then pick the voucher.
We went on Wednesday.Geeee....the presentation was almost 2 hours!!!!!!!!! They tried to sell us their products ( join as member,pay some money and you'll have 30 weeks vacation for life !!).But,you must deposit sum of money for that. way!!!!!!!!
The lady told us it would take 1 hour,but indeed it's more than that.We arrived there from 8.40-10.45pm. .The salesman couldn't make us say "Yes",then he called his boss ( hehehhehe...he tried hard,ha ). Again,we said
.Finally,he gave up. We wanted to leave,but he said we had a gift from them. Hm....we waited in the living room for another 15 mnts.Really borrrrrrrrrringgggggggggggggg
.Then,another guy came and invited us to go to the lobby.There,another girl gave us the voucher.Finally
2. We Got 500 bucks Shopping Online Free
But,the shippings would be excluded.... Ronnie asks me to shop and choose whatever I wanna get from it.
3. Hm...Hm...Hm.... Can't tell ya.
We're so very happy .I myself is really happy when Ronnie told the good news yesterday. .
4.Food Orders are running well
.I do enjoy cooking ( walau kadang suka kecapekan juga.)
5. New Hobby, Wanna Learn how to decorate Cakes.
I wanna learn more abt decorating cakes.I have borrowed some books,and now I wanna buy the equipments.Who knows I could develop the business
Well...those are all the stories happened in a couple days.
asik pakai summary segala neh..hehehe...
ReplyDeleteBalas dendam,Jen.Lama gak nulis journal soalnya.Sibuk jadi Upik Abu mulu
ReplyDeletekayaknya tangan elu gatelan kalo gak nulis sehari yahhh?
ReplyDeleteIya nih.... langsung bengkak2 kalo gak nulis sehari ( kata Bu Erte,telapak tangannya gede2 gitu ) Sekali nulis,panjang2
ReplyDeleteMei, kalau gitu kamu bisa dong bantuin aku bikin thesis ku....hee hee...
ReplyDeleteHehehhehe... Ini si Sere eh Sera (Aduhh sorry,salah tulis ) ngingatin jaman ekke muda dulu.Adik2 kelas minta bantuan buat thesis juga.Btw,itu kan ttg si Barbie toh? Si Thomas dulu tanya2in sampe puas.hahahhahaha
ReplyDeletePanjang amaaaaat...! Kudu bersambung neh bacanya. Harus mandiin anak dulu neh..
ReplyDeletemsh pendek itu, Mak............ Blm sampe 1001 malam tuh. Sini,dimandiin mau gak?
ReplyDeleteKalo boleh tahu, sapa sih bu Erte nya ? Kenalin dong
ReplyDeleteMpok Clod.. ^________^ .Blm keliatan batang idungnya .Tumben gak ol
ReplyDeleteThomas rada gendeng juga tuh anak...susah diajak serius, ngajak becanda melulu. Ketemu ceweknya dari French juga boyongan deh ke sininya, hee hee....boleh juga tuh anak seleranya...hi hi. Manis anaknya.
ReplyDeleteposting donk picnya...^_____________^
ReplyDeleteYee.. meimei, gakmo kasi tau tp diposting, ntar bikin gw gak bisa tidur krn penasaran nih... apa donk itu no. 3, mei?.. heiehehe..
ReplyDeleteGambatte!! Cia youu!!..
ReplyDeletemorning,honey.Ada deh...... Ntar malam coba mimpi ya..kali aja keluar hasilnya. hehehehhe. No 3 itu ada urutan ke-3 setelah no 1 & 2.
ReplyDeleteFollow me........... One more....two more......
ReplyDeleteHaha... kayak mo mimpiin nomor Toto..
ReplyDeleteUdh ganti nama kah? Kmrn Togel...kalo gak,ganti jadi Potel aja deh ( kabur ah,nanti di-bash sama si potel ntar ).