dulu ah.... We didn't celebrate it today ( on Saturday we'll do ). We woke up very late today ( libur sehhhh )
. I did the Quicken in our bedroom all day long .Finally all the balances were the same.
A couple days ago,Ronnie told me how we would celebrate the anniversary.He said," I'm suppose to give you a piece of paper,babe.An anniversary paper." I was confused. .I said,"What is that?" He replied,"It's a tradition here,on the 1st anniversary,husband or wife gives a note of anniversary."
He pointed Tony," You can give one to us,too,Tony".Hmmm...it's a good thing, I think.I am thinking what I would give to him as a " present".
I talked to him this noon.I said," Baby,I wanna go to store tomorrow.I wanna buy a present for you." He said," No...I don't wanna a present.Give me something else.Think abt it."
Awwwwwwwwwwwww .I told him,"Well,let's take a family pic in a studio tomorrow."
He said,"Hmm...what about just print one of our pics ?We have good ones.Put in frame and add something else"
It took a couple minutes to think what he wants.
I know..I know...He wants poem!!!!!!
I have an idea now.I am going to find nice poems ( I'll try to write one ) eventhough I'm not good in poems.
Here,I am proposing you all. In order to make our anniversary more interesting,would you mind contributing us a poem,pls???hehehehheh ( sampe begging nih ).
We'll print them all and put in frames.I myself wanna keep them so we could show to our kids and grandchildren in the future.Keep them as our properties.
It's still 2 days more.You're welcome to drop any poems here.
Huaaa Mei2 sorry gw gak bisa nulis puisi.....
ReplyDeleteya udah,tulisan elu ini yg disimpan nanti. Comot2 kek,bu,dari internet.Gak harus puisi asli buatan kita.Mumet juga neh kalo nulis sendiri.
ReplyDeletesi nina tuh yg ikutan perkumpulan nulis puisi di MP
ReplyDeletenunggu dia nih.. hehehehhehe
ReplyDeletepake bahasa indo boleh gak? ^__^
ReplyDeleteHmmm how about "bahasa kalbu"??? kikik
ReplyDeletebahasa apa aja boleh,asal jgn bhs tubuh saja. Hahahhahaha
ReplyDeletebahasa kalbu boleh.Asal diterjemahkan lagi ntar.Nanti ekke bingung,bow. ^_______^
ReplyDeletehappy thanks giving... auntie..:) mau anniversary jg yak ehhehe
ReplyDeletewen2 and mom
thnksssss,wen. Thanksgiving gak ke mana2.Ayo,Wen, ksh puisi buat kami ^___^
ReplyDeletehappy thanksgiving mei mei dan keluarga,
ReplyDelete*engga bisa bikin poet utk org lain, apa lagi bhs inggris. ... di internet banyal tuh.
hehehehhehe thnks,Cie ( panggil cc aja deh ). Lagi nyari2 juga nih.Lg gak enak badan,kena heart burn. :(
ReplyDeleteboleh :)
ReplyDeletekyaknya kamu kan pinter tulis2 tuh,... lebih asyik kalo keluar dari hati dong
*heart burn ? kenapa lagi tuh ?
blm keluar moodnya,cie.
ReplyDeleteHeartburn,kebanyakan makan junk food.kripik pisang 2 sisir amblas dimakan.Hehhehehe
oh gitu ... kalo lagi engga ada mood, ya susah, biar cari dimana mana, pasti ga ada yg cocok :))
ReplyDeletenanti mo semedi dulu,diputar2 otak utk nulis poem. Hahahhahahah.Skrg udh kekenyangan makan rendang lagi (masak lagi barusan ).Bawaan ngantuk jadinya
ReplyDeletehm... jadi pengen masak rendang juga utk dibawa ke belanda,
ReplyDeleteMinggu tanteku HUT, mau jenguk kesana, bawa sate + bakmi
kalo ditambah rendang pedes gitu, pasti seneng dia :))
kamu ada resep rendang ?
aghhh rendang emang ok dibawa ke mana2. Ada tuh, di kolom resep.Rendang Seabad namanya.^______^
ReplyDeletebarusan lihat resepmu.
ReplyDeleteaku malas blender, malas cuci2nya. kalo pakai bawang putih bubuk, laos bubuk pasti enak juga ya. Bawangnya sedikit diuleg aja ...
Iya deh aku coba, kalo anak2nya tante ngga suka, ya aku bawa pulang lagi hihihi
ya udh,pake bumbu instant aja, Indofood or Munik.Gampang.Tinggal nambah kelapa dan air doank,jadi deh.Enak banget lagi.
ReplyDeletecoba buka website www.americanpoem.com dan jangan lupa make quotation mark dan nama penulisnya, biar nggak dianggap plagiator....itu tuh yang kayak di film....hi hihi..Russel Crowe...auch...am a big fan of himm...
ReplyDeleteayo,Ser,cantumin satu di sini.. Hehehheheh *maksa.com*
ReplyDeleteNanti Mei2 buka.Kan kita msh chatting ??? ^________^
Weks,Russel Crowe,pria bertemperamen tinggi. hehehehhe
Happy Thanksgiving Mei beserta keluarga!!!
ReplyDeletewaahh...seru lomba puisi!!
masih terbuka nih lowongan ???
ikut nyumbang daku...:))
Happy Thanksgiving Mei..sayang gw kagak pinter buat poem...
ReplyDeleteyoa,Zus.Ayo,msh dibuka lowongan. Silahkan ngedrop poemnya.Gak mesti hasil tulisan sendiri,dari internet atau dari mana2 aja deh. ^_________^
ReplyDeleteDitunggu yaaaaaaaaaaa
happy thnksgiving juga,da. Hehehehe,sama.Gak pintar buat poem ^____^
ReplyDeleteMei, gue cari2 dan gue pilih ini
ReplyDeletedari www.poetrygift.com
(Optional Title)
I'm going to try to speak the words
that my heart wants you to know
I want you to see what you mean to me
and why I love you so.
Nobody else can know my thoughts
and touch my soul like you can
No one can melt my heart like you do
simply by holding my hand.
With a loving glance or a tender kiss
you make my cares disappear
Warm thoughts of you surround me
and always keep you near.
I need nothing more from you than this-
to know that you'll always be mine
And the promise of your love in my life-
until the end of time.
Optional Closing Example:
Love Always and Forever,
Optional Date
Horeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Thnks a lot,Jen. Ini curi2 wkt turun ke bawah nih.Lagi masak2 buat Thanksgiving party besok. Thnks a lot,honeyyyyy .
ReplyDeletewah gak bisa bikin puisi nih mei....kalau wen2 bisana nyanyi pok ame2 aja ahhahah cari di sini deh kali2 ada yg sreg ok http://www.riversongs.com/
ReplyDeletehehehheheh...Lagunya boleh tuh.Ntar dicari.Dikumpulin semua !!! ^_____^
ReplyDeleteGua tadi nemu ini neh :
Kali ada yg bisa dicontek dari isi card-nya hehehe...Ada macem2 cards tuh. Kali aja ada poem yg cucok.
thnks banget, Mak. Ntar dipilah2.Ini barusan selesai upload foto2.Capek,ngantuk.Udh mo jam 2am.