I cooked Rendang this noon.
.I just cooked for 6 small pieces ( for myself only )
.Thank you to Bu Lurah had sent me the ingredients. Psssttt...Hao Chek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..Duhhhh if I hadn't remembered abt tomorrow,I would have eaten them all.I ate 4 pieces
.Abt 3pm I had dessert ( caileeee..... ) Black Sweet Rice with coconut milk ( Bubur Ketan Hitam,bow )..Welehhhh I am full!!! Just a small bowl...very small
Tony and Steffie came this evening,and we had dinner. Ronnie met them on the street (they're walking on the way back home,Ronnie picked them and brought here ).
We sent the kids home and stopped at Francis' Store.I bought 3 bunchs of raw bananas.I am planning to make banana chips on Thanksgiving Party here on this weekend.
This time I bought 2 plastics of tofu,2 bottles soymilk,mustard veggie,bihun,quail eggs,coconut milk,steamed mackerel ect ( I didn't take the pic ). Ufhhhh...
I'm enjoying my soymilk now... Yeah.... glek...glek...glek....
Ronnie's next to me, seems he's enjoying his new game now.It's noisy,but I must admit,it's a nice game!!
Masak rendang lagi Bu? itu nikmehhh sekali makan pake tangan :D
ReplyDeleteyoa,Vi.Porsi utk sendiri..
ReplyDeleteHaha.. macarena ria lagi... lagi ..
ReplyDeleteAda rendang, bubur ketan, soymilk, dkk.. makmur oii.. senantiasa kenyang
ReplyDeleteMeiiii porsi nasi elu gilingan juga yahhh?
ReplyDeleteehhhhhhhhhhh ada Leo lagi Ber-hula2 ria lagi.....
ReplyDeleteiya,kenyang bener.Makanya tadi malam makannya dikit. Udh kenyang duluan dari tadi siang.
ReplyDeleteukuran dadu,Vi.sktr 2-3cm gitu.
ReplyDeleteDaku jago makan neh....
Mauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Mei ?????????????????????
ReplyDeletehiks...hiks...:)) *sambil bengong liatin foto rendangnya Mei*
Suamimu engga rendang suka ya ?
ReplyDeletesisa 2 ptg lagi,Zus.Tanggung kalo dikrm.^______^.Munik bow,Munik.........
ReplyDeletegak,Ronnie gak suka seafood,gak bisa makan yg beginian,yg pedes2 wahhh terbakar ntar lidahnya.hihihiihi
ReplyDeletebagi donk rendangnya hahaha
ReplyDeleteeitssssssssssssss gak cukup! ^__^
ReplyDeletehome sweet home, serasa di Indonesia, makan pake tangan...yyaayyy...ssllluurrrppss.Nambah lagi nggak? hee hee
ReplyDeleteudh abis nih,barusan
pasti nambah,Ser.Wong ini ratune Rendang..Piye toh,Nduk....
ReplyDeleteMei, bagi dong rendangnya......... buatan Mei pasti TOB deh.
ReplyDeleteAmien...Sangkin ngetopnya secepat kilat sudah abissssssssssssss ..hehehhehe.Besok2 ya dibuatin lagi.Fotonya aja dulu dipelototin. ^__________^