Monday, November 21, 2005

Meeting Maria

We just sent back the kids home.We stopped at their new apartment ( it's still being fixed,maybe 1-2 weeks later they could move there ). I met Maria,their Mom,who was checking the work.

I was amazed!!! I didn't recognize her! The 1st and the last time I met her abt a year ago.She wasn't as slim as now.Goodness!!!! I couldn't believe that! She said she rode bikes everyday.Goshhh..I wanna be slim like her too Pouty.She said she could take me bike riding next time.Yeah...I'll wait ( if I'm not lazy,Maria ).Smile

Here're the pics..........


  1. Hihehe.. masih kegirangan yah.. joget lagi..

  2. ya elah... si Leo... joget terusssssssssss.hehehhehe

  3. mo bobo dulu.Besok lagi ya. Mo baca2 petunjuk alat2 utk dekorasi cakenya. Nite!!!!!!!!!!

  4. huahahahah elu tuhhh yahhh, ada aja pas mau diajakin sepeda-an....
    ntar pulang naek sepeda makan bihun kuah dua mangkok :-P

  5. yaaa elo mana bisa kurus Mei, makaaanan mulu yg di pajangin...:-))

  6. eits....who knows miracle works on me.. hehehhehehe..Sabar,bentar lagi mo posting makanan lagi nehhhh .

  7. Besok2 mo ngurusin badan.. Hehehheheheh..Skrg kena rendang susah nih mo stop makan.

  8. jogging lebih banyak bakar kalori , naik sepeda seh belum bisa ngurusin body paling bikin betis kaki keker berotot hihihi ... tuh si Yanick hobi naek sepeda , betisnya kayak tukang beca

  9. ya elah... betis kyk tukang beca.Makanya gak suka naik sepeda sering2 jadinya betis yg dibentuk.Mending olahraga tidur,apalagi hari ini udh snowy...makin tebal,bowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
