Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Cooking & Craft Nite Day

Busy...busy...busy....Cooking DinnerMultitasking from morning till nite. I finished cooking the orders around 5pm,continued cooking for dinner. Beef steak and Pergedel.

Around 4pm Tony and Steffanie came.I invited Steffy to attend the Ladies' Nite Craft at 6.30pm at the library.

Me, Mom and Steffy went to the library.This time we made the decorating ornaments for Christmas TreeCandy Cane and many more.

Once we went back home, Mom asked me to teach Steffy how to make a Hat 2 .We still have some materials from last month.I taught her and she made 1 !!!!!!!!Bravo

Ronnie sent the kids home and he visited Dave.I stayed at home,went to bed around 9pm.I didn't know what time Ronnie went home.But,I heard slightly he laughed at me,hugged and kissed me after all.( this morning I asked him what he did to me.He said he laughed cos I was funny.Sleeping with hat covered my eyes and gloves were in my hands and the electric blanket was on )Duh No wonder he laughed !

I am still tired ( I have some other orders to cook for Potel ).I gotta go back to Francis tonite and buy some stuffs. I couldn't cook today,really exhausted.I even don't feel good.Sick. I am dizzy,wanna take a nap.

I had Chicken Porridge this morning.


  1. sheesh..you've got any sisters or female friends who can cook like you?

  2. Ayo dong gua disuapiin..Udah mangap neh !

  3. my 2nd elder sister.She's married with one cute boy now in Medan.She's the best cook in our famwe're like.People call us : TWINS!!!! hahahhaha

  4. , Mak. Udh 2 porsi masuk perut tadi.Mau donk disuapin pake uang yg didapat si Benji di jalan tadi

  5. hasil elo nih mpo'? kok itu bintang bentuknya kaya hati hihhihi

  6. waaah pinter neh... u r talented Mei! kembangkan! :-p

  7. jaketnya keren Mei, bentar lagi mo citizen ya.. :-))

  8. mengembangkan sayap.Lama2 buka toko ntar.^_^

  9. thnks,da. Itung2 nimbal ilmu gratisan. ^__^

  10. Kerja terlalu keras nih mei.. jadi sakit... cepet sembuh ya..

  11. iya,Leo. Hiasan pohon natal.Lumayan kan,gak usah beli2 lagi ^______^

  12. thnks,Leo...Semalam sakit kepala lagi neh :( Tapi skrg udh baikan.

  13. Lhooo perasaan gue tadi malem gue kasih komentar foto ini kok gak ada yahhh...
    kacau nehh, ya sutralah....
    gue cuman mau bilang elo pucet dan keliatan capek di foto ini...
    Istirahat Mei...

  14. oh ya??? kali MP sensi sama elu,Vi.. hehehheheh... Pucat ya? Semalam tidur cpt juga,jam 9pm. Ini lagi packing2 paket mo dikrm,sblm kntr posnya tutup jam 5pm. ^__^

    Mo istirahat juga sih,tapi pengen buat kripik pisang lagi neh,. hihihi

  15. perasaan kalo mampir rumahnya Mei2 , kita juga jadi sibuk ngemil gak peduli udah malem menjelang pagi, kalu gak mana tahan =)

  16. Iya... cari ilham mo design warna apa ya?? Bingung... Hahahhahhaha

  17. disuguhin makanan terus. Sayang,itu pesanan org. Hahahahhaha

  18. mei, itu yang dua container apa? bihun goreng ya?
