Ronnie and I stayed overnite in Hyatt in Downtown on Saturday.Since we had to attend the lecture at nite,so Ronnie came with an idea to stay overnite there and celebrate the earlier Anniversary!!!!!!!!!
We checked in to the hotel at noon,had lunch in The Champs ,and Ronnie bought some more meals(he said he's still hungry ). I took a nap before attending the party.
We brought 2 cams, the Canon one he put on the window and set the time to take the views, Ohio River.Meanwhile the other one, I used to take our pics.
Around 6pm,he went to the Regency Hall,checking the party.He went back to the bedroom while I was busy with my hair. He said," Babe,I met Salman Rushdie in the elevator.I said," You look like Salman Rushdie,and he said," Yes,I am ".
Well..finally we went to the Regency Hall, we missed the cocktail,and entered the hall.The dinner was started at 8 pm. Great dinner,we did enjoy it.After dinner,the lectured was started.Salman Rushdie was the speaker ( Don't ask me what he said,cos I didn't pay attention ).
We sat with some people in one table.John Gray ( is that rite?) and Joyce, the new broadcaster of Channel 5, Bryan n Jean ( teachers ) and a lady( an attorney, goodness..I'm sorry,I forgot her name ).
The party was over around 10.30pm.We greeted some other people and exchanged business card. Ronnie had Salman Rushdie signed his business card.He said,"'re the guy I met in the elevator.Nice meeting you again."
This is the funny thing " Ohh.. I wonder who the Ruler of the Universe,but I know him now," said Salman.
We spoke Hindi ( He spoke some words to me! ).I asked someone to take our pic, when suddenly I felt something was vibrating in his tuxedo. I said," Is that your cellphone? " He said," Not mine..."..Wahhh it's impossible it's mine.. did my breast vibrate??
Then, I brought one the rose centerpiece ( anyone could take it away ).I took the rose from Salman's front desk...
Finally Ronnie took my pic,and we walked to the elevator.There're some other guys,Salman himself and us. We chitted chatted for a while,said some words in Hindi.I said," Mohabbath..." He laughed and said," It means love ."
Hey!! We're on the same floor.He was in front of us.I bet he's suspecting us from following him.Since he turned his head back and looked at us while he kept walking.
The party was great.We did enjoy it. Here're some pics ( some or bunch?? hihihi ). I can't upload all, since I have taken abt more than 100 pics. I have saved all in yahoo photo ( see from the Link ) .
keyeeen tuhhh Inong gaunnya...
ReplyDeletelu tu yehhhh.... tebar pesona mulu... sampe gak tau apa yg diomongin si salman rushdie
Salman mah lewattttttttttttttttt
ReplyDeleteTebar pesona dgn gaun merah menyala...
Ronnie TP juga gak?
ReplyDeleteRonnie? TP juga tuh... Malah ada yg deketin, fotoan deh...
ReplyDeleteDoooh cantik nian dirimu, sampe panglima gw...:-P Merah2 delima alibaba...:-))
ReplyDeleteMei gimana caranya nih foto2 makanan di acara2 baginian? Apalagi semeja ama org2, pada diliatin gak?
ReplyDeleteelu demen bener mepet si Salman :-P
ReplyDeletePutih2 melati pinokio...... Siapa yg baik hati...tentu disayang Mei2...
ReplyDeleteSexy maaaaaaaaaan...menangga gitooo! :-p
ReplyDeleteoh gak , malah yg lain bawa2 kamera jepret sana sini.. Kita kan selalu pengen merekam moment2,walau itu makanan ( tidak pernah lupa,euyyyy )...
ReplyDeleteStrawberry Romanoff enak bangettttttttttt
Siapa tu yg mepet2in Ronny, MEi? Sumrigah bgt si abang di pepetin ya? hihihi
ReplyDeletenumpang tenar bentar,bow....
ReplyDeleteGW suka di ketawain nih kalo foto2 makanan, jadinya suka gak PD. Katanya gw aneh makanan aja pake di foto segala :-(
ReplyDeletedicuekin kita, Clod.... keenakan Ronnie ngobrol sama Oom Salman... Korban deh gaun nan indah kena tumpahan air..
ReplyDeleteMenunggumu di tangga,babe...Foto donk!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apa tuh ruler of the universe Mei?
ReplyDeletetau tuh,gak kenal. Kaget juga.. ehhh suamikuuuuu suamikuuuuuuuuu .Ya udh,sekalian difotoin deh.
ReplyDeletelho jadi ini sapa yg potoin?
ReplyDeleteah,Clod.. kita sudah tebal muka.Ke mana2 bawa mulu..Lumayan kan,ketemu org2 terkenal di Pesta.
ReplyDeleteMakanan kan perlu difoto juga.. Biar dia bangga.. hahahhaha
kirain mo disabit pake camera....
ReplyDeletekirain mo disabit pake camera....
ReplyDeleteThis is Ronnie's answer," Means I rule the place ".
ReplyDeleteaduhh jgn donk,rusak ntar cam nya
ReplyDeletesamaaaaaaaaaa.... malu hati jadinya
ReplyDeleteahhh tutup mata saja .....
ReplyDeletedaripada suami kesambit gimandang? :-))
ReplyDeleteIni? Ronnie...setelah kita dicuekin dulu,puas ngobrol2,baru deh dijepret.Kering juga nih gigi....
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he didn't say i rule the universe! :-))
ReplyDeleteelu lbh sayang cam drpd ronnie yahhh?
ReplyDeletebiar sajalah... sekali2....
ReplyDeleteKalo berkali2,pintu rumah dikunci,gak boleh masuk .
maunyaaaaaaaaaa tapi apa daya, Babe J sudah jadi penguasa the universe...
ReplyDeletesayang suami donk,say..Makanya difotoin bareng wanita lain
ReplyDeletedari tadi elu ngakak muluuuuu.....
ReplyDeletecapek nihhh gue nyengir2 dr tadi gr2 baca tulisan plus reply2-an eluuu
pasti itu 'pie... kalo gak ada kamera si Mei2 bisa tewas kali die... :-p
ReplyDeletekalo gak ada Ronnie masih bisa bernapas! :-))
elo cape doang pep... gw udah basah nih dari tadi kecipratan mulu... skrg sja udah pake payung nih, bentar lagi kalo balik kesini gw mesti gulung celana... :-p
ReplyDeletebukan malu hati aja pep, jadi malu diri deh gw hahaha dasar gak PD amat.. gimandang uth Mei recep bikin tebel muka? dipakein bedak apaan? :-))
ReplyDeletelua udah tenar juga kok Mei di MP sindang..:-p
ReplyDeletelg bahagia soalnya, bow.....
ReplyDeleteWOW..whos that pretty woman..suit..suit..
ReplyDeleteWho is this handsome man...wuik...wuik...
ReplyDeleteCorrect, Clod!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSuami dicuekin,yg penting foto terusssssssssssssss
cuma pake bedak baby powder,merk Jhonson,bu...
ReplyDeleteya udah deh,payungnya ditutup..Ntar banjirnya sampe ke NJ lage...Mending banjir ini ya....
ReplyDeletemasak sehhh???? *pura2 kaget ceritanya.. hihihi*
ReplyDeleteminta resep gihhh ama si Inong...
ReplyDeleteInonggg, resepnya apaan nehhh?
eda mu na,sian Siantar....Artis sapirok....
ReplyDeleteini James Bond thn 3000 nanti... mimpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
ReplyDeleteLah... bedak minta ke si Eda Nella?? Hahahhaha ...Jauh banget...
ReplyDeletecoba gw pasti udah ditengking! huahuahuahuahuaaa GTG aaah.. Daniel bentar lagi pulang ntar bener2 ditengking lagi kalo ketahuan seharian ngompie mulu...:-p
ReplyDeletedikasih sun donk,yang... hehehhehe. Ronnie udh tau,bininya berprofesi sbg "paparazzi", jadi dia maklum saja..
ReplyDeletethnks ya,CLod... GBU!!!!!!!! Salam sama Oom Dan...
ReplyDeleteEda Mei, bajunya bagus dech, pengen Aku pinjam dong hhhaa...hhhaa...!!!
ReplyDeletecoba 3 mg yg lalu elu dtg ke wpeg.... pasti elu kejer tuhh si brad pitt yg lagi syuting dan nginep di fort garry hotel yg cuman 3 blok dr apt gue.
ReplyDeleteaduhh.. thnks aja deh.. Bukan apa2... nanti dia yg ngejar2 ekke... . Sudah terlalu banyak fans. Keanu aja nunggu jawaban tuh....
ReplyDeletenahhh akhirnya muncul juga setelah dipanggil si evi.
ReplyDeleteBoleh, ukuran brp,da? Mo brp detik dipinjam???
beneran elu gak mauuu?... soalnya ada hadiahnya tuhhh kalo ada yg berhasil nangkep brad pitt lagi ciuman ama si angelina jolie
ReplyDeleteha??? Lbh seru kalo dia nanti ngekiss ekke.. Jadi double hebohhhhh..... Kita menghindari perselingkuhan aja deh... hihihi
ReplyDeleteelu buka persewaan baju pesta plus catering yah? :D hehehehehehe
ReplyDeletebegitulah kira2,vi... Mumpung aja yg mo pinjam..... Asal jgn pinjam los saja.. hehehehe
ReplyDeletecici bajunya bagus kayak barbie aja :P
ReplyDeleteho oh.. minjam dari Ms.Barbie kmrn.. Hihihihi.Ayo,lanjut lagi chattingnya, kok malah ditinggal.Dicari sama anak2 tuh.. ^_^
ReplyDeletecakep mei, kaya putri, rambutnya ikal2 lagi :D
ReplyDeleteelu nginep di hotel ya? atau abis conference terus pulang?
adow ,Jen.. Dandannya sampe 1.5 jam. Gulung rambutnya yg lama..Tangan sampe pegel2.. ^_^. Kita nginap di Hyatt,besoknya cabut langsung ke grj ( telat lage ). Hahahaha
ReplyDeletecakep banget
ReplyDelete*orangnya ... bajunya ....
,Mbak. hehehehe.. bajunya yg cuakep...hihihihi
ReplyDeleteThis will be the next Top Model America? Suit..suit...!
ReplyDelete. Hahahhaha.. Jgn ah... nanti Tyra Banks tergusurrrrrrrrrr
ReplyDeletebener mei, ngana cantik disini.. dengan senyum dikulum begitu... hihihihi... itu jambang panjang banget mei *kaburrrrrrrr*
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwwwwwwww ngana so muji, malah jatuhin lagi ya... Jambang mas Joko itu dipinjam.
ReplyDeletediapain sih mei sampai 1.5 jam? caranya pegimana?
ReplyDeletedigulung... curling ironnya dipanasin dulu ,sampe panasin 2 alat,yg kepake cuma 1. Pegel tangan pegang2 alatnya.Rambut disemprot mousse,langsung cpt2 digulung,tunggu bbrp lama,baru dilepas.Diulang terus deh sampe selesai.Dikit2 diambil,biar curlynya keliatan.
ReplyDeleteMei2, gw demen banget lihat photo yg ini ... cakep-ganteng =)
ReplyDeletedemen ya?? Kira2 mo diprint gak, biar dipajangin di rmhnya. Nanti org2 nanya,blg aja " Artis Sapirok " Hahahhaha