Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Lunch at Golden Corral Buffet & Grill

Sunday morning,we checked out and drove to church.We stopped at Golden Corral Buffet & Grill.We've never been there,so we wanted to try.Hm... lots of foodBuffetBarbeque.They did taste good. I saw the advertisement saying the resto had shrimps,so I asked Oscar,the cook.He said they didn't have shrimps at that day.But,Bairon,another cook came and talked to him. I heard he said,"She speaks spanish?".I overheard,he came to me." You speak spanish?" I said, " si ". Then he said," We don't have any shrimps today.But,we can cook for you.3 mnts,ok? Spaz
Less than 3 mnts,Oscar,the cook came with a big plate of shrimps!!!!!!!! We're really Shocked!!! Ronnie said," Ohh baby!!!! Can you eat them all???Blushy 2 I told Oscar I couldn't eat them all (but he said I could bring home ). Aghh.... it's not allowed,indeed.Ronnie asked me to make sure by asking the cooks again. I asked Bairon n Oscar the chef,they said it's ok. So, I grabbed 2 containersSmile

I took their pics and asked them to visit the website once I publish them.

We went home abt 3pm.Ronnie said to Mom," Mei2 is lucky,by speaking spanish,she makes friends and bring some food home,which is not allowed to do that ".Laughing 1

Oh well...the journey was over. One word for those all " FABULOUS!! "

Happy Anniversary,BABY!!!!!


  1. buju bune banyak botul udangnya nyam nyam

  2. baru abis 1 porsi semalam. Msh ada sisa 1 porsi lagi di kulkas

  3. gile mei asyik bener tuh udang goreng, ngiler nih!
    kow bisa sih mei mereka bilang gak ada tapi karena mereka ngedenger elu ngomong spanish jadi mereka keluarin persediaan mereka?
    kira2 kenapa mereka bilang gak diawal?

  4. kyknya Minggu gak ada menu gitu. Tapi di advertisementnya ada.Kali utk menu di hari lain. Ya udh,krn udh terlanjur kompak,jadinya mrk bela2in deh ngegoreng.Sampe dibawain ke meja lagi .Wasn't that sweet?? They're so nice. Tadi Bairon telp ke sini ^_^

  5. Kayak udah sodara aja neh...ampe dikleponin. Bagus banget costumer servicenya....

  6. Bunganya bagooooss ! Orangnya canteeek ! Happy anniversary ya !!

  7. iya, magnetnya ok banget.... hihihihi...di kleponin ngajak makan malam,bow... Begitu kita blg bareng suami,katanya cuma berdua aja.Dia blm tau kalo ekke udh ada tuan besar. ^_^

  8. Bunganya wokehhh banget!!!!!!!!!!!! Orgnya???Muka baru bangun. Muka aslinya tuh...kyk lenong

    early anniversary tepatnya...hihihihi

  9. yg mana satu,da?? Hahahahhahha.Ada bbrp pilihan di sana. ^_^

  10. buset bunga gede beener..ati2 di antok tawon cc heheheh

  11. Enak yah Mei boleh di bungkusi he..he..

  12. iya,gede banget.Kaget juga ngeliatnya .. Hahahhaha.. Jangan diantok tawon,sayang..Nanti nangis darah kita di sini. ^_^

  13. Meimei lagi ada yg naksir ya.. hehe... lagi wangi sebermak bunga".. hehehej....

  14. aduhhhhhhh.... jadi maluuuuuuu.....
    Wangi bunga semerbak...bunga mawar (mawarnya juga dicilok dari mejanya Oom Rushdie )... hahhahahah

  15. udang goreng tepung (kyknya pake tepung panir deh ).Tadi siang makan itu,masih ada sisa 1 container soalnya

  16. asyik banget nih udang, gw goreng udang pake tepung kobe gak bisa garing & crunchy kayak begini ya =)

  17. nge pink rose-nya! cakeeep bener bunganya Mei2

  18. dooh ati2 ada yg naksir siMei2...jangan2 itu udangnya dijampi2 pake ilmu pelet hahaha...kidding.com ;-p

  19. Ren,ini udangnya kecil banget. Tepungnya aja yg tebel.Crunchy sih, cuma Mei2 gak makan semua.. ^____^

  20. cakep ya ?? Gede2 lagi.Sampe skrg masih bagus tuh...segarrrrrrrr

  21. Nah... ini co 2 hari lalu telp... mo ke rmh katanya..Aduhhhhhh .. mo minta fotonya.. Kacau dahh...Akhirnya kita blg nanti kita krm via pos saja.

  22. Happy Anniversary, Mei...
    You look as beautiful as the roses..!

  23. snif..sniff..*nyium bau hubungan gelap disini...* buk! aaaw, kena timpuk pake roses sama MeiMei*

  24. Thnks,Clod... Padahal masih 2 mgg lage neh...Aduhh rosesnya masih seger tuh sampe skrg... yg punya malah blm mandi . hihihihihi

  25. ada udang dibalik tepung

    Mo masak jo... banyak orderan hari ini.Harus dikrm besok,nanti customers pada complain.. heheheh

  26. Cinderella kembali menjelama jadi putri abuuu...!

  27. gpp mpo' yang penting tetep cinderella... :-p

  28. yupee..... ini lagi ngemil kripik pisang dulu ah.. Dari tadi masak terussss,capek. Ini lagi goreng kentang di atas,mo buat pergedel utk dinner.

  29. nanti bakal disimpan dikeringin dong Mei jadi dried roses? pan bunga nya menyimpan sejuta kenangan..ehem2

  30. cowo nekaat...belum pernah di spank sama Ronnie seh ya? =))) hihihi

  31. yup.Selalu dikeringin bunganya. Bunga wkt nikah juga masih ada.Dimasukin ke tempat khusus.Pokoknya semua bunga2 segar yg udh kering disimpan. Meja khusus utk pernak pernik pernikahan juga msh ada. ^_____^

  32. blm ,malah kita yg mo dispank sama Ronnie. . katanya "TP mulu nih Mei2... "

    Btw, Mei2 mo tidur dulu nih. Dari pagi sampe malam masak orderan. Mana besok harus masak 2 orderan lagi.. Capek,Makkkkkkkkk........ Kudu dikrm besok nih.
