to Mami & Papi !!! Today is their 32nd anniversary... Wow!!!! What long years they've passed throught together,in sickness and health,in goodness and badness.God does bless them,gives them healthy,with 6 kids and 2 grandchildren now!!
What a blessing!!
Happy Happy Happy Anniversary to both of you ! Thanks for being the great parents for us. Duhhh jadi kangen nih pengen pulang
God bless you all. Wait till we go home.Can't stand to hug you both and kiss you and tell how much we love you!!
,thnks for being the greatest Mom in the world.Your strong faith,your strength,your supports have made us to be what we're now,and keep reminding us to be the woman like you are.
,you are the greatest Daddy in the world.Your love,your care,your tears,your effort to educate us won't be doubted. I miss to see your lovely face.........