Yesterday Ronnie went home earlier from work.He didn't feel good.Just a couple minutes after I came back from work,he arrived.
He said he puked at work,feeling useless,just sat down.So he decided to go home.We took a shower,then went to bed around 5 pm.Mom woke us up abt 7pm.Alas... he puked again!!!!!!! He took another shower. Poor baby......
I cooked him Noddles,he didn't eat it ( not even when I came back from work at 4am!!!).
Ronnie asked me to open the bar by myself and waited for Dave.I left home at 8pm and opened the bar.Cleaning a lil bit then some bouncers showed up.Dave came around 10 pm.
Last nite,me and Dave worked at the bar,minus Ronnie. usual,Friday nite we have around 300-350 customers!!! We did our own job.I ran here and there,checking the drawers,the booze ect.Sometimes I hid myself in the office,avoiding the smoke.
I was attempted to call Ronnie,asking how's he doing,but I cancelled it. Finally Tony called me telling that he's done with his job,watching the parking lot.So I took him home and sneaked a lil bit to check Ronnie upstairs. I took 5-7 mnts away from the bar then went back working.
We closed the bar and went home around 4 am.I called my niece,Ching2,cos it's her bday.Ronnie woke up and we chatted a lil bit.He didn't eat anything at all.I brought him his pill and a glass of OJ.That's all he had all nite long. I ate the noddles instead.
This part is so funny... Let me tell you why...
As usual,we pray at nite. We hold hands one each other ( duh,kyk mo ke mana aja,takut dilepas ). .
Me : " Babe,let's pray."
Ronnie :" Ok."
Me : " Follow me,ok? "
Ronnie :" Ok."
I spoke in Indonesian.I said each word slowly,so Ronnie could pronounce it.
Me :" Tuhan Yesus.. terima kasih buat hari yg Kau beri."
Ronnie resaid it.
Me :" Kami mengucap syukur buat berkat hari ini."
Ronnie resaid it.
Me :" Biar kiranya Tuhan memberkati hari2 kami ."
Ronnie resaid it.
Me :" Pada malam ini,kami memohon campur tangan Tuhan.
Ronnie resaid it.
Me :" Tuhan jamah dan sembuhkan sakit penyakit."
Ronnie resaid it.
Me :"Dengan iman percaya,kami yakin,kami sembuh."
Ronnie resaid it.
Suddenly .........Ronnie opened his eyes .......
Ronnie," What does "KAMI" mean?"
I laughed!!!!!!!!!!! I opened my eyes and explained to him.
I said," means "WE".... Go on.........
We closed our eyes again....
Me :" Kuasa dan bilur2 penyembuhan Yesus bekerja."
Ronnie resaid it.
Me :" Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus,kami berdoa dan mengucap syukur.Amin"
Ronnie resaid it.
Goodness.... I thought Ronnie was curious why so many "KAMI " in the prayers.
I said to him," Baby... I guess we need to say prayers in Indonesian.You do sound veryyyyyy good.So perfect and fluent."
He said," Yeah.....Malam. bobo."
Thank God,today he's feeling better.He went to the bar this noon and he's abt to pick me up,going to Ihop.
kikikikik lucu jugaaaa abang bule berdoa dalam bhs indo
ReplyDeletePake acara buka mata pula tuh lagi di tengah jalan. ha ha ha. Asli mo ketawa ngakak tadi pagi,tapi gak tega. Hi hi hi
ReplyDeletepengen dengar dech gimana dia ngucapin doanya hehehe...
ReplyDeletekekekek.... Mei2 Tega, udah si Ronnie lagi sakit masih di kerjain lagi. tapi bagus juga begitu biar dia belajar bahasa ♥
ReplyDeleteSatu2 kata,da.Lucunya,kalo diajarin dadakan,ucapannya lancar. Malah 2 kata dia bisa ucapin sekaligus.Ha ha ha.Harusnya direkam ya. Hi hi hi
ReplyDeleteBini kecentilan ngerjain suami.Ha ha ha.Kalo denger dia ngomong Indo jadi kyk berhadapan sama anak kecil. ha ha ha
ReplyDeletelebih enak yah berdoa pake bahasa Indonesia hihihihi....
ReplyDeleteMei, anakku dari kecil sebelum tidur dan mau makan selalu berdoa pake bhs indonesia. Lancar juga tuh
ReplyDeleteSemoga lekas sembuh ya, Ronnie. Buat kamu, Mei, ati2 ingat perut, hehehe. (senyum2 sendiri bayangin Ronnie kayak anak kecil yg lagi dituntun ibunya). Pake nanya lagi, kayak anak kecil kan, hehhehe.
ReplyDeletehihihi lucu jg.terharu jg si rony mau berdoa.duh sptnya devi harus resaid doa mei nih.hehehe.met great weekend ya mei.JBU
ReplyDeleteLbh lancar kalo dadakan diajarin.Cpt nangkapnya.Ha ha ha.Bsk2 ditanya,udh gak tau lagi dia ngomongnya.Nah lo.... ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteNahhh keren tuh.....diajarin dari kecil.Good!!!!
ReplyDeleteUdh baikan.Tadi ke Ihop,cuma makan cantaloupe doank.Dinner barusan makan steak.Yg penting ada masuk dikit ke perutnya.Semalam asli sama sekali gak makan.Kacian.
ReplyDeleteLah,bicara perut,Ronnie barusan blg, udh naik BB.Soalnya dia ngerasa berat wkt Mei2 rebahan. ha ha ha. Gawat dahhhh
Kalian bhs Portugis sih ya.Tapi seru juga tuh.Have a blessed weekend,too,Devi.GBU!!!
ReplyDeleteduh.. pasti kocak deh tuh.. hehehe.. hdi pengen denger.. :D:D
ReplyDeleteLhoo Mei kok yg muntah2x Ronnie sich? Yg hamil kan elu? Hehehe...lucu juga kali yaa denger Ronnie doa bahasa Indo..kapan2x direkam Mei
ReplyDeletebagus ya , mau diajak sama sama ucapkan doa. GBU
ReplyDeleteAmien,too. ^___^
ReplyDeleteBsk2 deh,wi. :P
ReplyDeleteItu dia.Mei2 tanya wkt dia plg kerja,"Are you pregnant?" Dianya blg," Nooooo wayyyyyyyyyy " langsung naik ke kamar. ha ha ha. Susah mo ngerekamnya.Dia blg ada moment yg gak boleh2 direkam2,cukup berdua aja yg rekam di otak. ha ha ha.Adaaaaaaaa aja. Gmn nih,new mommy for Rachel ? Cute tuh Rachelnya.
ReplyDeleteTadinya malah ucapin doa makan. ha ha ha. Kalo kita pergi makan ke mana aja,doa gak boleh lupa.Udh komitmen berdua. GBU,cie.