Monday, March 12, 2007

Mar 11th : JJS ke Winton Wood

I didn't work on Fri n Sat nite.Just feeling nick sickness again.Sat noon,Ronnie spent time at home,spoiling me at the living room.

Sunday noon,I felt bored.I asked him go to somewhere.Mom encouraged Ronnie to take me somwhere.I said," Let's go to Winton Wood!!!! ". I've passed the wood a couple times,but never stopped and visited it. time,Mom just drove around.

Ronnie was agree.He asked me to wait for his movie over.Duh...lamanya...keburu ngantuk >_<

Finally,around 4.30pm we left.We stopped by at Kroger,bought some Tangerines!!! It's my craving for Ronnie. I bought a magazine and 2 fried chickens.

We paid the annual fee at the gate.Ronnie took me around.We stopped by the lake and had our chickens there. ^___^.

I had him pull a bone.He said,"That's not the wish bone,hun." Sutralah...keburu dpt yg kecilnya. ha ha ha. We pulled one each other.He said," You won!!!" ^___^

We spent around 1 hour there.The weather was a lil bit chilly and windy.

Ronnie bought some ice cream on the way home.So sweetttttttttttttt.....

Thank you,baby..We do need doing this next time.Capek kerja muluuuu...gak ada istirahatnya.

Our expenses :
Annual fee $ 5.00
Snack $10.00 ( fried chicken,magazine,tangerines,ice cream )

total $ 15.00

Nice trip... hemat biaya!!! ^____^


  1. Bagi woiiiiii..seger bener ahh

  2. wahh banyak banget bawah TB sosro nyaa...

  3. Ada 1 pack lagi di rmh,da.Tapi kata temen2,gak blh minum beginian ya? Mengandung caffein.

  4. bwahaha dimanapun kapanpun teh botol gak pernah ketinggalan ;p

  5. Hajar blehhhh. Beli dari KFC yah ?

  6. Mei, enak amat udah bisa pake baju tangan puntung. Kalungnya cakep tuh

  7. cuaca di sana udah panas ya.. wah ...bisa makan es enak...

  8. Beginilah bumil ya Mei, manja & makan mulu, good for you, take care Mei.
    Ronnie enga ikutanmakan ayam goreng Mei?

  9. Beli dari Kroger.2 biji kena 2 bucks lbh.

  10. Kedinginan. ha ha ha.Duduk di tepi danau,dingin cuacanya kmrn itu.Ronnie aja sampe gak mau lepasin jacket.Itu kalung beli di Target sama Novi kmrn. ^___^

  11. Udh mulai,Fer,walau masih windy.Lumayanlah.. Btw,apa kabar ?

  12. Pengen dimanja. ha ha ha.Ronnie ikutan makan.Dia sih cpt makannya.Gak kyk Mei2,dinikmati tiap saat. Ha ha ha.

  13. Duh, asyik banget ngelihatnya Mei7hearts;

  14. Jarang2 beginian,Mi.Sibuk kerja mulu Ronnienya.

  15. laper yah Mei, kayanya menikmatiiii banget

  16. Bah... .Ha ha ha ha.Ronnie seneng banget foto bagian belakang.Aneh jadi laki. :D

  17. kalo di traktirin lebih enak yah mei rasanya;-), cool sunglasses!!, mirip punyaku yang di rusakin Keira...(hiks!)

  18. Ronnie plg demen makan es krim.Dia tau aja kalo udh mulai ganti musim.Ha ha ha.Cuma utk yg 1 ini selera kami sama.Selebihnya...tolongggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
