Monday, March 5, 2007

Marie Antoinette ( 2006 )

Genre: Drama
I borrowed this dvd from library a week ago.Disappointed abt the story.Overall,the customes are so beautiful,but it's kinda a boring story.

Marie Antoinette was married to King Louis.Kyknya emang beneran King Louis itu gay. he he he. Marrying his wife for quite a long time,but they've never made love. Marie had an affair with Count Fersen. Ujung cerita,gantung.

Luckily I didn't watch this movie at the theater last year.Rugi!!!


  1. hmm ngga bagus nihk movienya.. kristen kurang cocok jadi maria antoinette seharusnya gwaneth paltrow lebih elegant .. guwe hanya suka liat istana versaille nya yang di jadiin tempat shooting film tsb.. jadi inget pas waktu city tour kesana.. bagus banget dwehk tuh istana - speechless beautiful indeed :)

  2. Bener kan ya ? Cantiknya cuma settingnya doank,plus baju2 si Kristen.Selebihnya boringgggggggggggg
