Dece convinced me to go to Troy on Sat evening.She had a car.Ronnie dropped me to Cinema.I had to call Atik and Marce to come along with us.
Again,we had another invitation dinner from Jessy @Troy. I didn't feel so good.I sat at the back seat.We picked Ria @Middletown n then met Kak Irma at a parking lot in front of Toys R Us.Then,Dece had me call Marce to come.
Finally she came.She was in Ria's car,meanwhile we followed them from behind.
We arrived around 6 - 6.30pm.Mami cooked some food.Marce brought me Sambal Ikan Teri.
We met new friends,Tante Mimin,Elly n Filix ( Elly's husband ). After having dinner,we listened to some songs.Kak Irma brought some Indonesian cds.Jessy tried to burn some.We got a copy of Chrisye's cd. ^___^.
Mami n Tante Mimin danced when Jessy played Lagu2 Nusantara. Goyang terussssssssssssssssssss. ^___^.
Marce had her bday last week of Feb.I forgot to call her.So,it's the moment I met her n gave her Angpau. :D
I was attempted to stay overnite at her house,but then again,changed my mind.
We left around 8.30pm.We dropped Atik at parking lot of Macy's and then she dropped me to the bar.
Wuih...what a nite!!
Thank you for the invitation,Jessy.God Bless You!!! We'll see you next time.
Wadowww cumiiiiii. Ini cumi asin atau cuma pedas ala padang?
ReplyDeletePerutnya sakit Mei ??? hihihi
ReplyDeleteCumi masak rada2 manis gitu.
ReplyDeleteMei2 gak makan bihunnya.Gak nafsu makan.Di sana kmrn makannya gak terlalu banyak.Sakit peyutttttttttt
ReplyDeleteGmn gak awet muda ya ? ^___^
ReplyDeleteHe eh...kekekkk
ReplyDeleteBagus dah...hehhe
ReplyDeleteEnak juga yah. Disini ada cumi beku doang, gak fresh dan gak semua supermarkt jual
asyikkkk Mei .... makanan bertumpah ruah gitu!!!! wadoh bikin iri aja dah.
ReplyDeleteSeru ngeliatnya.Kalo disuruh goyang sampe pagi juga tahan tuh kyknya. :D
ReplyDelete^_____^. Kekenyangan,gak bisa gerak.
ReplyDeleteDi sini banyak jual yg fresh,ada yg beku juga.
ReplyDeleteSeru,da.Btw, ke mana aja menghilang ?
ReplyDeleteMei, ini tomat pake apalagi, keliatan sedap ^& seger.
ReplyDeleteSambal dabu- dabu.Tomat pake paprika tuh kyknya.Kurang demen
ReplyDeletekumpul2 terus makan2 terus...
ReplyDeleteDiksh makan,siapa yg gak mau.Ha ha ha
ReplyDeletewadoh terinyaaaa...ces...ces
ReplyDeleteGak selera makannya kmrn,Rat. :(