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Flashback… OCT 26TH 2006…
Ronnie and I had
Our Birthday Dinner @Red Lobster .There,he mentioned something to me.He said that time,” Baby,I don’t give you any physical present yet.” Sampe ngeres wkt itu pikirannya. Kirain…ML… ha ha ha. He said,” I want you to take off your pills and be pregnant. I want a baby!!! “
He had calculated.If I took off the pill on Oct,at least it’d take 3 months to make me pregnant.Means…I’d be pregnant on Feb,and the baby will due on Oct… Means…THE BABY WILL DUE on OCT…Means…. THREE OF US WILL HAVE THE SAME BDAY on OCT!!! Ha ha ha ha.
I wasn’t sure.Since I’ve never counted my periods yet.But,Ronnie kept reminding me abt the dates. Ok,Boss… You win… I marked the calender every month. Indeed,I just started it on Dec. He he he.
DEC 2006
I didn’t feel good.I vomited a couple times,my body was sore,I felt so very exhausted.My breasts were sore. Ronnie said,” Are you pregnant ? “ I said,” No…” He said,” Ahh.. you’re pregnant!!! “ Hmm….. I wasn’ t excited. He had me check to a doctor. I said to Ronnie,” I am not ready yet.”
I decided go to Pregnancy Care. I had the symptoms like pregnant woman,but the doctor said it was negative ( as what she considered,it’s too early to know ).She recommended me to come Jan 2007. I was disappointed. I went home and cried. At nite,I said to Ronnie,” Baby,I am sorry.Now,I really want a baby.I shouldn’t have said that I am not ready.Maybe God is mad at me.” He said,” Oh.. honey..it’ll be ok.Maybe it’s not the time yet.We’ll try.”
JAN 2007
I worked as usual. I had my period on Jan 10th.So,I thought I wasn’t pregnant. I ignored the doctor’s suggestion to come back on Jan.
FEB 10TH 2007
Hey… it’s supposed to be my period date.I haven’t got it yet.Waiting another day…day by day… 3 days passed…. 4…5…. 6 days.. Ok… I must go to the doctor.
I was lucky,when I stopped by at the Pregnancy Care,the doctor said somebody cancelled the appointment.So,I could come at 2 pm. I went home and got ready.
I came right on time.The doctor asked me some questions.While we’re chatting,she put the test on the table. And while we’re chatting,she said,” Oh..it’s positive!!! “ I didn’t remember that I had the test. I stopped talking and looked at the pregnancy test. WAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I AM PREGNANT!!! THANK YOU LORDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The doctor said,” Congrats. You will be a Mom. Baby will due on OCT, 17th!!!!!! AWWWWW!!!!!!!! I SCREAMED!!!!!
I grabbed my cellphone,called Ronnie,” Hun, I AM PREGNANT!!!! YOU’RE GONNA BE A DADDY!! “
He laughed. He ‘s nervous, and said,” Agh… I am huh… Ha ha ha!!!! Great!!!!!! Great!!!!!!!!!”.
I said,” Guess what??” He said,” What ? “
I said,” Baby will due on OCT 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!! “
Suddenly he laughed.He said,” WOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like the plan!!!!! Squeeze your legs,hun…wait till Oct 26th !! “ Ha ha ha ha. Dodollllllllllllllll.
I said,” I gotta go. Talk to you later!!! Love ya!! “
The doctor laughed. I said goodbye . She recommended me to go to OB/GYN.
Ronnie went home and he smiled.He read the statement from the doctor and said,” Hmm…. It says you might not be pregnant,but you gotta go to a doctor.”
I said,” Hush…. I am pregnant.I am going to the doctor soon.”
He grabbed a small book, reading abt the baby. Mom smiled and said,” Wah..Ronnie’s into it,now.”
He said,” Hun,when the baby reaches 7 yo,you can give him to me.But,before that,you’ll take care of him. “ Ihhh…mau enaknya aja.
Again he said,” I want a baby boy!! Gonna name him after my name.” Duhh… kyk gak ada stock nama aja. :P
I called OB/GYN in Mt. Airy Hospital.The receptionist scheduled for March 7th.
28TH FEB 2007
Ronnie didn’t feel good.He stayed at home. He went to the bar for awhile. I called him,” baby..hurry up.My doctor appointment is today,at 3 pm.I want you to come along with me.” He said,” Ok.”
He went home. I got ready.When I was in the kitchen,I checked the calender. DUHH!!!! I WAS WRONG!!! It’s still Feb 28th!! I had to wait for another week. :P … Too excited. Ha ha ha.
I said to Ronnie,” Baby, sorry.I was wrong. It would be next week.” He laughed.
MARCH 7TH 2007
After working at the bar, I drove to the hospital.Gosh… I waited for the doctor for 1.30 hours!!! He just came back from another hospital,delivered a baby. I was so upset.The nurse kinda ignored me. They put in a room,left me alone for another 30 mnts. I had enough!! I opened the door and asked the nurse what I was supposed to do. Jengkel benar!!!
She said,” I am sorry.The doctor has some emergency calls.” Dodol!!!
Finally,he checked me and got the same date of due. The doctor said my pregnancy is 8 weeks ( 2 months ).I am scheduled to meet the doctor next month, April 4th.
I left the room,then I realized I haven’t got any books yet.I went back there and the nurse got some for me. Lots of magazines.
The doctor had me go to another department,has my blood taken. Ighhh…. Hurtsssssssssss so bad. A girl took 5 small bottles of my blood. I almost fainted. Ughhh…. I got dizzy,still my arm hurts.
Ronnie called me. I told him how mad I was waiting for the doctor.I had been at the hospital for 2.5 hours total!!!
He laughed and said,” gee… sounds bad.”
Agh… whatever… I am happy now.Ronnie had bought me an exercise DVD for pregnant lady. He he he.
When he sends me sms, he writes, “ Love ya, Mama. “ ha ha ha.
Last week,he had me do exercise from TV.Belly dance,Afro Brazilian,Abs,Reggae ect. Aghh.. I was exhausted.
Thank you Lord for trusting us to have a baby…. We are so thankful for this chance. We hope the baby would be healthy till it comes out to the world.
Pssssttt… I got some pregnant friends in this year ,too.Just like Cindy told me,” It’s A Pig Year.” Beranak pinak semua. Ha ha ha.
Even Dece is pregnant,too.My friends told us,”Did you promise one each other? “ ha ha ha. What a coinsidence!!!!