Sunday, May 28, 2006

Where Have We Been ?

Yuhuuuuuuu... I am back... We're back...

After sinking for 2 weeks,finally I have time to update my MP. I got a message from Donna Shelton ,Melly and others,wondering why I didn't update the MP for quiet a long time.

Lately,I didn't spend much time sitting in front of internet.Though I had spent,but I checked other things. Sorry for all my friends whom I've never visited their MPs.

I wish I could spend more time,chatting and do other things like I used to do.But,sometimes,it's hard. I work till 2.30am,go home around 3-4am. Wake up late in the morning,and then leave to work  ( many times I skip my b'fast and lunch).

Within couple weeks,we have some events.Thank God, business is doing better now.Praise The Lord who has been blessing us until today.

Last 2 weeks ago,we had

The Brinkmans' Farewell Party , May 24th

Fathom Band , Rap Shows ( 2 weeks ago), DJ,Another Rap Shows May 27th .  What a bunch events!!!! 

I myseld don't have much time to cook.But,still I love cooking.The biggest moment I had when I was honoured to cook for the Farewell Party. I cooked for 2 days ( Friday nite till 3am and Sat till evening ). I was glad everyone loved the food.

Last week,Ronnie bought a Bible.He said," This one is a giant print,baby.I can read it better."Hahahhahahahhaha. Oh well....usually I read at nite for our daily reading.Since he has a giant print one now,I'll have him read for us. He said like this before,"Let's leave the bible here,so people can read it." Hihihihihihii.



  1. mei mei how are ya.. and i miss ya too..!! so long we havent talk.your letter came back to me with ni such address.. and when i doubled check with your email i had written it wrong.the number of our house i it will be mail out again tues. since tomorrow is a mail. salah alamat non.. sorry banget....sumpah..!!

    take care and ttyl. god bless..

  2. wonder where have you guys been...welleh...

    welcomeback, dah...

  3. HUAHAHAHAHAHA.I have guessed so.Untung gak nyasar ke rmh Mrs.Jones.Hihihihihihi.It's ok,Tya.Glad you confirmed that to me.Kalo gak ubanan neh nunggu2.Hahahahhaha.God bless you,too.Next time we'll chat,ok?

  4. Yuhuuuu,Jen.I am ready with new stories n goofy stuff.Hahhahahaha.Sorry,msh blm sempat klepon2.

  5. Yoa...I am back......Bikin ngidamnya makin nambah liat foto2 makanan.Hahahhahaha.

  6. Mpokkkkkkkkkkk.Kita ada bae2.Sorry jo, itu kmrn kita mo telp2,gak jadi.Kata Oom ngana mo pelayanan di luar kah? Nanti Mei2 telp ya....

  7. Mei mei,...kapan chatting lagi... gue kangen nich... lama engga chatting....!! take care and talk to you soon...

  8. pinjem kabar lu??

  9. welcome back Mei, glad to hear from you again.
    masak apa 2 hari, poto dong, biar ileran

  10. Tya,I am online now.Just had my lunch.My hubby laughed when I told him abt your letter.

  11. Boleh...Datang ke bar ya,biar sekalian Bible Study.^____^.Kabar sibuk,Mpok.Tapi msh nyempet2in ol. Hahahhahaha

  12. Wiiiiiiiiiiiiii ke mana neh tenggelam beritanya ? Barusan masak Lo Mien tadi.Ini lagi mo posting. Ol donkk.Foto2nya udh diposting tuh.Kmrn ol sampe jam 3am.Balas dendam posting foto2,recipies dll.

  13. welcome back Mei. gw jg nggak update MP gw lama. hiks.. maklum banyak kerjaan. hope all is well iwth u Mei.

  14. Welcome back,too,Anna.^___^.Bisnis lancar donk??? *tuink..tuink...* GBU yaaaa
