I love corned beef.The Australian product is indeed the best.But,since I couldn't find them in JJ anymore ( I got once before ),so I bought the product from NZ.
My family love it,too.Everyone in my family in Indo.We cook 1/4 can and eat with all the family.Hahhahahahha.. Hemat2 neh ceritanya.
So, I keep the recipe from my family. It's really simple.
1/4 can of Corned Beef ( Aussie or NZ product )
5-10 red chilies
1 garlic
2 shallots
1 teaspoon oil
1.Slice the chilies and the shallots
2.Crush the garlic
3.Heat a lil oil in a frying pan
4.Fry the chilies,shallots and garlic all at once
5.Add the corned beef
6.Stir around till it's oily.
7.Ready to eat with rice
waduhhhh ibuuuuuuuu sekali OL trs ngebom ama makanan
ReplyDeleteJadi maluuuuuuuuuu.
ReplyDeletebetul itu bu! udah mana masaknya gampang lagi, tinggal tambahin cabe rawit yg udah diiris2 pake kecap manis dikit sm bawang merah, Jreng! jadi deh :) enak juga kalo bikin nasi goreng pake corned beef ... tuh kan makanan mulu kita yg diomongin hehehe
ReplyDeleteenakk..salah satu favorite keluarga gue juga neh!
ReplyDeleteWaaaah ini mantap sekaleeee
ReplyDeletegw juga demen corned waktu di jakarta...ringkas!
ReplyDeleteEndanggggg.Tapi blm pernah masak pake kecap tuh . Ntar dicoba deh.Nasi goreng emang enak dipakein Corned Beef.
ReplyDeleteYupeeeee.Dlm seminggu masaknya sampe 3x ^__^.
ReplyDeleteAyo,dicoba,Mil.Gampang n praktis.
ReplyDeleteSkrg,masih mau gak,Lin? Hehehheheheefont>
ReplyDeletekok sama sih jg paling doyan bikin spicy corned beef..kekeke
ReplyDeleteGampang sih ya.Btw,Deb,itu bibit cabe blm bisa dikrm.Si Mom kemaren beli pohonnya lhoooo.Tinggal dipindahin ke kebun nanti.Sabar yaa.........
ReplyDeletedijadiin nasi goreng enak kale yah ?
ReplyDeleteIya,tapi Mei2 blm pernah coba.Sukanya makan pake nasi putih doank.