My baby is sick again I was in the basement when Mom came home.Mom said Ronnie's at home already.I didn't see him.She said,"His car is here,Mei.He's sleeping."Bahhh??? I checked his car and I saw it. I went to the bedroom,he's not there. Aghhh I know!! He's laying down in Mom's bedroom.
He's sleeping.I came closer to him and kissed his's really warm!!!!! He said," Hi,baby.I don't feel good." Duh..he's sick :(
I laid down next to him and hugged him.Uihhhhhhh his hands are warm,too.I checked his temperature by putting my hand on his neck.Goshhhhhh!!!! He got fever!!!!!!!!
He's really exhausted and couldn't talk a lot.I left him alone and we had dinner without him.Later,he came to the kitchen,touching his belly.His face was really pale.He said,"Ohhhhh my tummy hurts." I offered him to eat something,he chosed the lettuce and a bottle of water.
I asked him not to work at bar. Mom gave me a ride to the bar.I was alone till Adam came.Adam will perform in our bar tonite.He has a RAP SHOW .He accompanied me and put the signs on the board.
Around 9pm,Dave called me.He sounded sick,too.He is sick.Aghh 2 brothers are sick Dave wanted to make sure that I was doing ok.I left my cellphone,so I couldn't call Ronnie.
Around 11pm,it's getting crowded.The regular customers came,cos last nite was Karaoke Nite. I was busy.I wanted to call Ronnie,but I thought I didn't want to disturb his sleeping.
I went home around 3am.In the kitchen,I saw 2 bottles of perscriptions,written as Ronnie's.HAAAA??? I was surprised.I saw a letter from doctor.Aihhhh my heart beats so fast. I didn't need to think twice,I knew he was taken to the hospital!!!
I went to the bedroom,he's sleeping.I walked quietly,but he woke up.He asked how I was doing.Duhhh ... I missed my baby so much I saw a tag on his hand.I checked his temperature again,duhhhh it's warmer than before!!! Burns like fire!!!
I asked him,"You went to a hospital?"He said,"Yes.I was attempted to call you,but I didn't that." I said,"Why?I got misscalled from Mom.I left my cellphone in the basement."He said,"Yes,Mom did call you." I replied,"Mom didn't tell me you were taken to the hospital.She just left the message asking me to call back to her cellphone." Ronnie replied,"Yes,I asked Mom not to tell you.Otherwise you'll be screaming and close the bar at that nite once you heard me in the hospital."hahahahhahahah.He still made jokes. I said,"'s near from the bar.I could've asked one of the guys to give me a ride." Hahhahahahha
I hugged him and he said,"Baby,you don't like it.It's warm." I said," I don't care.I just wanna be with my baby." I covered his body with blankie.He said," I am hot,I am cold." I said to him,"Baby,Let's pray.By our faiths,Ronnie's healed.Jesus will take away the sickness from your body.Every part is healed. Tomorrow Ronnie will be better.In the name of Jesus,we pray. Amien."
He slept well after all.In the morning,he woke up earlier.He wanted to have some juicy stuff.I gave him OJ.I called my parents and told some news.I've been so busy that I didn't call my parents for a week. I feel so bad. Mami and Papi sent regards to Ronnie.
I asked Ronnie,"Babe,what did the doctor said?" He said,"The point is,I work too hard and I am exhausted." I feel so bad,again.He sleeps only 3-4 hours daily but Sats.I asked him to stay at home and sleep earlier meanwhile I will be taking care of the bar.He said," I won't argue,hun. I am feeling much better rite now." Hooray!!! Prayers work!!!!
Now,he's in the bar with me.He don't go to work.He's sleeping while I am cleaning the bar.Tonite we'll have big event.Hopefully Ronnie would feel much much better.
Love ya to death,baby.Don't be sick.I need you...........I love you.....
duhhh bang Ronnie atit2 lagi... cepet sembuhhh.....
ReplyDeletekecapekan,Vy. :(
ReplyDeletedopping masakan Mei2 ditanggung cepet sembuh
ReplyDeletebahhhh tadi makan Indomie Soto Ayam, cuma dikit,udh keburu pergi ke bar.Ada org antar bir.
ReplyDeleteistirahat dulu supaya cepet sembuh
ReplyDeleteCepet sembuh untuk yayangnya...
ReplyDeletecepet sembuh yaaa buat roniiieeee, biar bisa jadi superman lagi hehehe
ReplyDeleteadugh moga cepet sembuh ...
ReplyDeletecept sembuh ya Ronnie
ReplyDeleteThnks,Cie.Skrg dia lagi rebahan.
ReplyDeleteThnks,na.Yayang sakit begini,hati jadi gak karuan.Mo kerja jadinya kepikiran mulu.
ReplyDeletehope he is feeling better now Eda Mei...
ReplyDeleteAdow...kita tadi ngobrol di telp,ketawa2,ternyata Ronnie udh pergi lhoooo.Baru gak berapa lama dia balik,duduk di sofa.Dia lagi tiduran skrg,Mir.Mei2 suruh tinggal di rmh malam ini,gak boleh kerja.Gak bisa argue lagi dia.Supermannya jadi Suparman dulu kali ini.
ReplyDeleteSanti,thank youuuuuu
ReplyDeleteOlin tra la la....^___^ Thanks.Mudah2an cpt sembuh.Udh gak terlalu panas lagi badannya
ReplyDeleteMauliate godang,da.Pokoke,malam ini gak boleh kerja.Harus istirahat total...tal...tal...
ReplyDeleteduh...kacian...cepet sembuh nanti kalo udah sembuh, jangan kerja keras2 ya....masak boboknya cuman 3-4 jam doang..?? boleh kerja, tapi makan dan bobok yg cukup ya...give him vitamin, mei...!
ReplyDeleteuntung dah sehatan..ntar kerja jgn diforsir lagi say..elu jg jgn ampe sakit ya say..ati2 jaga badan :)
ReplyDeletesenengnya ronnie...
ReplyDeletepunya mei yang sangat perhatian...
aw kasian ronnie, kasian mei-mei juga ... get well soon ya ronnie
ReplyDeletecepet sembuh ya ronnie biar mei2nya nggak cemas ^^
ReplyDeleteCepet sembuh Ronnie... Mei2 jangan sampe sakit bisa berabe tuh...! ^_^
ReplyDeleteCempat sembuh..Ronnie..., kasihan kan Mei @ penuh dengan kecemasan....Here I am to give you Kissessss and hugs Mei..):
ReplyDeleteSemoga Ronnie cepat sembuh ya Mei
ReplyDeleteGet well soon Ronnie...
ReplyDeleteRonnie hari ini gak kerja lagi,Pris.Istirahat dulu deh barang 1 hari lagi.Puji Tuhan,kesehatannya udh membaik.
ReplyDeleteIya,Deb.Ntar kalo dia udh baikan,Mei2 gak ksh dia kerja lagi sampe subuh.Tapi semalam sih kita ada big event,jadi plgnya jam 3am.Hari ini dia gak kerja,jadi bisa istirahat lbh lagi.
ReplyDeleteSuami sakit,bini jadi khawatir sekali ^__^ . Thank God,udh banyak mendingan skrg.
ReplyDeletedohhhhh musim orang sakit...get well soon Ronnie...
ReplyDeleteMudah2an Mei2 gak sakit,euy.Susah ntar.^__^ Ronnie udh mendingan.Skrg lagi ke bank,tukar uang.
ReplyDeleteThnks,Jen.I am a happy camper now. ^___^
ReplyDeleteSo baikan,say.Kita badannya badan badak.Hahhahahaha.Btw,Oom Mei2 di NJ skrg,Clod.
ReplyDeleteWuihhhhhhh kisses n hugsnya dahsyat bowwww.Thnks,Yan !! ^___^
ReplyDeleteThnks,Deb.Apa kabar ngana ?
ReplyDeleteUdh,Cie.Udh sembuh mana aja lu? Udh sembuh nih yayang Mei2 ^___^. Ini ,barusan plg dari bank.
ReplyDelete:( hope he gets better
ReplyDeleteMei2 - I hate to hear Ron went to the hospital. I always feel so bad for him because I know he hasn't slept but he's still at work. I don't know how he does it. Semoga cepat sembuh Ron! (I hope that's right :))
ReplyDeleteThnks,Vilette.He's doing much better now.
ReplyDeleteDonna,yes,he sleeps very lil every nite.I do feel bad when sees him work hard like this.Now he's in bed.We just came back home.Tomorrow he will go back to work,hopefully.Ronnie sudah sembuh,Donna ^__^
ReplyDeleteMei..gimana Ronnie udah sembuh kan?...hope He's feeling much-much better now..sorry udah lama ga mampir how are you dear?
ReplyDeleteRatihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I miss youuuuuuuuuuu.Adowww yg lagi sibuk ngurus Keira.Iya,Ronnie's doing OK rite now.Keira udh gede ya???Aduh,gemes deh ahhhh. I am doing ok,too,Rat.Cuma ya msh capek saja.^___^