Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Kidnapped By Marce for 2 nites ^___^

Still continued from the previous album…..
Desy persuaded Marce to send me home.Marce said,”Mei,I tell you what.You will make me send you home tonite,but wait till I have guts.”hahahhahahah

Desy kept persuading her and me,too.Finally she said,”Ok,Meice.Let’s gooooo”. Yipeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!

Around 7pm,we drove back to Cincinnati.Desy was leading in the front.Marce took a different exit that we splited with Desy.She called me and I said,”Marce usually takes this way,Des.” She said,”Oh, ok then. I just wanna make sure where you go.But anyway,take care then.”

We went to the bar.Ronnie and Dave were there.I gave Ronnie a piece of birthday cake.Marce and I were spending time in the back bar.

Marce said she was hungry.So,I heated some popcorn and then offered her to have dinner at home.We drove home and Ronnie was there ( he’s taking a shower before ).I still had Rendang n Sambal Goreng Ati. I teased Marce and said,”Don’t eat them allllllll.” Hahhahahhaha

Ronnie went back to the bar,meanwhile we’re still having dinner.Around 12pm,we drove back to the bar.I didn’t want to let Marce go home by herself in the middle of the nite.I offered her to take me home with her. Cie……..akhirnya jadi slumber Party dehhhh : P

Marce said to Ronnie,”Ronnie,can I kidnap Mei2 for one nite,pls?” Hahhahahhaha.Ronnie said,”Yes,take her with you,Have fun.” Hahhahahahha .Idihhhhhhhhhhhh
So,we drove back to Kettering.On the way,we’re talking.Suddenly I felt so very tired. I said to Marce,”Mar,be quite.I am so sleepy. I wanna sleep now.” But,she kept talking and I said,”Shut up,Marce.I am sleeping.”She teased me,”How can you talk while you’re sleeping?”Hahhahahahhaha

Later,she woke up me.She said,”Mei-Mei,we arrive.Goodness,you snore!!!!!!” Hahahahhaha.Blm tau diaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Carl aka Karce opened the door for us.I walked to a bedroom they provided to me.Marce asked me,”What time should I wake you tomorrow,Mei?” I said,” Don’t wake me up.I’ll wake when I wanna.” Hihihihihi.

Day 2 :
Around 10 am,I woke up.I overheard Marce was laughing on the phone,talking abt my name.She kept laughing and said,” I kidnapped Mei2 last nite.I will ask her to help me cooking for tomorrow.You wanna come to have lunch with us here?with Mei – Mei? “ Aihhhhhhhhhhhhh si Marceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

She called a couple friends.I went out from the bedroom and looked at her laughing again.She said,” This is Irma,Mei.”She kept talking and said,”Mei – Mei just woke up.She’s laying down on the couch now.”
Marce asked me to get ready.We went to Kroger.She bought some stuff for Mbak Maya’s birthday on Sunday. On the way back home, heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Garage sale!!!!! Yippeee… We stopped there. I bought 2 CDs,Christian songs and a musical round ball.
Jessy called Marce.She invited us to have lunch there instead.Well, we went there around 4pm.There, I met her Mom.She cooked us Chinese noddles.It tasted sooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it.Never had that before.

Jessy was talking abt dinner and dessert.She said,”Mei – Mei,can you make Onde2 ?” Wahhhh what a coinsidence!!! I brought my stuff to make Bubur Candil.But,since Jessy wanted to have Onde2,it’s fine by me.
Since Jessy didn’t have much stuff,she took us back to Kettering to Asian Store, Far East Centre and to Value City. I bought 2 clothes ( ngutang sama Marce tadinya ) ^___^
We went back to Troy ( where Jessy lives) and started cooking.I made Onde2.Marce helped me boil them. After that, I cooked Cap Chai minus green veggies.But,still tasted good.

We went home around 10pm.Karce was at home.We’re really tired.It’s almost midnite,and I gotta go home.Marce said,”Mei,wait.Let me cook rending with low flame,so we can send you home.”I helped her cut potatoes.Karce helped,too.Ihhhhhhhhh.. selingkuhan…Hahhahahhaha

We teased Karce and he was so nervous.He felt the potatoes a couple times.
I said to Marce,”Mar…what kind of wife are you?You let your hubby peel the potatoes meanwhile you’re sitting there.You are fired as a wife.”She laughed out loudly.
Again,another joke from her,”Ehh…aren’t you the other woman?”Hahhahahahha.
I replied,”Eits…. So, we’re sharing hubby then,huh?” Hahahhahahhaha

When I was done, I laid down.I thought I could wait for Marce to cook.But,alas…. I felt asleep in the couch. Karce woke me up and said,”you’re sleeping?” Goodness!!!

Marce asked me to call Ronnie.She asked whether I could be sent home the next morning,cos it’s almost 1am.They’re really tired.Ok then. I called my baby,and he said,”Aghh..sound another nite staying there,huh? Ok,babe.It’s fine.You can go home tomorrow morning.But,seems I would be going to church by myself.” Ihhhhhhhhhh….

So, Karce sent me home on Sunday morning.


  1. klepon..mau dong..(memelas neh gw...)

  2. mau dong di kiddnapp..ama elo ihiksss....

  3. ini abis mandi apa abis bangun? kikiki

  4. Khas Chinese,da.Pake mie kering yg tipis2,digoreng,trus disiram kuah di atasnya.Enak bangettttttttt

  5. Baru kali ini lho liat manggis di sini.Hahahhahahha

  6. 15 mnt jadi tuh,da.Buat deh.Hahahahha *kaburrrrrr*

  7. aduh manggisnya... mau... mau...mau...

  8. Gak beli kmrn,cuma foto doank.Nyesel deh skrg gak dibeli :(

  9. aku manggilnya ta mie mei. aku demen deh masak ini heeheh, terasa ada smoky flavournya hihihihi.

  10. Wah,si Lielie tau!!!Enak ya,Lie??? Jadi pengen lagi ^__^

  11. aduuuuuuuu mei............. ini baru namanya eunaaaak...............aku suka jamur hitamnya....

  12. iya mei, tau. dirumahku dulu sering buat. kesukaanna papaku hehehehe. kalo ada acara apa aja deh, dari ultah, sincia slalu masak ini. aku juga bolak balik masak mie ini. yummyyyy deh nyam nyam, asik khan keriuk2 terus dikasih kuah sayuran gitu. ahhh jadi ngiler sekarangggg hihi

  13. wah kleponnnnnnn asiknyaaaa, gulanya meler2 yaaaa...

  14. Ntar kalo kita ketemuan lagi,masak ya,Lie.^___^ Ditodong si Lielie kalo main ke Cincinnati lagi

  15. Rugi kan gak ikutan? Hehehhehehe. Thnks for the phn call, Mir.Ntar kita lanjut lagi. Hehehehehehehe

  16. huahahaha....gak tahan gw liat ekspresi lo mei.... :DDDDDDD cute abis....!!!!

  17. duh...segernya...baru keramas juga, mei..??? cakep boh....

  18. babynya aja segede ini...gimana bapaknya...???? :DDDDDDDDD *kabuuurrrrrrrrrr*

  19. iya nih...baru sekali ini gw tahu amrik ada manggis juga...*heran.com*
    mahal gak mei ??

  20. Mei yg di wajan gede paan tuh? hehhe .. mo tau aja

  21. Mei, I envy you for having fun there. I hope Ronnie gets well soon. Got my final done. What a relief.

  22. Mei, I envy you for having fun there. I hope Ronnie gets well soon. Got my final done. What a relief.

  23. Muka baru bangun tidur,cuci wajah n gosok gigi.Gitu dehh hasilnya

  24. Iya,baru keramas.Kedinginan wkt itu,makanya pake kaos kaki.

  25. Baru liat juga di sini.Kurang tau harganya brp.Mau sihhhh.Nyesel kmrn gak beli.

  26. Buru2 mo plg ke rmh,kangen sama yayang. ^___^.

  27. Ayoooo besok2 ikutan ya,Ser. Biar makin rame.^___^. Thank God,Ronnie udh baikan.Back to work!!!!!!!


  28. Tenangggggggggg .Ntar bibitnya dikrm ke sana.Elu tanam sendiri ya.^___^.

  29. tega lo tu ya ama gw...awas lo * melotot.... *

  30. Heheheheheh. Sungguh teganya...teganya... *lagu abang Meggy Z * *kaburrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*.

  31. tidur apa bikin kue mei ? huehuehehuehue

  32. ya... moncrot tuh gula merahnya.....

  33. Bikin kue donk,Nek.Cooknya jauh2 datang dari Cincinnati cuma mo buat Klepon.Hahhahahhaa

  34. Kmrn tuh,di bar.Pas lagi enak2 makan,kok muncrat.Gak sadar muncratnya sampe ke meja seberang.Hahhaahha.Sampe kakak ipar bingung,katanya,"perasaan meja tadi udh dibersihin deh.Ini apaan coklat2 ? " Hahahahhahahhahaa.

  35. meice gua sama karce dibayar berapa buat publitasi di website,,,hihihi,,,hey mei selingkuhan kangen tuch,,,

  36. ihhhhhhhh Marceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Beneran ternyata ya,elu ikutan MP? Hahahahhaha.Kirain main2.Elu mah pagi2 udh telp,mana mata msh 5 watt lagi,ditelp. Behhh..selingkuhan kangen,salah sendiri dunk,haiiii..Hahahha.Ntar sore jadi datang ,gak?Mirna masak Rendang n Tom Yam tuhh.

  37. wah dulu langganan gue ni Mei2...dulu mah kecil dan bau...pas gue pindah mereka lagi pindahan juga ke sebelahnya.... mahal?? iya sih...tapi bauuuuu...sekarang udah ga lagi kali yeee.....

  38. asik main mulu niy Mei2...dulu gue juga suka ngendon dirumah Jessy...adem dan maminya suka masak....;-)

  39. Oh ya ??? Kmrn Mei2 ke sana lagi sama Marce,belanja.Aduh beneran deh,mahal amir.Baunya sih iya... Heheheheh.Jauh lbh bersih CAM.

  40. Mamanya tuh yg kmrn masak I Fu Mie.Makanya Mei2 ketagihan,masak di sini.^____^.
